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The Create Update


Quiz Editor History

So for those who don't know, the current quiz editor is not the first iteration of itself. In fact it may be even the 3rd such iteration, although it's hard to quantify when so many little things have been added over time. 

However, there are two distinct points where this current editor was formed, and the first was back in March 2018. Before this time, only two types of quizzes were possible: Text quizzes and Click-Map quizzes. However, the latter was only accessible by copying a quiz, it wouldn't be until summer of 2020 with The SVG Update that this quiz type was more publicly available. This means before March 2018, only text quizzes were publicly accessible to create. In March 2018, Quizmaster introduced the Picture Quiz format! Along with this came a whole reformatted editor, with expandable options on the side and more. 

The community went wild, they were thrilled and amazed by such an update. You can see their response here: Picture Quizzes on JetPunk.

We then had some updates to this new editor, including better typeins and the ability to add thumbnails, which came around in September 2018. And... that's about the extent of the major changes to Text and Picture quizzes. Multiple Choice was a new format introduced in January 2019, and then I created Tile Select in December 2019. We had a knock-on effect from The SVG Update in June 2020, as this revolutionised the SVG Selection in text quizzes and also introduced map quizzes as a native format.

Since then, we've had minor tweaks and additions but nothing major. Nothing that really transformed the editor into something concretely better. Today, we introduce the Create Update, which rebuilt the editor and introduces a whole new modern look for it.

The New Quiz Editor

The new editor for quizzes builds upon much of the groundwork laid during The Blog Update, reusing the modern and sleek design introduced in that. Here are the most notable changes, with Old on the left and New on the right.

A New Step Selector

Gone is the old, clunky and grey step selector which now looks dated. In comes a new one with nicer buttons and keyboard shortcuts too! You can now use Ctrl+S to save, Ctrl+Z to undo and Ctrl+Shift+Z to redo.

The old step selector and action bar
The new step selector and action bar

It's (hopefully) clear that this is nicer and easier to read. You may also notice the second change of design: No more Preview step.

Before you scream "Ahhh! The preview tab is gone!!", don't worry. The tab may be gone, but it's now just as accessible directly from submission. You see, if we look at the "Submit" tab, you now have a Preview button embedded directly onto the page - hooray for no more useless tabs!

The Preview and Submission tab of JetPunk quizzes.

Fancy Expandables

Something else borrowed from the Blog Update are fancier "expandables". These are the options that appear on the right-hand side of each quiz step, making it easy to add or delete answers, translate answers or change other properties as well. For this one, we'll show the options of Step 1 of the Picture Quiz editor, as these are more interesting than text quizzes, and as before the old on the left and the new on the right:

The old expandables
The new expandables

So you see, the old one was fine, but it came with some problems. First of all, the expandables were "connected" at the top and bottom, and this never made much sense to me, since they appear to be different entities. Second, why have an expandable just for "Add and Delete Answers"? This seems like a waste of space! 

And so, with a lick of paint, and some redesign, we now have nicer expandables, the "Advanced" one is gone, and the Collaborate button always appears in Step 1 (after saving a quiz once), and so no need to open the Advanced expandable all the time!

Nicer Thumbnails

We also buffed up the thumbnail selector, just a little, but it adds a lot of character! See the old two states on the left, and the new states on the right.

The old "no thumb" state
The old "has thumb" state
The new "no thumb" state
The new "has thumb" state

Minor changes, sure, but every little helps when you're modernising! 

Type Directly Into Step 2

For click-map quizzes and text quizzes, where you have a table of answers to add for your quiz, the old way looked something like this:

The old way of entering answers into Step 2

Now there's one major flaw with this design: the input box. Every entry is done through the input box, and this has been the cause of numerous problems in the past. But today, it is gone. No more input box! And "why" you ask? Well because you can now type directly into the grid of Step 2. See the new version of this same page:

The new way of entering answers into Step 2

In case it's not clear, let me zoom in on Andorra, the selected cell:

See the cursor? That's right, you can simply click a cell to edit it! It's one step closer to a spreadsheet, and no more input boxes! (In Step 2).

Better Caveat Removal and Reordering

Yep, you can now remove a particular caveat rather than just the last one, and you can reorder them too! Simply click the little chevrons on either side of the caveats:

The new caveat reorderer

A Better Collaborate Selection

You can now search for users directly instead of having to type their username correctly. Simply click "Add User" and search for their name directly, and click "Submit" when you are done.

The default collaboration page
Searching for users... Simon said to search for him
After adding a user

After a user has been selected, you can remove them using the red X or remove all users using the button that appears.

Notice When Stats Will Reset

When a quiz's stats will reset due to changed answers, we will now show a notification of this in the Submit step, this does not necessarily mean it will appear on "Recent User Quizzes" though, since there are extra requirements for that to happen.

Now we've covered the main changes to the new editor, compared to the old one, we'll cover the specifics of the new changes you can find in this new editor that weren't in the old one!

Picture Quizzes

Randomized Picture Quizzes

It's finally here! Simply click "More Options" in the quiz editor when on picture quizzes to enable randomized picture quizzes.

This will then show a random selection of images from your Step 1 to the user. This is possibly the most prominent feature for non-quizmakers in this update.

Sort and Shuffle Pictures

You now have the ability to sort pictures by their answer or their hint (if selected), as well the option to shuffle them as well. Note that shuffling happens only in the editor, not on the quiz page.

Individual Image Borders

A highly requested feature, image borders are now done per-image, instead of per-quiz. This means flag quizzes can no isolate Nepal's more easily! You can also set all images at once. 

A New Typeins Expandable

This also applies to text quizzes, but the options of the Type-Ins step are now collated into a simple expandable. Also with the added options of setting all typeins to "Is Name" or not.

Multiple Choice Quizzes

Shuffle Choices and Questions

You can now shuffle questions in the editor itself, or shuffle all choices in the editor. Useful if you don't want to randomize the order every time but you want to remove human bias in your choice of correct answers!

Individual Image Borders

As is the case with picture quizzes, MC image choices also now have the option to change the border of individual images instead of applying a blanket to the whole quiz.

Tile Select Quizzes

Images in Tiles

You can now have tiles in Tile Select quizzes with images inside them, not just text! Simply click the green image icon to add an image instead of text. On the quiz itself you can click the image after the game has finished to see attribution for it.

Also, as with Picture and Multiple Choice, you can individually set the borders of images.

Shuffle Questions and Tiles

You can shuffle the order of your questions or the tiles within all questions, just like you can in Multiple Choice quizzes too!

Click Map Quizzes

Other than the global changes of new designs and the replacement of the input box in Step 2, there have been no specific changes to Click Map quizzes.

Text Quizzes

Now, we've separated out Text quizzes since there's just so many changes and additions to it. We'll ignore the previously mentioned changes, such as typing directly into Step 2 and overall design changes and adjustments.

Shuffle Answers

As with Picture and MC quizzes, you can now shuffle the order of answers in Step 2. This is purely on the quiz editor side, you should choose "Random" under "More Options" in Step 1 if you want to order answers differently for every user.

Convert Numbers

This is a new feature which is particularly useful when translating quizzes, or when using data from a strange source. 

You simply choose a column to apply it to, then you choose the old number format, e.g. the format shown is commas for thousands separators and periods for decimals, which looks like 1,234.5. You can then choose what these get mapped to. The possible options are Comma, Period, Space and Apostrophe (the common punctuation used in numbers in various languages).

Step 4 Manual Mode Changes

Hide Row and Column

Technically hiding column already existed, but was never advertised. Hiding column will hide all cells in that column until any of the answer cells in its row is guessed.

Hide row will hide all cells in a single row until the answer in that row is guessed.

Merge Cells Options

We have had merge cells for quite some time, but now we're getting some new additions to it! First off is the simple "Unmerge All", which will unmerge all cells in the grid. 

The second change is "Auto Merge", you choose to apply this either on columns or rows, and it will merge all adjacent cells with identical text. E.g. if you had a hint which was identical for 5 answers (say, "Bordering Countries"), you could apply Auto Merge on Columns and it would merge all 5 of those cells together!

Random Group Styling

Before now, editing the styles and seeing what a Random Group quiz looked like was tough work, since the quiz editor didn't format it as a Random Group quiz. 

Well, now you can see the way the quiz will look directly in the editor, and even better the way styling works is clearer! You can style all headers at once in Random Group, but that's it. Now it's clear you can do this, and you can see the result of it immediately too.

Translate Any Column

You can now translate a column of your choice, not only the Answer column. That's only if the translations exist in our database, however. 

You can also translate the hint of picture quizzes too.

That's about it! It really is a lot of new changes, although I suspect most people won't use many beyond the new way of entering text into Step 2, but alas the capacity for them to do so is now there.

Other Changes

We also made some changes to other parts of the website as well. Here's a list of them:

  • U.S. State Puzzle - if you lose internet or connection while saving your score, you can now try again until it saves. You can also save your score to a user account if you play while not logged in.
  • Create Quiz Page - the index page listing all your published, collaborated and unsubmitted quizzes has had the "Actions" column removed and replaced with a button that brings up a dialog with all the relevant buttons inside it. Including a preview button! It is now the fastest way to preview any of your quizzes.
  • Button Design Change - the design of all buttons on JetPunk has been updated to use a new modern design, this may not be noticeable to most people, but some people might notice :)
  • Italian SVG Guide - thanks to the incredible contribution made by user Crem, we now have a fully fledged translation of JetPunk's SVG Guide for Italian! It's linked under "Altro" in the Italian navigation bar, but is already available on the SVG Guide itself. See it here: Guida SVG di JetPunk - Versione Italiana.


Overall, we've had quite a number of changes, although most have focused on the reconstruction of the Quiz Editor and further changes to it, we also had some minor changes for user in general as well.

Since much of the back-end of quiz editing was rewritten for this update, it is possible that some bugs remain. If you do spot a problem or have a suggestion for the quiz editor (within reason), we'd love to hear it! Remember if you don't report a problem we may never know about it, so won't be able to fix it. We believe strongly in user feedback, as without our users JetPunk would be nothing. 

Finally, we hope you enjoy the new quiz editor as much as I enjoyed creating it :)

Level 59
Apr 27, 2021
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Thanks, sorry to those who wanted to read the blog for the first 4 minutes, I may have broke blogs briefly lol
Level 43
Apr 27, 2021

Thought there was a new update, 'cause the buttons were cleaner, and "Tile Select Quiz" changed the name for "Tile" lol! Thanks for this Stewart!

Level 65
Apr 27, 2021
Well done Stewart on the new update!
Level 34
Apr 27, 2021
Well Done indeed, I am so excited for this update!
Level 65
Apr 27, 2021
I was just about to delete my account and checked the blog page one last time. Thanks for this amazing update!

Edit: It looks really clean! Nice job, and the input is the most important. Now I can finish a quiz I was working on because of the hide row feature!

Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Delete your account - why?
Level 55
Apr 27, 2021
Loving the update so far, especially the fact that you can now use the keyboard to save/undo/redo :)
Level 43
Apr 27, 2021
Way better buttons man, not just the Quiz one, but all of them :)
Level 65
Apr 27, 2021
I found out the Ctrl+S on blogs first by accident when I was trying to strike out text.
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
yeah this was a sacrifice, but it was okay since striking is rarely used, and not all browsers implement keyboard shortcuts for the text component (we don't do this)
Level 65
Apr 27, 2021
Level 54
Apr 27, 2021
Great Update!!
Level 65
Apr 27, 2021
Very cool! Now I can easily make hidden tile quizzes!
Level 59
Apr 27, 2021
I don't know if this is supposed to be intentional, but the yellow when you collaborate on a quiz sort of goes out of the box:
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
yeah i noticed that too, I'll fix it
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Alright this is fixed now
Level 70
Apr 27, 2021
I can't save my quiz, because it says "invalid time" for every time I set it to
Level 54
Apr 27, 2021
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Sorry about that, should be fixed now if you refresh. Like I said, lots of back-end changes happened so there's likely to be mistakes
Level 60
Apr 27, 2021
Yet another amazing update.
Level 65
Apr 27, 2021
yes! yee yee
Level 71
Apr 27, 2021
I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, but when I tried to switch input method on a tile quiz, I could not select anything as a correct option. (For pictures)
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Yep you're correct, I broke something for selecting images. This is fixed now (you'll have to save and refresh)
Level 71
Apr 27, 2021
thank you
Level 56
Apr 27, 2021
Great update! Could we have the option to specify the language for a quiz series, like we do for that of blogs?
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Thanks! And this is planned in the future already, it's low priority though
Level 52
Apr 27, 2021
A suggestion: in the answer stats after picture tile select quizzes, only put a border around the pictures if it was specified in the quiz.
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
ohh yes this I can do, thanks
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Nice update Stewart!
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
What a great update!! I love the recent changes to the website's interface! It makes it so more clean and approachable.
Level 77
Apr 27, 2021
Fantastic job Stewart! With 2 updates within around 3 weeks, JetPunk keeps getting better with your great work. Thank you so much! :)
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Nice update! Speaking of the quiz editor, I've always wondered: why is it that the options to add and delete rows / columns are locked behind dropdown menus? Unless it's somehow tough to implement, I see no reason to not have readily available and separate "Add" and "Delete" buttons. The only counterpoint that comes to mind is maybe users could accidentally delete something, but the Undo function easily negates that. I think it would be good for lazier quizmakers (like me!) for whom a couple extra clicks is just so much work :P

Also, thank you for taking the time to link my guide in the navigation bar!

Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Basically it's length issues. We don't have the screen real estate to do what you want I think. Since you'd then need 3 lines not 1, and for something like Tile Select that's then 9 lines instead of 3
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Yeah I see your point. I just now tried playing around with it a bit and everything seems to fit, but at the cost of maybe not perfectly explaining what each button does, which is definitely not good. I don't really understand what you said about adding nine lines in Tile Selects, I was just talking about substituting the "select" elements with two buttons in each table row (here's a screenshot of what I was thinking). But I absolutely trust your judgement if you don't think it would be a good idea!
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
The 9 lines was because you need text to explain what is going on, so you'd have to have a line for "add before" a line for "add after" and a line for "delete". I agree that maybe this could be split into buttons instead, but I'm not sure if there's a way to do it so it's abundantly clear to new users.
Level 76
Apr 27, 2021
It’s okay
Level 76
Apr 27, 2021
Just kidding, fantastic work Stewart, best jetpunker out there
Level 43
Apr 27, 2021
Are these normal? I find in Picture Quiz, and Tile Select Quiz, respectively.

Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
I think so? I'm not sure what part you're referring to in those images.
Level 43
Apr 27, 2021
The components are passing over the notebook page. I can’t web the others below.
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Oh! Well this happens when you have all the expandables open. Click the header of each one to collapse it (e.g. "Add / Delete Answers" or "Quiz Options"). This will free up space. But yes, it is completely normal and expected behaviour when you have a small screen.
Level 43
Apr 27, 2021
Oh, ok! Thanks for answering!
Level 56
Apr 27, 2021
Stewart, you've done it again. This sounds like a great update.
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Thanks a lot Michael! :)
Level 60
Apr 27, 2021
Just a quick question... When you are typing in answers/hints etc. and you switch tabs, you cannot type on the selected cell when you return to the JetPunk tab (this is undone if you move to a different cell and then back again). I find it a little annoying because it hinders me from quickly finding information/data from my source and then switching tabs to JetPunk and typing it in. Just wondering if this could be changed?

Overall great update though! I'm just going to spend a bit of time to familiarise myself with the changes :) Thanks Stewart!!!

Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
Thanks for the feedback! And I agree, switching back and forth all the time would surely get annoying. Also you should just be able to click the same cell again, without moving to a different one first. But yes, I'll look into seeing if I can get that working.
Level 60
Apr 27, 2021
Ok, thanks! It's not urgent in any way so don't prioritise it over your other projects ;)
Level 56
Apr 27, 2021
By the way, if you're editing 1 of the answer/hint cells in a quiz and switch to another tab, you have to double-click the cell again to edit it. This is a bit inconvenient, especially when copying data from a Wikipedia article or elsewhere. Is it possible to fix this?
Level 68
Apr 27, 2021
See the comment literally above yours lol
Level 60
Apr 27, 2021
Thanks! Now I know it's not just me pestering Stewart with that problem lol...
Level 68
Apr 28, 2021
Geo and Pandora this should now be fixed!
Level 60
Apr 29, 2021
Thanks Stewart!
Level 56
Apr 27, 2021
Oops, sorry about that lol
Level 66
Apr 27, 2021
Is it just me or is the color of the blue bar slightly darker?
Level 59
Apr 27, 2021
Yeah same i realized that too...
Level 51
Apr 27, 2021
Level 54
Apr 28, 2021
Nice update, especially The reordering of caveats because before, you have to cut and cut and paste
Level 40
Apr 28, 2021
I like the update. the buttons look uh..... ''cute''? lol but by the way i love it
Level 56
Apr 28, 2021
This update is amazing! These small quality of life changes don't look much at first, but when you see them in implementation, you clearly see a difference. For some small things, like now you can edit answer directly from the cell, made me very excited. And the keyboard shortcuts, I can't describe my happiness. Thanks a lot for all of your amazing work towards JetPunk :)
Level 54
Apr 28, 2021
Wow! Beutiful! You are awesome, Stewart! Some changes unimaginable, but they will surely be very useful in a near future. Congratulations, and of course thank you a lot for all this incredible work!
Level 75
Apr 28, 2021
Did not see this coming, certainly didn't think that yet another major update would come this soon!

Great work Stewart!

Level 73
Apr 28, 2021
Great Update
Level 70
Apr 28, 2021
What a great update! I love these visual changes. Very good job Stewart and thanks a lot for making this great website even better at each update ;)
Level 65
Apr 28, 2021
Simon says this is a great update! Especially the auto-merging will make my life so much easier
Level 68
Apr 28, 2021
Thanks Simon, and yes I had the wacky idea of auto merging and it turned out really nice.
Level 65
Apr 28, 2021
Love it!
Level 54
Apr 28, 2021
Also congrats on crossing jerry
Level 68
Apr 28, 2021
Thanks! :D
Level 84
Apr 28, 2021
Amazing work Stewart, thank you! So many great changes and additions, but particular thanks for implementing the stats reset notification :)
Level 68
Apr 28, 2021
thanks for that suggestion! :)
Level 75
Apr 28, 2021
Thanks for putting the work into this. One thing, though. In the old quiz editor, a cell in Step 2 of a text quiz stayed selected when you switched tabs and switched back to the quiz editor page, but it's not like that now. Is it possible that you could make it so that you don't have to re-select a cell every time that you change tabs. Thanks.
Level 56
Apr 28, 2021
See the reply to @Geopro above :)
Level 68
Apr 28, 2021
Yep already suggested by Pandora, geopro and several others. Since it's been suggested I have slept and gone to work (at my "proper" job), so haven't had the chance to fix this yet. I plan to tonight, but I have real-life stuff to do as well so will probably be a few hours yet.
Level 75
Apr 28, 2021
Okay, that's fine. Thanks.
Level 68
Apr 28, 2021
This should now be fixed!
Level 63
Apr 28, 2021
Great Job Stewart! Just one suggestion: Can you make it so that when you scroll down with the down key from the cell above the one you have scrolled down two, it allows you to type in that cell because right now, you have to click your mouse on top of that cell for it to work. It seems a bit laborious for me but other users may find it fine.
Level 68
Apr 28, 2021
This works for me already, unless I don't understand your suggestion
Level 44
Apr 28, 2021
Where is the merge drop-down you are showing in the Text Quiz section? I can't find it in the editor. I want to make a borders quiz.
Level 68
Apr 28, 2021
In Step 4 of a Text Quiz, switch design mode to "Manual" at the top, and then the Merge Cells options appear
Level 44
Apr 29, 2021
Thank you so much. I had given up looking for them before this update because I couldn't find them. I had used auto because I had some problems with manual and never thought to look there.
Level 68
Apr 30, 2021
You can't. If we allow people to unnominate then the system could be easily abused.
Level 49
May 11, 2021
update idea, tho this has nothing to do with this update: i wanna get notifications if someone replies to my comment. currently i only get them when someone writes a comment on my quiz
Level 68
May 11, 2021
This is intentionally not done, since this would likely introduce more arguments and flame wars, turning JetPunk into some kind of social media which we can't afford to be.
Level 55
May 16, 2021
(just a suggestion) maybe you can do this, but add an option to opt-out of notifications, either from all of them or just reply notifacations.
Level 68
May 17, 2021
I have thought about this in the past as something to work on, but it's not necessarily as simple as it sounds. Why don't you want notifications?
Level 44
Jul 20, 2021
How do you make more than one answer column? Making another quiz.
Level 68
Jul 20, 2021
You need to put all your answers in step 2 in a single answer column. Then, in step 4, you can set the design mode to "manual" at the top and manually add columns and edit the cells to be specific answers you want.
Level 44
Jul 21, 2021
What do you mean by editing the cells to be specific answers? I can't seem to get the "change cell type" to work.
Level 68
Jul 21, 2021
Could you elaborate? Assuming you are making a standard Text quiz type, then in Step 4, you have to set the Design Mode at the top of the page to be Manual (only possible in non-randomized quizzes).

Then, at the top of the page is a dropdown called "Manual Cell Options". In here, select the cell type to be "Answer" and a popup should appear, allowing you to select which answer row it should be from Step 2.

To create new cells that you can edit to be what you want, on the right hand side of Step 4 is "Add / Delete Cells", where you can add rows, columns or whole blocks to your grid.

Level 44
Jul 22, 2021
But when I change the cells to answer cells, it copies the text in the original answer cells and I can't edit the text. Here is the quiz.
Level 68
Jul 22, 2021
As I said before, you need to put all the answers on a separate row in Step 2. Step 4 is purely for design, not for answers. Once you have separate answers in Step 2 you can then arrange them however you wish in Step 4.
Level 44
Jul 23, 2021
Ok, I think I understand. Thank you!
Level 40
Sep 20, 2021
please make an blog based on the new dark mode update
Level 15
Oct 15, 2021
I have a similar question as someone else above did(they prob deleted it), I made a quiz called "Who won the sunday night football game-2020" and it never appeared in the recent quizzes section. Is that supposed to happen?
Level 68
Oct 15, 2021
It is there, it is currently near the top of the second page on recent quizzes. Unfortunately a lot of quizzes get made nowadays that they fly by on the recent quizzes page.
Level 15
Oct 16, 2021
oh ok thanks :)