Fryslân / The Netherlands


Fryslân in the Netherlands

The province of Fryslân in the country of the Netherlands is more commonly known as Friesland (in Holland). I'd say we should display official names and use common names as type-ins. 

Virtually all places have an official name in a language and the name gets translated into other languages. Sometimes not changing at all or only minor, for example Danmark into Denmark. Others have a completely different name: Deutschland into Germany or Suomi into Finland. 

There are however also countries/places which have an official name in a language, but we/the people keep on using other ones in the same languages. Holland (for the Netherlands) and England (for the UK) being commonly used. In both cases they are only a part of the country. Jetpunk usually doesn't allow these names to be used, unless they are accepted as type-ins.  

There is however one oddity, which is Fryslân (a province of the Netherlands). Almost all quizzes I have seen in both English and Dutch refer to Friesland instead of Fryslân. The problem is that the name really is Fryslân, not only in the local language of (West)Frisian, but also in Dutch. So in the Dutch and English quizzes we should use the official name of Fryslân instead of Friesland (which can be a type-in). To illustrate this, the official provincial website ( can be displayed in Frisian or Dutch, notice what happens to the text and the name of the province: everything changes, but the name stays Fryslân! 

So far my thought of the day, hopefully those of you who make or edit quizzes can help me correct them everywhere. We would like to educate people and let them have fun with the right info, right? 

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