An Introduction/reintroduction to me(1bullsfan)


Hi, my Jetpunk name is 1bullsfan for those of you that don't know. I have been using Jetpunk since sometime in 2019 and here are some things about me as a user.

1. My first quiz was Digits of Pi. On a blog that no longer exists, I asked people how they got their start on Jetpunk. Never said how I got my start. Well, I found Jetpunk while looking for a pi quiz because my friend and I were trying to memorize as many digits of Pi as we could. Since then I have taken hundreds of quizzes and Jetpunk has turned into one of my favorite websites.

2.I quit Jetpunk on accident. In October 2020, I was just sitting around when I went to by account and clicked delete account. One push of a button later and I had deleted my account. I didn't mean to, and it was the worst decision I could have made on this site. I lost all of my progress. All my blogs and quizzes were gone. I was in the top 2,100 when I deleted my account and now I am all the way down at sub 13,000. My goal on Jetpunk for 2021 is to get back to where I was. I know rankings, features, and takes aren't the most important, but I still would like to strive for a comeback.

3. I can't make SVGs, but I have quizzes with SVGs in them. This is because Pandora49 and DucklingPanda1245 helped me with one quiz each respectively. I don't really need SVGS for the quizzes I make, but it is still an excellent skill to know.

These are some things about me as a user. I know this isn't a typical blog found in the Jetpunk RUB, but I just thought I would introduce myself.

P.S. If this seems to clog up the RUB,I will delete this blog. Just let me know.

Level 68
Jan 1, 2021
Nice to meet you (again), 1bullsfan. I for one welcome this kind of content, as there are many users for which we see their names often but know very little about.

I'm glad you're still enjoying JetPunk, and I'm sorry you accidentally deleted your account :(

Level 45
Jan 1, 2021
Thanks Stewart:)
Level 55
Jan 1, 2021
In less than a year, I’ve gotten to top 850 quizmakers, so you can get to where u were before. I believe in u. Good luck
Level 54
Jan 2, 2021
Happy to see u again on jetpunk.
Level 51
Jan 2, 2021
Hi again!
Level 31
Jan 2, 2021
Hi. Enjoyed reading it
Level 57
Jan 2, 2021
Glad you're back! I once accidentally clicked the 'Delete Account' button and I was redirected to a confirmation page. I clicked that again by accident but luckily dragged it up to my bookmarks bar :)
Level 52
Jan 2, 2021
Was wondering where you went! Glad you're back!
Level 45
Jan 2, 2021
Thanks ducklingpanda1245!