Extreme Poverty in the World, 1981–Present

The percentage of the world's population living in extreme poverty has declined by huge amounts since 1981.
Source: World Bank
Defined as $1.90 per day in 2011 dollars
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Level ∞
Nov 4, 2019
A large amount of this change can be attributed to China where extreme poverty has declined from more than 50% of the population to nearly zero.
Level 78
Nov 6, 2019
Honest question: does the data comes from Chinese sources, or it's reliable?
Level 82
Nov 6, 2019
Whether the data is 100% accurate or not it's undeniable that the country has undergone a huge economic shift. You can see this from a number of different metrics reported both within and outside of China.
Level ∞
Jun 28, 2021
Do you honestly think there are significant number of people in China still living on less than $1.90/day? That seems unlikely.

I don't trust Chinese numbers in general, but this one seems accurate.

Level 71
Nov 6, 2019
Hans Rosling had some great videos on how extreme poverty has declined over the past few years. One of my biggest takeaways from his TEDtalk is really being able to visually see the economic impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa. A lot of development was just absolutely railroaded.
Level ∞
Nov 6, 2019
Fortunately, the worst of the HIV/AIDs epidemic has now passed. In almost every country in Africa, life expectancy is at all-time highs and rising.
Level 78
Nov 6, 2019
Wait, did my comment get deleted?
Level ∞
Nov 8, 2019
Yeah, sorry. I felt it contained an unnecessary reference to a certain world leader that tends to get people emotionally fired up. I didn't feel the reference was necessary since this chart ends in 2015.
Level 78
Nov 8, 2019
Oh, okay. Yeah, probably best to avoid those long long message chains. I didn't even think twice about saying the name, but you're probably right to have moderated that out. :) Thanks for letting me know why, though! I was really worried I was going crazy.
Level 68
Jul 21, 2022
I'd be interested to see if the pandemic has any impact on the chart.