My Life as a JetPunker


My Life as a JetPunker

Since almost a year ago I have grown so much on this spectacular website, JetPunk. Many more people have decided to take my [evidently amazing] quizzes, in every subject, no matter it be geography, football, or Star Wars. This blog documents the important events of my JetPunk life.

I assume everyone is familiar with the COVID-19 pandemic that ravaged the world. Well, it ravaged the United States as well, pretty heavily, and my small suburban town was no exception. After the disheartening announcement of all-virtual academic classes for the remainder of the semester, I sought refuge in JetPunk, a site that I had tried very few times probably a year ago. As it turned out, I quickly grew compelled by the many intriguing quizzes on the website, prompting me to create my own account. Little did I know how much it would flourish ...

I did not expect many people to enjoy my quizzes, and it turned out that way at the beginning. At the time, I was a Star Wars fanatic. I knew every small detail and every minor character of the beloved franchise. Hence, I created just a few quizzes centered around that topic, my Top 100 Famous Characters climbing to the top while my Character by Quote and Planets quizzes were mostly neglected. Clearly, there wasn't much success happening in that area, so I resorted to something else.

Somehow, my brother, @GeneralGenius, miraculously got me interested in the National Football League, despite by initial resistance. I probably created over forty NFL-centered quizzes, which were good for their time and increased my popularity severely. And I suppose I enjoyed them, with the Top 100 NFL Players of 2020 having over 1,000 times taken. I thought this was beneficial.

At some point, there was a large gap in my JetPunk career. Perhaps I just forgot. Or maybe I was simply too busy. Whatever the case, I only rediscovered the joys of JetPunk sometime in February 2021. Many more people had commented on my quizzes and I was astonished to see how much more popular my account had become. Yet I couldn't shake the feeling that I just didn't want to manufacture NFL quizzes anymore. It was growing boring and monotonous, essentially, and in some way, I had lost interest. So, I made the executive decision that I would no longer create NFL quizzes and have since moved on to other aspects of this website.

I grew captivated by the colossal number of geography quizzes and quickly began taking massive amounts of them. Through JetPunk I have memorized hundreds of useful geography facts, as well as many new capitals. For example, recently I have memorized Ulaanbaatar, Nur-Sultan, Beirut, Kinshasa, Rabat, Vilnius, Riyadh, Sana'a, and more. I have merely JetPunk to thank for that. So instead of making NFL quizzes, I created several geographical ones. And then came the time that I found quizzes about ... well, everything. I randomized every quiz I took. All were completely unprecedented. Most were geography, but some were other topics. I created more quizzes, some of which had completely random themes. I grew extremely satisfied. That leads me to now.

At the moment, my Quizmaster rank is 1,172, my five most popular quizzes still being NFL-themed, though I hope and partially suspect that may change. In addition, I have 106 quizzes (and counting) as well as 7,852 times taken. For all this, I am extremely grateful. Thank you to all the JetPunkers who have taken my quizzes, enjoyed them, and helped my account reach prosperity.

With eternal gratitude,                                                                                                                             ZooTuber3000

P.S. Leave any suggestions for cool quizzes I could do in the comments below!

Level 43
Apr 28, 2021
It’s nice to have you here!

And think on thematic SVGS, or blog series. :)

Level 52
May 10, 2021
Blog series for sure! Though SVGs confuse me heavily ... I'm not sure I'll ever understand the complexity of XML and all that, whatever it means, and I have merely a Chromebook
Level 52
Aug 6, 2021
Well, screw that, I'm making SVGs :D
Level 34
Apr 29, 2021
I'm obsessed with star wars. I too came here in search of more star wars quizzes. I take yours a lot! They're great!
Level 52
Apr 29, 2021
Wow thanks! Glad to know someone appreciates my obscure Star Wars Planets quiz