Hey Brother - Avicii - Paroles

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Créé par Juanito17
Dernière actualisation : 28 septembre 2017
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Première soumission28 septembre 2017
Nombre de tentatives132
Score moyen70,6%
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Hey Brother! There's an endless
road to rediscover
Hey Sister! Know the water's sweet but
blood is thicker
Oh, if the sky comes falling down,
for you
There's nothing in this world i wouldn't do! Hey Brother! Do you still believe in
one another
Hey Sister! Do you still believe in
love i wonder
Oh, if the sky comes falling down,
for you
There's nothing in this world i wouldn't do! What if I'm far from
Oh Brother I will hear you
What if i loose it all ? Oh Sister I will
help you out
Oh, if the sky comes falling down
for you
Hey Brother! There's an endless
road to rediscover
Hey Sister! Do you still believe in
love i wonder
Oh, if the sky comes falling down,
for you
What if I'm far from
Oh, Brother I will hear you
What if I loose it all? Oh Sister I will
help you out
If the sky comes falling down,
for you
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