Language Quizzes - Page 6

Take a Random Language Quiz
384Translate Japanese to English #1
384Names of European countries in their official languages
381Japanese Versions of English Words
381How Much Do You Know About Arabic?
380Portuguese Days of the Week Vocabulary
380International Cities by English Translations
379Click to Translate - Bengali
379Japanese: City Names in Katakana
377Top Afroasiatic Languages
376Spanish Place Names in California
376Spanish Translations of Song Titles #7
375Early Cyrillic Alphabet
375Korean Loanwords Quiz
374Finnish finger names
372Germanic Languages
371Languages of Sweden
369Native languages of the Philippines
369Regular French Verb Conjugation
369German Names in English
368British to American & American to British words
365Click to Translate - Latvian
363First and Last 25 Countries Alphabetically in Swedish
362Top Official Languages by Total Area Covered
361Click to Translate - Lithuanian
363Katakana Alphabet
360French - Difficult GCSE words Pt2
360Most spoken non-European languages
356Click to Translate - Scottish Gaelic
356Countries that Speak Portuguese
354Languages: Countries from Greek to English
353Languages of Iran
351Portuguese Body Part Vocabulary
351Second Most Common Language by European Country
351Biggest Turkic-Speaking Cities Quiz
351Top 10 Countries with the Most Multilingual Speakers
350Most Spoken Languages that use the Latin Alphabet
350European Countries From Turkish to English
349Letters of the Greek Alphabet
347French Names in English
347Test your Latin - Click the Animal
344Top 9 US States with the Most Arabic Speakers
34410 Asian Countries with the Most English Speakers
344Random German to English - Countries
341Turkish Vocab
340Click to Translate - Vietnamese
338Serbian words 2
338Top 10 Main Languages of Australia
338African Countries in Spanish
336Letters of the Lithuanian alphabet
335French Speaking Countries
334Spanish Place Names Translated to English
334Italian Speaking Countries
334Numbers in Japanese (Kanji)
333Five Countries with the Most Speakers by Language
334Countries that Speak Arabic
333Languages Most Similar to Russian
333Spanish Translations of Song Titles #9
331Conjuguer les verbes en -ger
330Latin Quote Decoder #1
329Asian countries in Spanish
328Spanish Translations of Song Titles -- Kpop
328American Countries that Don't Speak Spanish
328Katakana to Romaji
328Random Czech Words #3
328Most Spoken African Languages in the World
327Countries Where Portuguese is the Official Language
326Languages of Norway
326Colours in Different Languages
325French Months
325Spanish Translations of Song Titles #8
324Top Bantu Languages
323French: Common, Irregular Present-tense Verbs (1 of 2)
323Biggest Slavic-Speaking Cities Quiz
323"Stan" Countries in Turkish
320Korean Vocab Quiz: Places
316Spanish Translations of TV Shows #2
315English Words of French Origin
312Letters of the Latvian alphabet
311Balkan-Romance languages with a Map
311French irregular verbs #2
309Top 20 Most Spoken Languages in London
309Latin Quotes Quiz
309Languages with the Most Words in the Dictionary
308Most Spoken Languages of India
308Names From Greek To English
308Top 20 Languages Spoken in the World
307French Geography Words to English
307Countries that Speak Greek
305Italian "are" Verbs
303European countries in Estonian
303Languages Most Similar to Latin
303Arab Nations in Arabic
302Countries Where Italian is the Official Language
302Countries with the most Hindi speakers
298Languages - 10 biggest slavic languages
298Korean Vocabulary: Food
296Spanish Translations of Band Names #3
296Animals by Latin Names
296Countries from Serbian to English - Cyrillic Script #2
296Click to Translate - Azerbaijani
294Vegetables from German to English
294Spanish Translations of Restaurant Names
294Random German words
292Random French Words
29220 Most common Dutch words
291Languages: Countries from Turkish to English
290Latin Derivatives
288Spanish Versions of the Spongebob Characters
288German Words For Friends
288Los Verbos Reflexivos
288Language quiz
286Click to Translate - Amharic
286Click to Translate - Gujarati
285New Zealand National Anthem (Maori + English)
285Farsi Alphabet
28550 Most common Dutch words
284Random Persian Words
282Direct Translations from Swedish - Animals
282Portuguese Zoo Animal Vocabulary
281Official Languages of Bolivia
281Top 20 Most Famous German Words
281English Geography (for Italians)
279Biggest Persian-Speaking Cities Quiz
279Country Names in Arabic
278Most spoken languages in India
277Hindi Vocab - Words about the Home
275New Zealand Maori Place Names
275Most Populated Continents and Languages
274Top Languages Spoken in France
274Biggest Hindi-Speaking Cities Quiz
273Countries of the World in Serbian *1
272States of USA from Japanese to English
272Thai Alphabet
271Click to Translate - Armenian
271Most Guessed Capitals on JetPunk (English, Spanish, French)
270French speaking countries
270Languages Most Similar to Japanese
268Country names in Japanese
267Common French Verbs
267Portuguese Fruit Vocabulary
266Click to Translate - Breton
266Languages : Capitals from Icelandic to English
266Top 20 German speaking cities in world
264Travel Vocabulary : Italian
263Countries with More English Speakers than England
263Click to Translate - Maori
262Countries that speak Russian, German, or Persian
261Spanish Translations of TV shows #3
260JetPunk Languages
259Top 10 Non-English Languages Spoken in Arizona
259Portuguese (Brazilian)
257Top 10 Non-English Languages Spoken in Massachusetts
257Modern Germanic Languages
256Countries where Arabic is an Official Language
256French Versus English Names
254Letters of the Danish/Norwegian alphabet
253Italian to English
252Click to Translate - Telugu
252Animals in Germanic Languages
251Click to Translate - Kazakh
250Native Language Europe Map Quiz
250United States Cities with French Names
249Contemporary Varieties of the Arabic Language
248English Words of Dutch Origin
247Italian irregular verbs #1
247French - Difficult GCSE words Pt1
246Spanish Names in English
246Amharic Alphabet
246Most Bilingual Cities in Canada
246Languages of Afghanistan
245Language Families - Tile Select #2
245Literal English Translations of German Words for Animals
244Click to Translate - Sanskrit
242Native Languages of Italy
241The Maori Alphabet
239Main Languages of Finland
239Languages Most Similar to Dutch
238Matchup - Countries in English and French
238French regular verbs: -er group
237Languages on Wikipedia with Most Articles
236Letters of the Estonian alphabet
236Periodensystem der Elemente - alphabetisch
235Countries that Speak Italian
235European Countries Belonging to the Germanic Language Family
235Languages Most Similar to Finnish
234Country names in German
23320 Most Famous Countries in Japanese
233Most Common Foreign Languages in the United States
233Languages : Animals from Estonian to English
233Languages Spoken in New York City
232Korean Vocabulary: Body Parts
232Countries that Speak German
232French Authors Quiz
231Languages of the United Arab Emirates
231Click to Translate - Vietnamese (Verbs)
231Countries With The Most French Speakers
231Biggest Cities with Greek Names
231Random Icelandic Words
230Maori Words - Colours