Suggested Quizzes

Planets of the Solar System Quiz0-4.89926,552
Signs of the Zodiac Quiz0-4.38181,859
World Currency Quiz0-4.90199,508
Majority Muslim Countries0-4.96281,005
Countries with the Most Billionaires0-4.93254,946
Monarchies of the World0-4.91131,051
Cities with the Biggest Economies0-4.91107,198
Name the Constellations Quiz0-4.4737,273
NATO Countries Quiz0-4.97201,378
EU Countries Quiz0-4.99206,438
Countries that Start with A0-4.961,624,540
Countries that Start with B0-4.941,762,070
Countries that Start with C0-4.951,396,193
Countries that Start with D0-4.96461,601
Countries that Start with E0-4.931,029,495
Countries that Start with G0-4.951,126,717
Countries that Start with H0-4.92388,884
Countries that Start with I0-4.90973,932
Countries that Start with J0-4.96392,189
Countries that Start with K0-4.95569,354
Countries that Start with L0-4.98810,893
Countries that Start with N0-4.90832,148
Countries that Start with P0-4.94919,624
Countries that Start with S0-4.971,352,618
Countries that Start with T0-4.89756,693
Countries that Start with U0-4.97682,687
Countries that Start with V0-4.97454,779
Countries that Start with M0-4.951,057,490
Top Crude Oil Producing Countries0-4.84144,894
Cities with the Most Metro Rail Stations0-4.8681,648
Countries in World War I0-4.92182,334
Countries with the Most Exports0-4.96111,482
Countries with the Most Military Troops0-4.93205,858
Countries with Nuclear Weapons0-4.90199,063
Most Populous Countries A-Z0-4.98252,639
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99145,768
Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great0-4.9191,810
Largest Economies in 20500-4.9088,304
Orthodox Countries0-4.8893,616
Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP0-4.95202,326
Countries by Oil Consumption0-4.95103,722
Buddhist Countries0-4.96109,997
Countries with the Most Forest0-4.89125,556
Coldest World Capitals0-4.97105,112
Countries with the Most Skyscrapers0-4.93101,008
Southernmost Countries A-Z0-4.95130,347
Countries with the Highest Carbon Dioxide Emissions0-4.9788,802
Top 10 Coldest U.S. States0-4.9389,809
Confederate States of the U.S. Civil War0-4.92103,074
Northernmost Countries A-Z0-4.99156,098
Countries with the Most Borders A-Z0-4.98100,392
Countries with the Most Major Earthquakes0-4.9488,759
Least Populous Countries A-Z0-4.99136,586
The Venus Quiz0-4.055,687
Most Guessed Countries on JetPunk0-4.96135,112
Axis Occupied Countries of WWII0-4.99181,142
Biggest Countries by Area A-Z0-4.94147,953
Countries of the Japanese Empire0-4.9574,527
Brightest Objects in the Sky0-4.3714,409
Countries Closest to Israel0-4.9288,201
Countries with the Most Muslims0-4.92118,783
Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds0-4.944,314,099
Most Guessed Capitals on JetPunk0-4.8978,952
Top Five Countries by Religion0-4.89121,464
Astronomy Quiz0-4.7954,220
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.94149,963
Countries with the Most Catholics0-4.9080,419
Countries Closest to Spain A-Z0-4.9775,079
Five Most Guessed Countries by Continent0-4.93133,943
Five Most Guessed Capital Cities by Continent0-4.8575,216
Countries by Hottest Recorded Temperature0-4.8973,452
Countries with the Most Nobel Prizes0-4.8775,824
Top 10 Solar Power Countries0-4.7951,324
Astronomy Decoder0-4.4426,166
Countries with the Most Millionaires0-4.8174,019
Countries A-Z by Neighbor0-5.00135,732
World Capitals by Map0-5.00189,436
Countries with Glaciers0-4.9772,513
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.95110,393
Country Picture Puzzle Game #10-4.8671,563
Top 15 Countries with the Most Hindus0-4.9177,747
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.992,869,328
Five Biggest Economies by Continent0-4.97143,920
Countries with the Most Christians0-4.9385,473
Countries of the World with an Empty Map0-5.002,638,630
Cities Beginning With "B" on a Map0-4.8872,628
Countries of Europe with an Empty Map0-5.00242,085
Countries of Asia with an Empty Map0-4.99184,748
Countries of Africa with an Empty Map0-5.00197,213
Countries of North America with an Empty Map0-4.9971,046
Name the Constellations - With a Map0-4.9126,099
All Countries by Northernmost Point on Land0-4.8986,731
US States with an Empty Map0-5.00447,550
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds with an Empty Map0-4.94190,983
Mediterranean Countries with an Empty Map0-4.9971,438
World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #10-4.9687,010
Megacities on a World Map0-4.97198,888
Capitals of Countries with the Biggest Economies0-4.8874,079
15 Largest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.97153,567
15 Largest Cities in Asia With a Map0-4.9794,186
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Africa0-4.9997,329
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Asia0-4.8888,912
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Europe0-4.97137,150
Top 10 Biggest Economies in the Americas0-4.9271,708
15 Largest Cities in the Middle East With a Map0-4.8572,891
15 Largest Cities in South America With a Map0-4.9373,579
Coldest Countries0-4.9799,787
Top 10 Hottest European Countries0-4.8787,133
Top 10 Hottest U.S. States0-4.8589,348
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.97142,899
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-5.00111,747
Top 10 Coldest Asian Countries0-4.9691,683
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.93143,352
Seas on the World Map0-4.98105,389
Global Cities on a World Map0-4.9580,187
100 Biggest Cities on a World Map0-4.99300,994
Shortest Country Name A-Z0-4.99171,042
Geography by Letter on the World Map - A0-4.7476,694
Geography by Letter on the World Map - B0-4.4966,283
Geography by Letter on the World Map - C0-4.8187,150
Organs of the Human Body (with map)0-4.0493,951
All 1M Cities by Proximity0-5.00432,697
Countries with the Most Elite Universities0-4.9176,289
Geography by Letter on the World Map - D0-4.0348,272
Geography by Letter on the World Map - E0-4.3049,923
Megacities on an Empty Map0-4.9676,911
World Cities Based on Location A-Z - #10-4.3327,656
Countries of the World with an Empty Map - Hard Version0-5.00231,355
Top World Languages on a Map0-4.9280,071
Zone 1 London Underground Stations - With a Map0-4.9339,632
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.98142,059
Top 10 Richest Countries in Europe0-4.9296,611
Countries in Southeast Asia With an Empty Map0-4.9880,801
Flags of the Countries that Start with A0-4.9390,088
Flags of the Countries that Start with C0-4.9499,186
Geography by Letter on the World Map - A-Z0-4.9054,437
Flags of the Countries that Start with I0-4.95116,157
100 Biggest Cities in Europe with a Map0-4.97260,358
250 Biggest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.9379,157
Five Most Guessed Cities by Continent0-4.9792,284
Official Languages of the World on the Disappearing World Map0-4.9877,278
Countries where the Sea Freezes0-4.9073,774
Countries that Start with I - Shape Quiz0-4.9184,785
Seas of the World0-5.0097,310
Countries of Europe in 1815 With a Map0-4.99115,909
Richest Countries Bordering Each Other0-4.9993,202
Countries in a Ring of the World Map0-4.99129,359
Countries in an Empty Ring of the World Map0-4.9598,292
Countries in a Blue JetPunk Fish of the World Map0-4.9554,982
Planets By Picture Quiz0-4.4639,205
Countries in Random Squares of the World Map0-4.99246,952
Countries Hidden in the World Map - Treasure Hunt0-4.2523,235
Countries in a JetPunk Fish of the World Map0-4.9945,548
All 3,143 Counties of the United States on a Map0-4.94203,956
European Secessionist Movements on a Map0-4.5426,677
All Counties of the United States by Proximity0-4.98215,598
Countries with the Most Forest A-Z0-4.4945,511
Pixelated Europe Map0-4.8895,439
Countries of the World in 1914 with a Map0-4.99146,363
Pixelated Africa Map0-4.9975,076
Random Countries on the World Map0-5.001,090,478
Counties of the UK and Ireland0-4.9477,490
Category Elimination - Countries #10-4.99239,207
All First-Level Subdivisions of Europe on a Map0-4.9979,988
Countries of Europe in 14440-4.9472,512
Category Elimination - Countries #20-4.98173,782
Random Sequential U.S. States on a Map0-5.00177,205
Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map0-4.9992,556
Category Elimination - Countries #30-4.98166,562
Category Elimination - U.S. States #10-4.87157,967
Countries of the World in 1945 with a Map0-5.00105,046
Pixelated World Map0-5.00109,374
Countries of the Mongol Empire on a Map0-4.9980,056
Modern Day Countries of Austria-Hungary on a Map0-4.9873,982
Rich Countries Bordering Poor Countries0-4.9075,796
Category Elimination - Countries #40-4.99142,180
Modern-Day Countries of the British Empire in 19210-4.9984,276
Category Elimination - U.S. States #20-4.8293,732
States in a Tank of the U.S. Map0-4.5122,628
Random Sequential European Countries on a Map0-4.99176,388
Random U.S. States on a Map0-4.93324,982
Random European Countries on a Map0-4.98211,933
European Map without 10 Random Countries0-4.98213,278
Random Asian Countries on a Map0-4.95124,549
Random African Countries on a Map0-4.98198,428
Random American Countries on a Map0-4.9771,879
20 Random Countries on an Empty World Map0-4.9870,123
Random World Capitals on a Map0-4.8994,740
World Map Without 20 Random Countries0-4.975,472,444
Random European Capitals on a Map0-4.9689,582
Countries in Squares of the World Map0-5.00122,220
Countries in Squares of an Empty World Map0-4.9991,524
Astronomy True or False0-4.3230,475
World Map with 10 Random Extra Borders0-4.97259,290
Random Sequential African Countries on a Map0-5.0099,008
Random Sequential Asian Countries on a Map0-4.9992,012
Random Sequential Countries on the World Map0-5.00379,240
Category Elimination - Capital Cities #10-4.9198,182
Countries that Start with a Vowel0-4.9986,762
Name a World Capital A-Z0-5.00118,227