Suggested Quizzes

Countries of the World Quiz0-5.0034,054,473
Biggest Cities in the United States0-4.93705,870
U.S. State Capitals Quiz0-4.991,334,031
Country Shape Quiz #10-4.91734,225
Country Shape Quiz #20-4.94343,070
Country Shape Quiz #30-4.94245,665
Country Shape Quiz #40-4.90179,649
World Capitals Quiz0-5.003,909,485
Europe Capitals Quiz0-5.001,178,213
South America Capitals Quiz0-4.99359,470
Biggest Countries by Population0-4.991,164,543
Biggest Countries by Area0-4.99826,570
Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy0-4.84163,567
Countries with the Highest Maximum Elevation0-4.95151,346
Spanish-Speaking Countries Quiz0-4.91294,770
Island Countries Quiz0-4.99575,719
Northernmost Countries Quiz0-4.98293,638
Southernmost Countries of the World0-4.99181,804
Majority Muslim Countries0-4.96281,024
Countries with the Most Borders0-4.96317,219
Countries with the Longest Coastlines0-4.85352,184
Countries That Border Russia0-4.98367,134
Regions of Countries #10-4.96137,239
Countries and Languages Quiz0-4.86215,169
Countries with the Most Billionaires0-4.93254,958
Islands by Country #10-4.86149,125
Landlocked Countries Quiz0-4.99286,140
Biggest Metro Areas in the USA0-4.98287,228
Mediterranean Countries Quiz0-4.99172,164
Biggest Cities by Language0-4.95193,506
Countries by Borders #10-5.00154,027
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.92204,888
Smallest Countries by Population and Area0-4.99306,026
Countries with the Most Tourists Quiz0-4.92300,455
Resort Towns by Country Quiz0-4.3036,770
Biggest US Cities by Decade0-4.93132,589
Africa Capitals Quiz0-4.99526,065
One Border Countries0-4.98357,960
Countries by Official Language0-4.93141,862
Cities with the Biggest Economies0-4.91107,208
NATO Countries Quiz0-4.97201,390
EU Countries Quiz0-4.99206,451
Countries of Europe Quiz0-5.002,457,627
Countries of Asia Quiz0-5.001,246,166
Countries that Start with A0-4.961,624,713
Countries that Start with B0-4.941,762,245
Countries that Start with C0-4.951,396,311
Countries that Start with D0-4.96461,671
Countries that Start with E0-4.931,029,599
Countries that Start with G0-4.951,126,825
Countries that Start with H0-4.92388,941
Countries that Start with I0-4.90974,024
Countries that Start with J0-4.96392,240
Countries that Start with K0-4.95569,431
Countries that Start with L0-4.98810,992
Countries that Start with N0-4.90832,231
Countries that Start with P0-4.94919,729
Countries that Start with R0-4.41298,533
Countries that Start with S0-4.971,352,746
Countries that Start with T0-4.89756,768
Countries that Start with U0-4.97682,764
Countries that Start with V0-4.97454,838
Countries that Start with F0-4.74422,215
Countries that Start with M0-4.951,057,597
Countries that Border China0-4.97211,345
Top Crude Oil Producing Countries0-4.84144,900
Countries that Produce the Most Wine 0-4.88164,599
Biggest Cities in the World Quiz0-4.84569,747
Countries in World War I0-4.92182,346
Countries with Four Letters0-4.99320,468
Countries of Africa0-5.001,726,879
Countries of South America0-5.00620,424
Countries of North America Quiz0-5.00703,613
Countries of Oceania0-5.00709,736
"Stan" Countries Quiz0-4.96154,990
Countries with the Most Military Troops0-4.93205,869
Countries Bordering France0-4.90308,487
Countries with Nuclear Weapons0-4.90199,073
Countries Bordering Germany0-4.99291,526
North America Capitals Quiz0-4.99154,225
Capitals of Oceania Quiz0-4.98184,518
Most Populous Countries A-Z0-4.98252,647
Asia Capitals Quiz0-4.97500,109
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99145,775
Countries in their Native Language0-4.97149,418
Countries by Clue #10-4.89195,484
Countries with Five Letters Quiz0-4.92192,015
Countries with Six Letters Quiz0-4.93157,608
Summer Olympics Host Cities0-4.97160,701
Biggest Cities in Germany0-4.94225,762
Capitals in their Native Languages0-4.93106,278
Biggest City in Each U.S. State0-4.84134,257
Independence from Whom0-4.99152,599
Countries with Z0-4.99222,666
"Land" Countries0-4.98263,915
European Countries by Clue0-4.94154,186
Countries with Letters Missing0-4.97143,304
Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP0-4.95202,337
Most Populous Countries in 20500-4.92173,040
Countries with the Longest Total Borders0-4.98246,193
Official Cities in the UK0-4.89196,806
Most Populous Countries in 19000-4.86146,768
Random Capital to Country0-4.992,068,688
Random Country to Capital0-4.98692,755
Coldest World Capitals0-4.97105,118
Europe Capital to Country0-4.99198,639
Northernmost Countries A-Z0-4.99156,102
Least Populous Countries A-Z0-4.99136,589
Most Guessed Countries on JetPunk0-4.96135,127
Axis Occupied Countries of WWII0-4.99181,155
Biggest Countries by Area A-Z0-4.94147,962
Same Letter Country and Capital0-4.98103,260
Countries With the Most Languages0-4.90149,954
Countries Closest to Canada0-4.93156,184
Countries by First and Last Letter #10-4.97140,792
Countries Closest to Italy0-4.97147,668
Countries Closest to Spain0-4.96169,928
Countries Ending in "IA"0-4.99149,885
Most Populous World Capitals0-4.89127,696
Top Five Countries By Category #10-4.99341,699
Top Five Countries By Category #20-4.89136,305
Five Closest Countries by Country #10-5.00193,606
Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds0-4.944,314,523
Countries That End in Y0-4.89148,166
Five Closest Countries by Country #20-5.00162,699
Countries Based on First Two Letters #10-4.98143,476
Biggest European Cities by Century0-4.97104,876
Five Biggest Countries by Continent0-4.99168,364
Five Smallest Countries by Continent0-4.97118,977
Capitals of Most Populated Countries0-4.97107,450
Five Most Populated Countries by Continent0-4.99224,201
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.94150,015
Five Least Populated Countries by Continent0-4.9692,718
Five Most Densely Populated Countries by Continent0-4.9157,431
Five Least Densely Populated Countries by Continent0-4.9156,793
First Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent0-4.94172,641
Last Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent0-4.97116,997
Five Most Guessed Countries by Continent0-4.93133,949
Five Least Guessed Countries by Continent0-4.9249,141
Five Most Elevated Countries by Continent0-4.9888,188
Largest Countries by Area or Population0-5.00143,347
Five Countries with the Longest Coastline by Continent0-4.9792,262
Five Richest Countries by Continent0-4.52154,402
Five Poorest Countries by Continent0-4.96143,393
Country Chain0-4.92156,376
Five Northernmost Capital Cities by Continent0-4.8753,638
Olympic Host Countries0-4.98140,708
World Capitals by Map0-5.00189,461
Countries Closest to United States by Continent0-4.99111,805
Countries of Europe - One Minute Sprint0-4.83994,727
World Map without 12 Countries0-4.96278,140
World Map without 12 Countries #20-4.98136,856
Five Highest HDI Countries by Continent0-4.4647,503
Five Most Populated Cities by Continent0-4.95145,681
Every Country Shape0-4.99312,279
European Countries with One Border0-4.95134,907
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.992,869,619
Five Biggest Economies by Continent0-4.97143,924
Biggest Cities in the U.S. - Extreme0-4.92117,872
Top 50 Countries by Population - In Order0-4.96217,061
Countries with Megacities0-4.99173,283
Every European Country Shape0-4.94152,108
Top 10 Biggest African Countries by Area 0-4.99164,878
Divided Country Name Puzzle #10-4.99169,648
Top 10 Most Populous European Countries0-4.97167,767
10 Biggest European Countries by Area0-4.99142,649
Five Lowest HDI Countries by Continent0-4.6543,520
All Countries of the World by Area with Hints0-4.95152,238
Countries of the World with an Empty Map0-5.002,638,854
Countries of the Middle East0-4.96147,739
World Capitals by Proximity0-4.91263,049
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds with an Empty Map0-4.94191,011
Five Countries with Most Christians by Continent0-4.9870,027
Megacities on a World Map0-4.97198,910
15 Largest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.97153,647
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Europe0-4.97137,158
One Country By Letter By Continent0-4.9935,447
Largest Countries with No Borders0-4.97163,183
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.97142,922
Five Top Olympic Medal-Winning Countries by Continent0-4.9491,966
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.93143,365
Five Coldest Countries by Continent0-4.9650,330
100 Biggest Cities on a World Map0-4.99301,044
Shortest Country Name A-Z0-4.99171,050
South American Capitals - Map Quiz0-4.98100,741
U.S. State Capitals Map Quiz0-4.90108,581
Europe by Capitals and Borders in 30 Seconds0-4.91154,008
Countries by Capitals and Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.88175,714
All 1M Cities by Proximity0-5.00432,729
Ten Highest Ranking FIFA Countries by Year0-4.96187,327
Top 10 Languages Spoken in Europe0-4.95159,442
Nordic Countries and Capitals0-4.9461,680
Top 10 Most Populous U.S. State Capitals0-4.4742,246
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.98142,067
Five Countries by a Single Word by Continent0-4.8837,493
Flags of the Countries that Start with A0-4.9390,095
The Only European Country ...0-4.92135,744
Flags of the Countries that Start with C0-4.9499,195
Flags of the Countries that Start with I0-4.95116,174
100 Biggest Cities in Europe with a Map0-4.97260,381