Interviews of JetPunkers 1-20: The Last Questions - Explanations



Hello dear JetPunkers!

As you maybe saw, the 20th interview has been published several days ago, thanks to the incredible work of our awesome Stewart. I'm very proud of all the work accomplished on this series untill this last interview, but as I have already said, that's not finished at all. The adventure is continuing.

Nevertheless, I want to make this 20th interview a kind of turning point in the series, an important moment in its history. And to reach this goal, I have decided to organize a small last event about the twenty first interviews: the Last Questions. You can learn more about them in this blog.


As mention in the name of this event, I'll try to ask a very last question to all of the twenty first interviewees. I think that's the best way to "close" this first part of the interviews adventure. But I don't want to ask these questions myself, because I have already have the chance to ask almost all what I wanted to ask during the interviews themselves. So it's time for you, the JetPunk community (or at least its few members which are reading this blog...) to choose what questions I'll ask in this blog.

The thing is simple: I'll pick one question for each previous interviewee in all the one you will submit with this form. If I have several similar questions for a same interviewee, I will ask the one which as been asked the most. If it's not the case, or if there is a tie, I'll just conduct a draw to choose only one. Also, I'll try to not ask too many times the questions of a same participant.

Of course, I can't be sure that I will be able to ask the concerned question to each former interviewee. For example, communicating with Fionathegreat will probably be almost impossible for me. It's not depend of only me. However, I can promise that I'll do my best to ask your questions and to publish a blog as much complete as possible, so don't hesitate to write a question for everyone.

Please just respect these few rules to let it happening correctly:

-Participate only once (the link of your JetPunk profile is required to submit a form).

-Don't use alt accounts (make sure I know them...).

-Don't ask a question to yourself if you have already been interviewed.

-Don't insult anyone in your question.

-Don't ask for too personal information. An interview is not a way to stalk people.

-Don't make "strategies" with other users to make sure your question will be asked.

-Don't ask the same question to everyone.

-Try as much as possible to ask something to everyone.

If I have some doubts about a participation, it will be immediately removed.

That's not an obligation, but to confirm your vote, commenting under this blog can be a good thing.


To conclude, I hope many of you will participate in this event. Having many participants would be funnier and more representative of what the JetPunk community want to ask to some of its represants.

The deadline for submission will be around Monday, March 28th, so make sure you have submited your questions before this date.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!

Level 43
Mar 20, 2022
So as I was already interviewed, I can ask questions for other users (not me)? And about the point Fionathegreat, it’ll be also hard to ask Malkiboy, this, if he’s on JetPunk Discord Server like you.

This series is wonderful, and it’ll still be on the way you let it goes on!

Hopefully I won’t accidentally translate the question it comes for me... 🙄

Level 43
Mar 20, 2022
I think I’m done, I didn’t have a lot of ideas for the most of the interviewees. So, I think lots of them are repeated, but I kinda tried ;-;

btw, what I wrote at my part is ironic, and should not be considered here. don’t death punish me, dictator!

Level 54
Mar 20, 2022
Thank y much for both your compliments and your questions! I read them: no mistake detected.

It will be difficult for Malkiboy, but I have a little more hope than for Fiona.

Hmm… Ok, you can still be alive… for now.

Level 43
Mar 20, 2022
So Malki is still on JetPunk Discord Server?
Level 54
Mar 20, 2022
Level 43
Mar 20, 2022
Uh-oh... How do you think you could contact him then?