Funniest Things #2 Turkish Words



Also Mısır!

According to Google Translate “mısır” means Egypt. It is true, but it also means corn! (Sorry Egyptians and corns.) Mısır (Egypt) is older than mısır (corn). It came to Istanbul from Egypt (Mısır) through Syria in 1600’s under the name of "Mısır Buğdayı (Egyptian wheat)" or "Mısır darısı (Egyptian millet)". With time, it was shortened to Mısır.



Hindistan is the Turkish word for India. Nothing strange at the first sight, right? Wouldn’t be weird at all if the stem of the word weren’t hindi, which means turkey in Turkish. So India is another turkey, should we call it Turkeystan? *Confused Confucius Confuses Confusion* Lol I really hate this Turkey-hindi-India thing.



In general o means he, she and it, and sometimes “that”. We use just one letter to describe 4 word! And it has an etymology! The oldest usage of the Turkish word “o” is found in Orkhon inscriptions (oldest Turkish writings in the world). It used as “ol” in old Turkish. Later it shortened to “o”.


This is the longest word in Turkish and one of the longest words in all Europe. I can pronounce it. It means: As though you are from those whom we may not be able to easily/quickly make into a maker of unsuccessful ones. If you want an example, here it is:

We are in a teachers' training school that has evil purposes. The teachers who are being educated in that school are being taught how to make unsuccessful ones from students. So, one by one, teachers are being educated as makers of unsuccessful ones. However, one of those teachers refuses to be maker-of-unsuccessful-ones, in other words, to be made a maker-of-unsuccessful-ones; he talks about and criticizes the school's stand on the issue. The headmaster who thinks every teacher can be made easily/quickly into a maker-of-unsuccessful-ones gets angry. He invites the teacher to his room and says "You are talking as if you were one of those we can not easily/quickly turn into a maker-of-unsuccessful-ones, right?"



Batman is a province and a city in Turkey. And there is Batman, the character. Even there is Batman University! Students are learning fight techniques! (Just kidding). And 142nd interesting fact is about Batman.



Ne means “what” in Turkish. But it is common to say “ney” instead of “ne”. And ney is also a Middle Eastern insturment. Ney is an important insturment in Turkish Folk Music. When I was 5-6 years old, my sister was trying to play the ney and I didn't know what it was. The conversation between us was as follows:

Me: O ney? (What is it?)

Sister: Ney. (Ney.)

Me: Ney?

Sister: Ney!

Me: O elinde tuttuğun şey! (What you hold in your hand!)

Sister: Neeeeeeey!

Me: Neeeeeeeeeyy!

Sister: O bir neeeeeeey! (It is a ney!)


Then I learned ney is a musical instrument.


I couldn’t find much word. But these are the funniest ones. Stay tuned and I’ll see you next time!

Level 42
Jun 8, 2021
Hmm corn
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Level 51
Jun 10, 2021
Corny Egyptian Jokes
Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
These words are really funny lol! Turkey looks really amazing. The longest word is unpronounceable! The longest word of Portuguese is “Pneumoultramicrosocópicossilicovulcanoconiótico”, has 46 letters, and describes the individual who has lung disease caused by breathing in volcanic ash. Should a make a “Words of Portuguese” version? I’ll make with your authorization tho. And I think the story that you made of “Ney” is incredible! I’m laughing a lot lol! We also have many synonyms, impossible to say all of them. :)
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Thank you! Actually I really love long words and tongue twisters even I can pronounce many long words in many language without looking anywhere!
Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
I’m still trying to pronounce it, but is getting hard 😝

Also, due to different alphabets used in Portuguese and in Turkish, is really difficult to say that lol

Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
Example: ş. We don’t have ş in our language. The Latin Alphabet in general don’t have it. Idk which sound it haves, but it looks that is like a ç, which do a sound of “ss”.
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
If you want to learn the pronounciations of Turkish letters:

We have 6 letters that doesn’t exist in English: ç, ğ, ı, ö, ş and ü.

Ç=Ch example: CHat

Ğ=Long vowel example: cool

I=i example: cousIn

Ö=u example: cUre

Ş=sh examplem SHoe

Ü=u (but not same with ö) example: cUte

Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
Hmm. In Portuguese we have “ç”. I just still don’t understand “Ğ”. And do you have “i”, or just “I”? If yes, what is the difference?
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Actually it is very difficult to explain ğ, ı and i but here is some examples:


ö, ü, ı and i

Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
Hmm, thanks!
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
You’re welcome! So, did you understand the difference?
Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
Yes :)
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
I can also teach some Portuguese! Curiously, I'm having Portuguese class at this moment... lol
Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
Regarding Portuguese, I can also talk about the second longest word, that is “Hipopotomonstrosesquipedailiofobia”, and it, obviously, means a person who have the excessive fear of pronounce long words 🤣
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
I know these words lol (and I can pronounce)
Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
If I just could see you pronouncing... unfortunately, the audio HTML don’t works on JetPunk, and your voice will be live for everyone, so... but hope you can. I love how foreigners pronounce Portuguese words. Also, there are differences between Brazil and Portugal about Brazilian language. Wow, I can do a blog about it also lol
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Yeah, I can’t send an audio.
Level 54
Jun 8, 2021
But u can link audio
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
But I don’t want.
Level 54
Jun 8, 2021
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Oh, did you mean the ğ?
Level 54
Jun 8, 2021
no a,ala (not it mean great? i have learnt little little turkish from Dirlis Ertugrul. Sadetin mostly say a'ala
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
But it is not aala, just ala.
Level 65
Jun 8, 2021
You can also make a whole sentence using "ba" in the Filipino language.
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Wow. What does it mean?
Level 38
Jun 8, 2021
oh i know that one
Level 43
Jun 8, 2021
Ba. (Hope "ba" isn't offensive lol)
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Level 54
Jun 8, 2021
Nice Blog!
Level 39
Jun 8, 2021
Thank you!