U.S. Politics Quizzes - Page 3

Take a Random U.S. Politics Quiz
162Mount Rushmore Faces
160US President who have visited United Kingdom
158California Governors since 1950
151Donald Trump Quotes
148U.S. House of Representatives A-Z Quiz
144Presidents that beat Barack Obama
138U.S. Presidents that Served 3 Terms - QWO1A #9
136U.S. States with Female Governors
135Top 20 Most Famous US Supreme Court Justices
134U.S presidents that Have Visited China
1335 To 1: US Presidents
130The Joe Biden Presidency
129US President who have visited Germany
129U.S. Presidents by Given Name
129Longest Solo Filibusters in the History of the US Senate
128Countries with the Highest Voter Turnout Rate
127Which US Presidents Switched Vice Presidents
123Most Republican U.S. Cities
121Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 2008 Election
120Top U.S. States by Most Times Flipped
120Presidents That Have The Most Counties Named After Them
121The Pets of U.S. Presidents
117Electoral College Brokenness Quiz
116US Vice Presidents Who Became President... Eventually
116Countries George W. Bush Traveled To As President
116States With The Most Democrat Members of the House
117Word Scramble - U.S. Presidents
116U.S. Senate A-Z Quiz
115US President who have visited Japan
114US President or UK Prime Minister
114U.S. Presidents with the Highest Net Worth
112Presidents who have Made the Most National Parks
112US President who have visited Canada
112Countries of Supreme Court Justices
110U.S. Presidents who Visited the Most Countries
110The White House Quiz
110Governors of Texas Quiz
110Donald Trump Quiz #2
109Presidents that beat John Adams
109Countries That Became Countries During the Lifetime of Donald Trump
107US President who have visited South Korea
105Countries that were blocked by Donald Trump
104U.S. Presidents Younger Than Their Predecessor
103U.S. Senators With The Most Twitter Followers
101The George Washington Quiz
100U.S. Presidents Without the Letter J
99US States Where Voting in Presidential Elections is Most Difficult
99Governors of California
98Presidential Tile Select
98Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 2004 Election
98Most Democrat U.S. Cities
95US State Governors by Party - Click Quiz
9510 Most Over-Represented U.S. States
94Blue Wall U.S. States
93U.S. Politicians by Political Career #1
93U.S. Presidents From West of the Mississippi River
92U.S. Presidents that Lost their Home State
91Match Every U.S. Vice President to their President - A Click Quiz
91US President who have visited Mexico
91US President who have visited a Nordic country
90Democratic States with a Republican Governor
88U.S. Presidents by Former Occupation
86Donald Trump International Presidential Trips
86Mt Rushmore Presidential Trivia
85U.S. Cities with the Most Republican Voters
85People Pictured with John F. Kennedy
84US States by Senator and Border
84Famous People With George W. Bush
83John F. Kennedy Presidential Cabinet
83U.S. Governors Quiz #1
82US President who have visited France
82Most Populous Countries Never Visited by a U.S. President
81Countries with a Supreme Leader
79George W. Bush Presidential Cabinet
7910 Most Under-Represented U.S. States
78People Pictured with Donald Trump
77Bordering U.S. States that Voted the Most Different in 2016
74US Presidents Depicted in Movies
74Governors of Ohio Quiz
73Which Historical Figures Are on U.S. Money?
73Governors of Virginia Quiz
72U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents A-Z
72Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 2012 Election
71US States Where Voting in Presidential Elections is Easiest
71U.S. Presidents by (Questionably Helpful) Picture Clues
70U.S. Cities with the Most Democrat Voters
69Unalienable Rights
69US Presidents by Published Books
69George Washington: True or False?
68donald trump quiz for class
68Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 2000 Election
68Governors of Florida Quiz
67US Circuit Court Cities
67Donald Trump quiz
66Most Famous U.S. Vice Presidents With Exceptions
66Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 1988 Election
65Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 1856 Election
64Presidents Who Were Former Members of the House
64Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 1992 Election
64Oldest U.S. Senators Quiz
62U.S. Presidents by Birth Place Quiz - with Map
60Presidents Who Attended Ivy League Universities
59Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 1864 Election
58US presidents with no repeating vowels in surname
58Donald Trump's Failed Businesses
58Joe Biden quiz
57U.S. Governors Quiz #2
56U.S. Presidents Who Appointed Many Supreme Court Justices
56U.S. Presidents That Were Secretary of State
56Youngest U.S. Senators Quiz
56U.S. Presidents Random Quiz #3
56US Wars by Presidents
55Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 1996 Election
55Last Time Every State Had a Democrat Governor
54U.S. Presidents Without the Letter J - One Minute Sprint
53Presidential Tile Select #2
53Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 1860 Election
52US Election 2022 Highlights
51LGBTQ Supreme Court Cases
50Name these Americans by Public Office they Held
50U.S. Representatives by Home State
50John McCain
47Can You Name These Wartime U.S. Vice Presidents?
47Last Time Every State Had a Republican Governor
47Interesting Facts About U.S. Presidents
47US Presidential Articles of Impeachment
46U.S. Presidents With the Most Translated Wikipedia Articles
45Governor of Massachusetts Quiz
45States George Washington won in 1789
43Who was U.S. President when _____
42Most Republican and Democrat US States in the 1868 Election
42U.S. Attorneys General Quiz
42U.S. States by Governor
41U.S. Senators by Birthplace Quiz
41Supreme Court Justices by President
40Supreme Court Justices by Picture 2020-
40Supreme Court Justices by Year
40True or False: Has a Sitting US President Ever Met Them?
39Governors of Louisiana Quiz
38True or False: Has a Sitting US President Visited There?
36Longest Serving Senator From Every State
33U.S. Senators Who Served In The Military
32U.S. Politicians by Political Career #2
31Oldest U.S. Congressmen Quiz
30Democratic and Republican Outlier States
30U.S. Cities with the Most Third Party Voters
30Oldest U.S. Governors Quiz
30Edexcel Politics 8. US Politics: President and Supreme Court
29Supreme Court Justices by Picture
28The Supreme Marvel Characters Quiz
28U.S. Presidents That Had Dogs Quiz
28Interesting Facts About Every US President
27Youngest U.S. Governors Quiz
28US Presidents that Lost Their Home States
27Biggest U.S. Cities with the Most Third Party Voters
26Youngest U.S. Congressmen Quiz
25George Washington Cabinet
25Countries Visited During the World Tour of Ulysses S. Grant
25All Senators From Arizona
25Presidents who Coined or Popularized Words
24U.S. Congressmen Who Served In The Military
23New York Senators by a Clue
23Supreme Court Chief Justices Quiz
21Supreme court cases
21All Senators From Alaska
21All Senators From Utah
20U.S. Presidents Random Quiz #2
19Unconfirmed US Supreme Court Nominees
18Counties That Voted For Biden and Trump The Most
19All Senators From Hawaii
17U.S. Presidents Random Quiz #1
17Longest Serving Governors Quiz
17The First Five: U.S. Government Edition
16US Supreme Court Chiefs Justices
15Who was U.S. President when _____ #2
14Supreme Court Justices by Picture 2018-2020
14Nicknames for the former guy
13All Senators From New Mexico
13All Senators From Oklahoma
12Some Landmark Supreme Court Cases - Nichole
11All Senators From Idaho
9Counties That Voted For Trump and Clinton The Most
9All Senators From Washington
8All Senators From Wyoming
7Justices of the Supreme Court by Picture