Diary of a Time-Traveling Soldier Episode 0: Where, When!?


NOTICE: This blog is just an interesting idea and a fictional event. I do not mean to offend anyone. This is meant to be an experiment and a fun story for people to enjoy.

The Diary of a Time-Traveling Soldier

Episode 0: Where, When!?

Written by Ethaboo444 and ChineseChen

Catron County, New Mexico

August 16, 1992

Blindfold is pulled away

Subject 42BK: Where am I? I know this is an experiment, but for what?

????: Don’t worry, you’ll be safe if you follow my commands.

42BK: What commands?

????: You’ll see soon enough…

The year is 1992, and this is a secret military testing facility hidden deep in the sands of New Mexico. An unnamed soldier is being prepared for a special mission to an undisclosed location.

????: This mission will be a time traveling course through various future events.

42BK: Is this supposed to be to see what happens in the future and prepare for yet to come?

????: Not necessarily, we are in an old and abandoned military base in a very remote area. Nobody except the government knows where this is.

42BK: But what events am I traveling to in the future?

????: You will see when you get there. Other brave people have traveled into the future to find the perfect time to place you. It will seem like a while until you come back, but currently you will come back a mere few seconds after you went into the future. Come, follow me.

42BK gets out of bed and follows ???? to a room full of whirring machinery.

42BK: What do I have to do?

????: Well it's complicated inside, but don’t worry, everything will be just fine. You don’t have to do anything except follow orders.

42BK: Just a few last quick questions, how will time traveling work and how will time pass in the present? Will my actions alter the future?

????: I'm afraid I can't tell you how it works, but as I said earlier, you will be fine as other subjects have already tested the machine and made it out unharmed. But you were a soldier, yes?

42BK: For around 6 and a half years.

????: Perfect. We will be ready to send you into the future very soon.

42BK: What will I do in the future?

????: In this special diary I am giving you now, you will record events that have happened and your observations. One final thing, there is a, how should I put this? Subjects have told us that there is a "utopia" country growing over 500 years in the future. We need to stop this "utopia" before it is too late. Once the country is terminated, it will never grow again even when then is the present.

???? hands 42BK the diary.

42BK: So am I going to sto…

????: SILENCE! No more speaking of this “utopia” before you enter the machine. Save that for your diary. I will be stepping out of this room and speaking to you through a speaker system.

???? exits the room. A few seconds later his voice pops on a rusty speaker in the corner of the room.

????: Please step into the glass chamber behind you.

42BK enters the chamber

????: Make sure the diary is secure. When you return from the future, you will lose memory of the events that you experienced there, so therefore the diary is very important for recording events of the future. The people from the future will be able to interact with you, so do not leak any secrets that I have told you. Now, strap yourself into the carriage.

42BK follows all orders ???? has given. ???? flips switches, and the glass chamber closes and floodlights inside the chamber turn on.

????: Are you ready?

42BK: Affirmative.

????: Starting engine, in 3, 2, 1…

???? flips open a plastic cage and presses a large red button. The room starts to shake and whir, then fills with blinding light.

42BK: Strange, I feel aIl t… AAAAAAA

42BK tumbles through a tube of bright yellow and white light. He loses consciousness then regains it moments later. He wakes up sitting at a table in a bright futuristic city.

42BK: Ok, I’m alive, I better check my surroundings. What IS this building?? So weird...

Mission to be continued…

We hope you enjoyed this blog! There is still much more to come...

Ethaboo444 and ChineseChen

We will be posting a new episode every Tuesday at 12 PM EST/9 AM PST/5 PM GMT

Level 59
Feb 23, 2021
New episodes of the series will now be posted on a Collab Account between Ethaboo444 and ChineseChen.
Level 59
Feb 25, 2021
There are going to be 17 more episodes :)
Level 43
Feb 23, 2021
Where is PCB!?
Level 66
Feb 23, 2021
Level 59
Feb 23, 2021
PCBs are coming shortly, just taking a quick break and thinking of some ideas for a blog, that's all
Level 43
Feb 23, 2021
Oh ok. Because after I post my Chapter II of JPW, Pandora said that the PCB would be released in the next day.
Level 43
Feb 23, 2021
And that’s a nice work! The stories JetPunk are in the top of the parades.
Level 65
Feb 23, 2021
Nice blog! Lots of stories are sprouting since the return of Malkiboy!
Level 68
Feb 23, 2021
Fun and interesting!
Level 56
Feb 23, 2021
I have high hopes with this series! A quick question, Utopia means a country or society where everything is almost perfect, and is so ideal that it only resides in imagination, then why the person wants a demise of Utopia? Is it something secret which will later connect to the story, or that name was chosen on random? If it was chosen on random, I guess some other name would be better...
Level 66
Feb 23, 2021
The Utopia will be brought up later in the series. The fact that we wrote it, "utopia", hints that it's not genuine.
Level 59
Feb 23, 2021
we also don't want to spoil the story, so you are going to have to wait and see
Level 56
Feb 23, 2021
Oh my bad, I completely missed it 😅
Level 56
Feb 23, 2021
nice! i'm working on my own story atm, hopefully it won't be cringe...
Level 69
Feb 23, 2021
lol you just saying that

made my cringe meter go off the charts lol

Level 66
Feb 23, 2021
It used to be more cringe when it involved throwing kalbahamut's shoe.
Level 54
Feb 23, 2021
Nice Blog!
Level 52
Feb 23, 2021
Nice start!
Level 69
Feb 23, 2021
I really liked it good job guys!!!
Level 65
Feb 23, 2021
Nice!!! :)))))