On This Day Challenge Update #7


So the end of July is looming ever closer which means it's time for another update on my challenge

All the quizzes for what's left of July are made and scheduled for release on their specific day at 0800 UK time. I chose this time for no other reason than it seemed the right time to release it and it sort of stuck for all the quizzes.

Maybe a later time would have seen more takers than the 2 or 3 each quiz is receiving at the moment, but I'll never know.

I feel that the challenge is on the downward slope to the end now and to be honest I'll be glad when it's over now. I will complete it, it's gone to far to be left alone now, but next year will not be as prolific for me.

I will still make some quizzes, and I would like to start making some map quizzes once I've got my head around the steps involved. Watch this space as they say !

The best thing about making this series of quizzes is that I have learnt lots of useless information to amaze and amuse. I also find myself sometimes late at night with several tabs open on the computer with various websites learning more about some random fact I've stumbled upon thats sent me into a journey through the web akin to getting lost in the Parisian catacombs, a place that if you get a chance you should go to, even if it's just the tourist tour. Very spooky place.

Well, thats about your lot for this update, except to say the usual .... Subscribe to my profile if you want notifying of new quizzes, and please try an "On This Day" quiz. Just click on the link below to be taken to the series list.



Thanks for reading and "STAY SAFE"

Level 74
Jul 30, 2020
I applaud you for your dedication, I never would be able to do something like this. I've been working on just a 50 quiz series for over a year now and I'm not even a quarter done haha. Good luck on the second half of the year!
Level 52
Jul 30, 2020
I completely agree! It is sad that your quizzes only get 2,3,4,5 takes but that doesn't mean they aren't good! There is no way I would be able to keep this up! I try and take the quizzes but I can't always see them in the recent user created section. Congratulations for how far you've gotten and good luck for the next part!
Level 78
Jul 30, 2020
Level 62
Jul 30, 2020
I've been lazy lately too. I completely forgot to do the series in the last week. I'll do them all now
Level 78
Jul 30, 2020
Don't let it take over your life 🤪😁