Where Have I Been?

It's been a while since I've been here, but I'm back. I'll be creating and translating quizzes again, and enjoying the quizzes users make.

Now you may wonder, where have I been. So keep reading.

So, since hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, I moved to Ohio, and now Florida. I'm currently a high school senior and I was elected class secretary. I've been working on college applications and, so far, have been accepted to three. My top college is the University of Florida, where I hope to major in political science and then go to law school. At my high school, I've met a group of friends that are amazing and have been so helpful in getting me to where I am today and to accept an integral part of myself. I used to be an incredibly shy person, but thanks to them, and my own motivation, my character in general has grown. I still have areas to work on, but I'll get to them sooner or later.

That's all for now, hope to see y'all around.
Level ∞
Nov 24, 2019
Glad to see you back on the site and recovered from hurricane Maria. Best of luck in college next year.