So... Life is Life


So its been a few months...

I have not posted a blog since February... and there are quite a few reasons for that I guess. I miss JetPunk and want to come back, but I feel like I owe an explanation to my absence. A lot has happened in the past 6 months: I was in 2 musicals, I finished competition seasons for a few activities, I graduated high school, and other things. I think the first reason that I initially stopped posting was that my school blocked JetPunk on the Wi-Fi so I couldn't write blogs during my study halls, but other things will be explained.

Sometimes I feel like life wants to punch me in the face. 

Long story short, I have not been feeling the best. Something that I have never really talked about on JetPunk is that I have a chronic illness, which I may write a whole separate blog about if any of y'all want to learn about connective tissue disorders. I don't really know. I have been struggling to find motivation to do a lot over the past few months because I have been feeling really awful. School work was overwhelming enough, plus the stress of getting ready for college. It is hard for most people, but then there are some days that I feel like I cannot get out of bed.

What have I been doing?

I have done a whole lot and absolutely nothing at the same time. I spent a ridiculous amount of time studying for school, then graduated and I've done nothing like this sense. I worked very hard on my high school's yearbook, but I also feel like I took forever to make any progress. I went to France and had an amazing vacation, but I got Covid on the trip and spent the next 2 weeks watching an absurd amount of TV. I made a Tiktok account... and make cringy chronic illness awareness videos.

Long Story Short...

I need to get my life together. I leave for college at the end of this month, but I think I will be able to start writing blogs again. I have not been writing this summer because I did not have a laptop, but now I do and I want to start ranting about random things on the internet again. Let me know if you have any ideas for the Contemplating the Mysteries of the World Series. 
I am glad to be back, hopefully I won't disappear again (but you never know).

Thank you for wasting your time reading this random and disorganized blog, 


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