Could Category Elimination be a Tool in Choosing a Place to Live?


While this may sound like a far-fetched idea, if you are seriously considering migrating to another country, category elimination may end up actually being a good idea. As I was making my Category Elimination - Country Rankings Quiz, I noticed that one could come up with various categories. Ones in which they feel defines a good place to live. With enough of of these, a person could eventually narrow down their options into a few countries in which they may like to live.

Because I'm always looking for more quiz ideas, I would love for people to comment on the Category Elimination Quiz I have created, naming various categories in which you would want a country to be in. If you comment, your categories may end up on my next "Category Elimination Quiz".

One such example I came up with is -

Low population density /

High % of forest area /

High HDI /

High Life Expectancy /

High GDP per Capita.

Keep thinking up interesting categories, and stay tuned for a quiz in which your categories are featured!

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