Suggested Quizzes

Countries of the World Quiz0-5.0033,996,755
Country Shape Quiz #10-4.91733,295
Country Shape Quiz #20-4.94342,748
Country Shape Quiz #30-4.94245,476
Country Shape Quiz #40-4.90179,474
Biggest Countries by Population0-4.991,163,294
Biggest Countries by Area0-4.99825,632
Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy0-4.84163,455
Countries with the Highest Obesity Rate0-4.37147,628
Countries with the Highest Maximum Elevation0-4.95151,226
Spanish-Speaking Countries Quiz0-4.91294,518
Island Countries Quiz0-4.99575,092
Northernmost Countries Quiz0-4.98293,443
Southernmost Countries of the World0-4.99181,611
Majority Muslim Countries0-4.96280,754
Countries with the Most Borders0-4.96316,916
Countries with the Longest Coastlines0-4.85351,920
Countries That Border Russia0-4.98366,715
Countries and Languages Quiz0-4.86214,998
Countries with the Most Billionaires0-4.93254,721
Islands by Country #10-4.86148,792
Landlocked Countries Quiz0-4.99285,872
Mediterranean Countries Quiz0-4.99172,051
Countries by Borders #10-5.00153,897
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.92204,763
Smallest Countries by Population and Area0-4.99305,748
Countries with the Most Tourists Quiz0-4.92300,208
One Border Countries0-4.98357,479
Countries by Official Language0-4.93141,735
NATO Countries Quiz0-4.97201,143
EU Countries Quiz0-4.99206,282
Countries of Europe Quiz0-5.002,451,384
Countries of Asia Quiz0-5.001,243,284
Countries that Start with A0-4.961,622,044
Countries that Start with B0-4.941,759,519
Countries that Start with C0-4.951,394,185
Countries that Start with D0-4.96460,578
Countries that Start with E0-4.931,027,854
Countries that Start with G0-4.951,124,957
Countries that Start with H0-4.92388,018
Countries that Start with I0-4.90972,545
Countries that Start with J0-4.96391,314
Countries that Start with K0-4.94568,220
Countries that Start with L0-4.98809,641
Countries that Start with N0-4.90830,903
Countries that Start with P0-4.94918,144
Countries that Start with R0-4.41297,727
Countries that Start with S0-4.971,350,591
Countries that Start with T0-4.88755,472
Countries that Start with U0-4.97681,661
Countries that Start with V0-4.97454,050
Countries that Start with F0-4.74421,233
Countries that Start with M0-4.951,055,975
Countries that Border China0-4.97211,158
Countries with the Biggest Economies by GDP0-4.71237,368
Top Crude Oil Producing Countries0-4.83144,788
Countries that Produce the Most Wine 0-4.88164,448
Countries by Alcohol Consumption0-4.36178,319
Countries in World War I0-4.92182,091
Countries with Four Letters0-4.99320,111
Countries of Africa0-5.001,722,886
Countries of South America0-5.00619,103
Countries of North America Quiz0-5.00702,025
Countries of Oceania0-5.00707,986
"Stan" Countries Quiz0-4.96154,841
Countries with the Most Exports0-4.96111,412
Countries with the Most Military Troops0-4.93205,705
Countries Bordering France0-4.90308,131
Countries with Nuclear Weapons0-4.90198,903
Countries Bordering Germany0-4.99291,209
Countries with the Highest Population Density0-4.88131,056
Most Populous Countries A-Z0-4.98252,465
Top Movie Producing Countries0-4.6633,279
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99145,569
Countries in their Native Language0-4.97149,275
Countries by Clue #10-4.89195,290
Countries with Five Letters Quiz0-4.92191,832
Countries with Six Letters Quiz0-4.93157,444
Countries with the Lowest Population Density0-4.97126,236
Independence from Whom0-4.99152,467
Countries with the Most Winter Olympics Medals0-4.49144,637
Countries with Z0-4.99222,474
"Land" Countries0-4.98261,677
Largest Economies in 20500-4.9088,207
European Countries by Clue0-4.95154,056
Countries with Letters Missing0-4.97143,186
Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP0-4.95202,164
Most Populous Countries in 20500-4.91172,591
Countries with the Longest Total Borders0-4.98245,906
Countries by Oil Consumption0-4.95103,632
Most Populous Countries in 19000-4.86146,624
Countries by Airline Passengers0-4.9341,110
Countries with the Most Forest0-4.89125,450
Countries by Inland Surface Water0-4.9483,693
Most Populous Countries in 19500-4.6463,151
Top Olive Oil Producing Countries0-4.9169,307
Countries with the Highest Carbon Dioxide Emissions0-4.9788,738
Northernmost Countries A-Z0-4.99155,971
Top 20 Motor Vehicle Producing Countries0-4.8781,371
Countries by Carbon Dioxide Emissions per Capita0-3.8747,108
Countries that Catch the Most Fish0-4.8489,979
Most Expensive Countries0-4.05104,598
Countries with the Highest Percentage of Forest0-4.5131,488
Axis Occupied Countries of WWII0-4.99180,955
Biggest Countries by Area A-Z0-4.94147,787
Countries with the Shortest Total Borders0-4.9272,641
Countries With the Most Languages0-4.90149,742
Countries Closest to Canada0-4.92156,050
Countries Closest to Italy0-4.97147,454
Countries Closest to Spain0-4.96169,718
Countries Ending in "IA"0-4.99149,630
Countries with the Most Muslims0-4.92118,698
Countries with the Highest Population Under Age 150-4.9381,223
Countries with the Highest Population 65 and Older0-4.8265,199
Countries Producing the Most Oranges0-4.5224,676
Top Five Countries By Category #10-4.99341,308
Countries with the Most Prisoners0-4.8871,450
Five Closest Countries by Country #10-5.00193,411
Countries with the Most Domestic Camels0-4.8934,206
Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds0-4.944,307,292
Countries That End in Y0-4.89147,951
Countries with Most Nobel Laureates per Capita0-4.7328,954
Five Closest Countries by Country #20-5.00162,525
Countries Based on First Two Letters #10-4.98143,291
Five Biggest Countries by Continent0-4.99168,140
Countries with the Most HIV0-4.4239,294
Five Most Populated Countries by Continent0-4.99223,977
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.94149,787
First Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent0-4.94172,434
Countries with the Longest Perimeter0-4.8264,842
Largest Countries by Area or Population0-5.00143,171
Five Poorest Countries by Continent0-4.96143,257
Tallest Countries North to South0-4.7993,101
Widest Countries East to West0-4.90109,067
Countries with the Most Billionaires per Capita0-4.7965,179
Countries with the Most Nobel Prizes0-4.8675,743
Countries by Net Migration0-4.5657,053
Countries with the Highest Average Elevation0-4.9755,644
Top 10 Solar Power Countries0-4.8251,271
Countries Whose Center is Closest to the Equator0-4.6440,919
Countries with the Most Murders0-4.51101,348
Countries with the Most Millionaires0-4.8173,936
Country Chain0-4.92156,204
Countries of Europe - One Minute Sprint0-4.83993,481
Countries with the Least Precipitation0-4.8662,024
Countries with the Most Precipitation0-4.7445,042
Poorest Countries with Exceptions0-4.5289,531
World Map without 12 Countries0-4.96277,942
Countries with Glaciers0-4.9772,443
Every Country Shape0-4.99311,616
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.992,864,740
Five Biggest Economies by Continent0-4.97143,794
Top 50 Countries by Population - In Order0-4.96216,819
Countries with Megacities0-4.99158,132
Every European Country Shape0-4.94151,840
Top 10 Biggest African Countries by Area 0-4.99164,677
Divided Country Name Puzzle #10-4.99169,292
Top 10 Most Populous European Countries0-4.97167,399
10 Biggest European Countries by Area0-4.99142,240
All Countries of the World by Area with Hints0-4.95151,929
Countries of the World with an Empty Map0-5.002,634,846
Countries of the Middle East0-4.96147,488
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds with an Empty Map0-4.94190,709
Countries with the Most Area in the Southern Hemisphere0-4.9980,380
Largest Countries as a Percent of Continent0-4.97105,688
Most Populous Countries as a Percent of Their Continent0-4.9475,386
One Country By Letter By Continent0-4.9935,074
Most Populous Countries by Year0-4.7778,638
Largest Countries with No Borders0-4.97163,024
Coldest Countries0-4.9799,689
Countries with the Highest Murder Rate0-4.4353,512
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.97142,687
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.93143,188
Most Populous Countries with Exceptions0-4.9785,297
Countries with the Highest Elevation with Exceptions0-4.5745,472
Countries With the Most Islands of at Least 10 Km²0-4.84124,705
Most Densely Populated Countries with Exceptions0-4.4741,933
Countries With Highest GDP as a Percent of Continent0-4.9664,131
Countries with the Most Desert0-4.9295,196
Shortest Country Name A-Z0-4.99170,819
Countries by Capitals and Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.88175,330
Ten Highest Ranking FIFA Countries by Year0-4.96186,886
Countries that Produce the Most Palm Oil0-4.6714,065
Countries with the Highest GDP per Square Kilometer0-4.9153,809
Countries by Contribution to UN Budget0-4.8861,321
Most Fragile Countries not in Africa0-4.4136,086
Tropical Rainforest Countries0-4.4864,103
Countries by Wealth per Capita0-4.5552,694
Countries by Change in Carbon Dioxide Emissions0-4.8644,149
Top 10 Languages Spoken in Europe0-4.95159,204
Countries with Most Tourists with Exceptions0-4.9474,155
Countries by Milk Production0-4.5417,802
Northernmost Countries Without Glaciers0-4.7216,381
Countries with the Most Total Precipitation0-4.7348,243
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.97141,876
Countries with the Most Malaria Deaths0-4.3629,379
Top 10 Most Forested Countries in Asia0-4.5553,830
Flags of the Countries that Start with A0-4.9389,971
Countries with the Most People in Extreme Poverty0-4.4770,983
Most Forested European Countries0-4.7460,163