Suggested Quizzes

Biggest Countries by Population0-4.991,165,218
Biggest Countries by Area0-4.99827,099
Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy0-4.84163,627
Countries with the Highest Obesity Rate0-4.37147,745
Countries with the Highest Maximum Elevation0-4.95151,561
Northernmost Countries Quiz0-4.98293,747
Southernmost Countries of the World0-4.99181,865
Countries with the Most Borders0-4.96317,387
Countries with the Longest Coastlines0-4.85352,319
Regions of Countries #10-4.96137,306
Beers by Country Quiz0-4.2269,552
Airlines by Country0-4.47110,634
Countries with the Most Billionaires0-4.93255,085
Islands by Country #10-4.86149,201
Foods by Country of Origin #10-4.37281,644
Smallest Countries by Population and Area0-4.99306,161
Musical Acts by Country #10-4.4258,628
Mountains by Country0-4.7869,570
Last Names by Country of Origin0-4.46119,681
Countries that Start with A0-4.961,626,007
Countries that Start with B0-4.941,763,492
Countries that Start with C0-4.951,397,390
Countries that Start with D0-4.96462,233
Countries that Start with E0-4.931,030,444
Countries that Start with G0-4.951,127,724
Countries that Start with H0-4.92389,439
Countries that Start with I0-4.90974,752
Countries that Start with J0-4.96392,718
Countries that Start with K0-4.95570,421
Countries that Start with L0-4.98811,630
Countries that Start with N0-4.90832,910
Countries that Start with P0-4.94920,473
Countries that Start with R0-4.41298,916
Countries that Start with S0-4.971,353,723
Countries that Start with T0-4.89757,355
Countries that Start with U0-4.97683,324
Countries that Start with V0-4.97455,222
Countries that Start with F0-4.74422,750
Countries that Start with M0-4.951,058,319
Countries with the Biggest Economies by GDP0-4.71237,642
Top Crude Oil Producing Countries0-4.84144,950
Countries that Produce the Most Wine 0-4.88164,736
Countries with Four Letters0-4.99320,648
Countries with the Most Exports0-4.96111,777
Countries with the Highest Population Density0-4.88131,198
Landforms by Country Quiz0-4.5248,457
Beer Brewery Locations Quiz0-3.516,765
Countries with the Lowest Population Density0-4.97126,419
Countries with the Most Winter Olympics Medals0-4.51144,766
Political Movements by Country0-4.4961,857
Largest Economies in 20500-4.9088,369
Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP0-4.94206,199
Most Populous Countries in 20500-4.92173,125
Countries by Oil Consumption0-4.95103,770
Drinks by Country0-4.2753,175
Regions of Countries #20-4.94103,498
Regions of Countries #30-4.8976,282
Word Scramble - Countries0-4.761,677,009
Most Populous Countries in 19000-4.86146,831
Countries by Airline Passengers0-4.9341,288
Countries by Inland Surface Water0-4.9383,795
Islands by Country #20-4.6762,909
Most Populous Countries in 19500-4.6463,252
UNESCO World Heritage Sites to Country0-4.9885,121
Top Olive Oil Producing Countries0-4.9169,443
Top 20 Motor Vehicle Producing Countries0-4.8682,141
Countries that Catch the Most Fish0-4.8590,079
Most Expensive Countries0-4.05104,647
One-Syllable Countries Quiz0-4.35100,676
Countries of the World - One Minute Sprint0-4.24753,866
Countries with the Shortest Total Borders0-4.9272,768
Countries with the Most McDonald's Locations0-4.7370,036
Countries With the Most Languages0-4.90150,068
Five Biggest Immigrant Groups by Country #10-4.96122,556
Countries with the Most Muslims0-4.92118,845
Countries with the Highest Population Under Age 150-4.9381,303
Countries with the Highest Population 65 and Older0-4.8265,292
Five Biggest Immigrant Groups by Country #20-4.8752,384
Top Five Countries By Category #10-4.99341,912
Top Five Countries By Category #20-4.89136,411
Top Five Countries By Category #30-4.86124,137
Countries with the Most Prisoners0-4.8871,545
Countries that Produce the Most Beer0-4.77102,792
Solve the Secret Country0-4.96104,820
Solve the Secret Country #20-4.8867,661
Countries with the Most Domestic Camels0-4.8934,288
Countries with the Longest Perimeter0-4.8364,950
Largest Countries by Area or Population0-5.00143,439
Tallest Countries North to South0-4.7993,211
Widest Countries East to West0-4.90109,214
Countries with the Most Billionaires per Capita0-4.7965,282
Countries with the Most Nobel Prizes0-4.8775,862
Countries by Net Migration0-4.5757,910
Countries with the Highest Average Elevation0-4.9755,746
Countries with the Most Murders0-4.51101,467
Countries with the Most Millionaires0-4.8174,097
Countries that Eat the Most Meat0-4.1539,260
Country Chain0-4.92156,437
Countries by Initial Letter and Continent #20-4.7163,568
Countries of Europe - One Minute Sprint0-4.83995,349
Countries with the Least Precipitation0-4.8662,106
Countries with the Most Precipitation0-4.7445,124
Poorest Countries with Exceptions0-4.5289,631
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds with an Empty Map0-4.94191,220
Anagram Chain - Countries0-4.9883,985
World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #10-4.9687,154
World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #20-4.4953,305
Countries with the Most Area in the Southern Hemisphere0-4.9980,473
Largest Countries as a Percent of Continent0-4.97105,871
Most Populous Countries as a Percent of Their Continent0-4.9475,537
One Country By Letter By Continent0-4.9935,670
Most Populous Countries by Year0-4.7778,844
Coldest Countries0-4.9799,843
Countries with the Highest Murder Rate0-4.4353,580
Top 15 Countries with the Most Starbucks0-4.5361,489
Countries With One Word And Two O's0-4.8223,828
Top 10 Hottest Asian Countries0-4.8226,782
Most Populous Countries with Exceptions0-4.9785,445
Countries with the Highest Elevation with Exceptions0-4.5645,528
Five Most Populated Countries on a Multicolored World Map0-4.9652,721
Countries With the Most Islands of at Least 10 Km²0-4.85124,846
Countries With Highest GDP as a Percent of Continent0-4.9664,263
Countries with the Most Desert0-4.9295,335
Countries with the Highest GDP per Square Kilometer0-4.9153,914
Countries by Contribution to UN Budget0-4.8861,400
Biggest Countries with No McDonald's0-4.8153,824
Countries by Wealth per Capita0-4.5452,775
Countries by Change in Carbon Dioxide Emissions0-4.8644,217
Countries with Most Tourists with Exceptions0-4.9474,278
Countries by Milk Production0-4.4917,890
Countries that Beat the United States0-4.84103,948
Top 10 Countries in Beer Production per Capita0-4.6651,126
Countries with the Most Total Precipitation0-4.7348,319
Flags of the Countries that Start with A0-4.9390,157
Countries with the Most People in Extreme Poverty0-4.4771,087
Countries as U.S. First Names0-4.2449,087
Flags of the Countries that Start with C0-4.9499,275
American Countries with the Shortest Names0-4.9681,383
Asian Countries with the Shortest Names0-4.9791,611
Flags of the Countries that Start with I0-4.95116,295
Countries with Four Letters - Shape Quiz0-4.9669,304
Countries that Start with C - Shape Quiz0-4.7161,504
Countries that Start with I - Shape Quiz0-4.9184,886
Strongest Nation Brands0-4.4229,213
Countries that Start with N - Shape Quiz0-4.9261,839
Countries that Start with P - Shape Quiz0-4.8261,361
Countries by Emojis0-4.99157,957
Countries in Random Squares of the World Map0-4.99247,202
Countries That Produce the Most Spices0-4.4235,439
Small Countries with Large Economies0-4.7854,261
Random Flag to Country0-4.99386,890
Random European Flag to Country0-4.78122,854
Random Country Shape to Country0-4.5654,440
Random African Flag to Country0-4.9349,457
Random Asian Flag to Country0-4.7378,770
Countries with the Lowest Murder Rate0-4.5045,416
Name a Valid Country #10-4.99171,877
Random European Capital to Country0-4.97128,284
Random European Country to Capital0-4.90103,666
Random Countries by Borders0-4.9958,466
Random Asian Capital to Country0-4.9762,937
Random Asian Country to Capital0-4.9264,372
Countries that Beat China0-4.6773,758
Countries that Beat Russia0-4.4545,323
Countries that Beat Australia0-4.7861,901
Countries that Beat France0-4.4154,441
Worst Plastic Polluting Countries0-4.4953,324
Name a Valid Country #60-4.9467,902
Name a Valid Country #20-4.97150,462
Random Countries with Letters Missing0-4.4459,094
Name a Valid Country #30-4.98161,602
Countries with the Most Skyscrapers per Capita0-4.5648,004
Random Countries on the World Map0-5.001,091,506
Category Elimination - Countries #10-4.99239,450
Name a Valid Country #50-4.98120,326
Category Elimination - Countries #20-4.98173,987
Name a Valid European Country #10-4.98158,608
Category Elimination - Countries #30-4.98166,759
Category Elimination - Countries #40-4.99142,323
Random Sequential European Countries on a Map0-4.99176,547
Random European Countries on a Map0-4.98212,191
Random Asian Countries on a Map0-4.95124,649
Random African Countries on a Map0-4.98198,655
Random American Countries on a Map0-4.9771,982
Name a Valid Country #40-4.95148,880
World Map Without 20 Random Countries0-4.975,481,247
Name a Valid Country Bordering Each Sea0-4.8666,113
Countries in Squares of the World Map0-5.00122,334
Countries in Squares of an Empty World Map0-4.9991,623
Random Name a Valid Country0-4.99108,832
Empty World Map without 20 Random Countries0-4.9067,814
Random African Country to Capital0-4.9142,333
World Map with 10 Random Extra Borders0-4.97259,706
Random Sequential African Countries on a Map0-5.0099,098
Random Sequential Asian Countries on a Map0-4.9992,091
Random Sequential Countries on the World Map0-5.00379,677
Name a Valid Asian Country0-4.9680,460
Name a Valid African Country0-4.9993,798
Category Elimination - Countries #50-4.67107,489
Random African Capital to Country0-4.9665,776