The Dean


Okay... I have decided to give you a little bit of information about this certain dean.

They are ferocious. They will not stop at death. They will kill everyone of you when push comes to shove. They are the most feared thing a human could ever encounter. They will find you and they won't stop until every single person who opposes them meet a certain inevitable death. They will chew you up and spit you out. Thank you for your time.

Level 43
Dec 3, 2020
I think that is Christmas time, and not Halloween time... I DIDN’T UNDERSTAND!
Level 60
Dec 3, 2020
I know its not Halloween time, but this does not have to do anything about it. This is my blog, which means biography log for those people who don't know and its my biography. So I am entitled to write whatever I please. I frankly don't know why you necessarily care about what I write. I don't care if you comment but don't have these weird statements.
Level 43
Dec 3, 2020
It only was a joke, and I really didn’t understand. Because I care about other blogs.
Level 60
Dec 3, 2020
The only thing you need to know is that the dean is deadly.
Level 43
Dec 3, 2020
Level 62
Dec 3, 2020
Level 60
Dec 3, 2020
Level 51
Dec 3, 2020
Grim Reaper?.?.?.
Level 60
Dec 3, 2020
The dean is not the grim reaper. They are just a representation of what the dean is.
Level 52
Dec 3, 2020
His school dean can kill him
Level 60
Dec 3, 2020
only spiritually
Level 32
Dec 3, 2020
people in nigeria be like
Level 51
Dec 5, 2020
interesting... very interesing,