My Favourite Music #7: Chet Lam


Chet Lam

Chet Lam is a pioneer independent singer-songwriter from Hong Kong. He composes his music, lyrics, arrangement and produces most of his songs all by himself, as well as writing many songs for other artists. His music genre is mostly city-folk and features the guitar prominently. He sings in Cantonese, Mandarin and English (and very occasionally in Spanish). He is a prolific artist, and has so far released more than 20 full albums and EPs over the past 20 years, as well as acting in stage plays, authoring a number of books including a travelogue and a cookbook. Chet is known as an avid traveller, and nowadays he no longer lives permanently in Hong Kong. In the past few years, he resided in cities such as Los Angeles, Belmopan, Yangon, Bogota, and currently he lives in Dublin.

Again in this blog, I will introduce few of my favourite songs by Chet, including links to YouTube and lyrics translated into English.

Suddenly Single

Suddenly Single was the first song from his debut album Pillow Songs in 2003. It was the theme song of the novel of the same name by Ye Zhiwei. The novel and the song were about a guy who thought he was in a loving long-term relationship but his boyfriend left him suddenly. The plot was not too different from the recent Netflix series Uncoupled (and yes, Chet is gay).

Chet sang an English version of the song in one of his concerts, so the English lyrics here are not translated by me. The English lyrics are of course not the exact translation of the Chinese ones, but they are close and kind of telling the same story.



I'm all alone, alone again


Can have a one night stand, if you got a chance
Back to the wonderland, see some long lost friends
下個他 若太早得到
I'm suddenly single

時間花光 失去更加多
沿途在哭 晚節亦不保
有些壞心情 助長衰老

* Can have a one night stand, if you got a chance
Back to the wonderland, see some good old friends
下個他 若太早得到

任性多一點 Let me have a go
誰人若願意聽 盡情地控訴
遇上他 令我不知所措

Repeat *

Can have a one night stand, if you got a chance
Back to the wonderland, see some long lost friends
下個他 沒法猜得到
I'm suddenly single
I'm happy I'm single
I'm suddenly single

Suddenly Single

music and lyrics by Chet Lam

Walking down the street, lovers oh so sweet
While I don't have one to call my own
I'm all alone, alone again

Toothbrushes in two got in my sight
In the mirror I tell myself
Fight the good fight...yeah right
Everything is gonna be alright

Can have a one night stand, if you got a chance
Back to the wonderland, see some good old friends
Who's my next? I'll put him on hold
My mind says yes my heart says no
I'm suddenly single

Treat yourself sleep yourself, just don't calculate
Only more to lose and more to waste
Cry all the way, what would they say?
There's a time to grief, a time to play

* Can have a one night stand, if you got a chance
Back to the wonderland, see some good old friends
Who's my next? I'll put him on hold
My mind says yes my heart says no

If I talk too much, let me have a go
If it's really too much I don't wanna know
There's my ex, don't let me lose control

Repeat *

Can have a one night stand, if you got a chance
Back to the wonderland, see some long lost friends
Who's my next? What else would follow?
But hey ain't we back on the road?
I'm happy I'm single
So happy I'm still single
On highway, on highway again

Leaving is for Coming Back

Leaving is for Coming Back was a 2003 song from his album Travelogue 1, the first of his four travelogue albums. The song described the contradicting feelings of escape and longing. For a traveller (not a tourist), the purpose of a trip is always more than a mere holiday. This is my favourite song about travelling, and is always on my playlist whenever I fly.

離開是為了回來 Leaving is for Coming Back

music and lyrics by Chet Lam

Tomorrow I'm flying out
朋友都輕鬆奉上祝福 旅途愉快
My friends casually offer their blessings, bon voyage
It's a choice to stay behind
But leaving doesn't mean letting go of all the stress
如愛上一個人 一起上路
If I've fallen in love with someone and journeyed together
Then realised that I still have some ambitions
行程未想好 起點經已太遠
The itinerary is not yet planned out, [but] the starting point is already too far behind

People come and go in my life
季節更改幻變天地 歲月流過
The seasons change, the world changes, and the years go by
If the regrets can't be left behind
I can still learn to appreciate everything I've got
如放棄一個人 孤身上路
If I give up someone and travel alone
Then realised that I'm still bit soft-hearted
Busy letting the wound dry up
No mood to watch the scenery
明明是太軟弱 偏裝作硬朗
Obviously I'm too weak but pretend to be tough

倘若結束 為了重新開始
If the end is for starting anew
乾掉了酒 為了重新斟滿
Emptying the glass is for refilling it again
旅途落泊 能讓記憶穩固
A rough journey can make the memory strong
偶然下雨 懷念陽光可愛
An occasional rain [can make you] miss the lovely sunshine
歡樂太短 為了回憶千次
The joyful time is too short, so [you can] recollect a thousand times
失掉瑰寶 為了尋找安慰
Losing the treasure, so [you can] find the consolation
我離別你 全為太專心愛
I leave you because I'm too focus in love
Afraid that I'll forget the colours of the world
離開 是為了回來
Leaving is for coming back

Watching the runway from the plane cabin
迅速身處萬尺高空 我留下你
Swiftly reaching 10000 feet height, I left you behind
Perhaps cities are the same as the sky
容納著敵友 從不知道偏心
Accommodating friends and foes, never know bias
曾遇上幾個人 一心靠近
I've once met few people and tried to be close
才驟覺尚有 一些心癮
Then realised that I still have some scars in my heart
離別再上路 不管遠或近
I farewell and hit the road again, no matter how far or close

倘若結束 為了重新開始
If the end is for starting anew
乾掉了酒 為了重新斟滿
Emptying the glass is for refilling it again
旅途落泊 能讓記憶穩固
A rough journey can make the memory strong
偶然下雨 懷念陽光可愛
An occasional rain [can make you] miss the lovely sunshine
倘若痛哭 為了趁早解脫
If crying in anguish is for getting relief sooner
失掉瑰寶 為了尋找安慰
Losing the treasure, so [you can] find the consolation
我離別你 全為太專心愛
I leave you because I'm too focus in love
Afraid that I'll forget the colours of the world
離開 是為了回來
Leaving is for coming back

Tomorrow I'm flying out
朋友都輕鬆奉上祝福 旅途愉快
My friends casually offer their blessings, bon voyage

Should Have Taken a Picture

Should Have Taken a Picture was also from his Travelogue 1 album. Continuing on the travel theme, the song was about his encounter of a fellow traveller with whom he started travelling together, but had lost contact since. This reminds me of my own travel experience.

In 2017, Chet rearranged the song and released this new version with videos from his own travel, but I still prefer the original version better.

應該拍下照片 Should Have Taken a Picture

music by Chet Lam, lyrics by Chet Lam & Liu Pui-leung

Remember the smell of cinnamon
Remember the autumn holiday
But can't remember at which coffee shop I encountered you
And then I met you again
Together with a broken map
Visited the castle and the snow

The memory was so delicate
But I can no longer tell the distance
Can't remember travelling millions of miles with you
Then carried my luggage
Leaving behind the happiness and surprises
Got on the plane and returned home

* 當天真的想不起
Really can't remember that day
Or I don't want to remember
I left no evidence to miss you from afar

# 應該拍下照片
Should have taken a picture
To get closer to the past
Although the good show must end
I can still see you in memory
Capturing the trivial matters
Put into the camera aperture
Let the frozen happiness
Enter each frame of negatives
With evidence and dimension

Could only blame the beautiful scenery
I didn't know how to breathe
Shook hands and said nice to meet you
Then I hastily left behind a note
Busy finding a focus
And travelled back on my own

Repeat * #

Seeing the past again
Seeing you once more
But you and I have already changed

Repeat # #

Seeing the past again
Recording my longing
With evidence and dimension

Visa. Time Difference. Air Mileage

Visa. Time Difference. Air Mileage was from his 2009 Mandarin album My Lonely Planet. This song again resonated with me as I grew older and travelled to many places. If you have followed my travelogue blogs, I have visited the places mentioned in this and many other of his songs, and my thoughts are the same as Chet.

簽證.時差.飛行哩數 Visa. Time Difference. Air Mileage

music and lyrics by Chet Lam

簽證一次一次提醒你 世界不是你的家
Visa once again reminds you that the world is not your home
暗地嚮往到處留情 只是個諷刺
Secretly yearning for love everywhere is just an irony
Being carefree is more like a joke

獨自踱步在陌生城市 仰望褪色的銅像
Walking alone in the strange city, looking up at the faded bronze statue
Try to embrace how many moments that you can't grasp
Thinking about the time difference in faraway places

From JFK to Heathrow
知道的越來越多 記得的越來越少
The more I know, the less I remember
From Narita to Charles de Gaulle
決定得越來越晚 放棄得越來越早
Committing later and later, giving up sooner and sooner
I don't know where to go
I don't know where to go
Anyway I will never be the same again
天涯海角 無處可逃
At the ends of the earth, there is nowhere to escape

里數無聲無色的累積 日換星移沒痕跡
Silently accumulating air mileages, the sun and stars move without a trace
追得到朝夕 追不回消失的記憶
I can chase the days, but not the lost memories
In the blink of an eye, where does my heart belong?

From London to New York
新鮮的越來越多 留戀的越來越少
There are more and more fresh new things; there are less and less things I treasure
From Paris to Tokyo
版圖越來越大 世界越來越小
The map's getting bigger and bigger, the world's getting smaller and smaller
I don't know where to go
I don't know where to go
Anyway I will never be the same again
天涯海角 誰能預料
At the ends of the earth, who can anticipate?

Now come on, come on
Why don’t you sit by my side
You get nowhere to hide
Oh come on, come on
We all get nothing to lose
Really nothing but time
I don't know where it goes
I don't know where it goes
Anyway I will never be the same again
明天醒來 一切不再
Wake up tomorrow, everything's not the same

The Devil Grows with Me

The Devil Grows with Me was a 2007 Mandarin song from his ablum The Private Life of Chet Lam. It described him dreaming of his younger self, and was a raw confession of his childhood anxiety.

魔鬼與我同生 The Devil Grows with Me

music and lyrics by Chet Lam

Last night I dreamt of you again
Your little body buried in the bed
Fearing vampires or some monsters attacking
Scared to fall asleep at 1am
What was that little mind thinking?
The echo from the ceiling told you
You were a bad kid
You were a bad kid

Last night I dreamt of you again
Mixing with other kids
Under the bright sun
Burning swamps of ants to death
In the park full of laughters
Secretly feeling happy about the stolen candies
In front of the teacher
Playing the innocent game

Every night you fled to your dreams
Where was it at the end of the dream?
Things you didn't want to mention
Lies dared not to be exposed
Your face looked so clear
But I didn't want to recognise you

Last night I dreamt of you again
Your little body buried in the school uniform
Why didn't you want to be in the playground
To sweat with other kids?
Was it because your shoulders were not wide enough?
Or were you afraid to face your own desire?
The sunshine on his body
The anxiety in your heart

Last night I dreamt of you again
Crying alone in the balcony
Couldn't believe last year's happiness had abandoned you
Couldn't imagine what next year would be like
And finally you knew
You would never become an angel
You were only a kid
You were only a kid

Every night I also flee to my dreams
Where is it at the end of the dream?
Things I don't want to mention
Lies dare not to be exposed
Your face looks so clear
But I don't want to recognise you

Other songs

There are many other songs that I would highly recommend, and here are the links to some of these:

In addition, he has numerous songs on travelling, and here are some of his finest:

  • CL411 - Chet was born on 11th April, so CL411 was his own flight to the world: Los Angeles, Anchorage, Montreal, Toronto...I'll take my chances from San Francisco.
  • 遊子意 Heart of a Traveller - in every choice, there're regrets; in every regret, there're chances.
  • Vancouver Skyline - one of the most liveable cities in the world where many Hong Kongers migrated or want to emigrate to. This song was about those who tried unsuccessfully to stay and had to leave the city.
  • 都柏林 Dublin - a home away from home for Chet nowadays.
  • 紅沙漠 The Red Desert - while travelling on The Ghan, the epic train journey from Adelaide to Darwin, Chet met Sharon, a Scottish widow whose husband passed away 40 years ago. She promised to see the world for her husband before they met in heaven again.
  • 向著陽光 Facing the Sun - Chet travelling in New Zealand. A song full of positive energy.
  • Thanks L.A., It's Been Great - a farewell to Los Angeles and a long-term relationship.
  • 出走 Runaway - Chet hit the roads again.

Finally, Chet also covered a lot of songs from other people. For example, you can check out his interesting album Camping, in which he covered songs from ABBA, Madonna to Pet Shop Boys etc.

I used to like Chet Lam a lot in the past, and Pillow Songs and Travelogue 1 are two of my most loved CDs. But as you may have noticed, most of my favourite songs from him were more than 10 years ago. In fact, I don't enjoy his latest music much, which is a pity.

Unlike other outspoken artists, Chet maintains his ambiguous stance towards politics and social issues. His younger sister Eman recently embroiled herself in great controversy by releasing a patriotic song on July 1st this year, the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong returning to Chinese rule. Unfortunately Chet also copped criticisms towards him online as a result. To be honest, I struggled on whether to write a blog about Chet Lam. But as I went through all his music again for this blog, I found myself still very fond of his music, and his songs and lyrics will always have an impact on me.

My collection of Chet's CDs, DVDs and books. Unfortunately I don't have a CD/DVD player at home anymore.
Level 66
Aug 19, 2022
My parents probably would like this music
Level 67
Aug 19, 2022
I'm probably similar age to your parents lol