Japan Map Quizzes

A quiz series by Akula
Map quizzes for the regions and cities of Japan
Quiz# TakenPointsBest
Префектуры Японии с картой436--
префектуры Японии, не имеющие выхода к морю22--
23 arrondissements spéciaux de Tokyo124--
23 Special Administrative Wards of Tokyo, Japan (Highlighted Ward Version)296--
23 Special Administrative wards of Tokyo, Japan (With a Map)3,193--
23 Special Administrative wards of Tokyo, Japan with a Map (Sprint Version)257--
23 Специальныx района Токио40--
Die 23 Bezirke Tokios46--
Ehime Prefecture Japan, Map Quiz113--
Japanese Prefectures - 1 Minute Sprint2,714--
Japanese Prefectures Not on Honshu (with a map)136--
Kagawa Prefecture Japan Map Quiz96--
Kochi Prefecture Japan Map Quiz156--
Landlocked Prefectures of Japan299--
Präfekturen Japans3,6920-
Préfectures enclavées du Japon52--
Préfectures Japonaises10,1990-
Prefectures of Honshu, Japan (with a map)112--
Prefectures of Japan in Alphabetical Order (with a map)234--
Prefectures of Japan Map Quiz (Highlighted Version)3,774--
Prefectures of Kansai and Chugoku Regions, Japan (with a map)275--
Prefectures of Kyushu Japan (Highlighted Version)119--
Prefectures of Kyushu, Japan (with a map)511--
Prefectures of Shikoku Japan (Highlighted Version)264--
Prefectures of Shikoku, Japan (with a map)341--
Prefectures of Tohoku, Japan (With a Map)404--
Tokushima Prefecture, Japan - Map Quiz83--
Wards of Sakai City Japan - Map Quiz19--
Wards of Sendai Quiz - With a map39--
Yamanote Line Stations, Tokyo, Japan2,460--