History Blogs

A list of all blogs that fall under the category of History. Historical blogs about the past, perhaps learn something new by reading about something old.

We will talk about; Another son of Apollo, being married for around 1 hour, and why you should never look behind you.

An academic overview of the background, course of events and fate of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte's presidency (1848–1852).

In this story we will learn; What happened after the death of Asclepius, a God turned into a mortal, and wrestling death.

An academic overview of the causes of the 1848 Revolutions in Europe.

An academic overview of the effects of the Congress of Vienna (1814–1815) on European affairs and diplomacy.

An academic overview of the French Revolution's extensive influence in the course of European events during the nineteenth century.

The Aztecs created an amazing empire. They ruled a large part of Mexico until the Spanish came and their civilization was wiped out. What remains today are stories of brutality, sacrifice, and war. But new truths have started to emerge.

An academic overview of whether the French Revolution's objectives were fulfilled with time.

An academic overview of the sequence of events in the French Revolution leading to Napoleon becoming ruler of France.

The first part of a detailed guide to the French Revolution.

An academic overview of the reasons why the French Revolution contradicted many of its liberal principles promised to citizens.

Dlaczego Egipcjanie mówią po arabsku i wierzą w islam? Jak wpłynęli na nich Arabowie?

An academic overview of the transformations occurring in France from 1789 to 1799.

An academic overview of the causes of the most famous, and important, revolution in history.

Welcome back to Guess the American President! As usual, a president will be picked and participants will have the chance to ask questions about that president and make a guess as to who our new Mystery President is. Shoutout to FumChum for guessing the President last time!

Note: My username was formerly SaveOurPlanet. If you were looking for that account, search for Astana instead.

Welcome to the first Guess the American President blog. I will pick a random President of the United States. I will pretend to be that president. Commenters have the chance to ask me 10 yes-or-no questions. I will answer them according to the President I play. Users then have the chance to make a final guess as to who the mystery president is.

The Vietnam War was a tragedy. Many lives were lost. But who, in the end, emerged victorious? The South, supported by the United States? Or the North, supported by the Soviet Union?

Were the Aztecs or the Romans more advanced? You tell me in this friendly history-themed debate on JetPunk? Please argue respectfully and be open-minded.

Dieser Blog gibt einen Einblick über die erstaunlichsten Reiche der Antike. Wie viele Einwohner hatten sie, wie groß waren sie und welche Erfindungen brachten sie hervor? All das in diesem Blog.

A game about conquering and winning.

¡Bienvenidos a un blog sobre el Sexenio Revolucionario! ¿Cuáles fueron estos 6 años turbulentos en la historia española? Esta será la primera parte de una serie con un número desconocido de partes.

This blog is about the 1996 Indian general elections, a product of India's weird political system. It shows how India's election system for Prime Minister can doesn't proportionally represent the number of votes they got.

Blog z okazji 19. rocznicy przystąpienia Polski do struktur unijnych

East Germany was notorious for its surveillance and its horrendous situation that lasted the length of the Cold War. But how was everyday life for an ordinary citizen in the country? Chapter 1 is about the Berlin Wall.

Please Note: Throughout the rest of Germany, the wall that spanned the rest of border between the West and East Germany was called the Intra-German Border.

Blog justificatif sur les choix d'idées reçues et inexactitudes choisies à l'occasion du quiz "poisson d'avril" en y apportant à chaque fois quelques brèves informations.

Czyli o tym, co Rosjanie słyszą w mediach

La politique française n'a pas fini de nous révéler ses secrets les plus obscurs. Si la vérité ne vous fait pas peur, cliquez et vous saurez...

Quite a while ago I released a blog, "Songs of the Civil War, Part 1: Northern Songs." Obviously, it would be amiss to neglect a second entry; however, I was lazy for too many months. Now, I have bigger blogging projects I want to work on, but first I'll wrap up my old series. Anyways, these are the songs of the south. Do enjoy.

Il est temps pour moi de révéler ce complot d'ampleur internationale ayant trait aux scènes politique et vidéoludique. Le monde se doit d'en être tenu informé, pour que la vérité triomphe enfin, après toutes ces années d'ignorance.

The Civil War – it was the deadliest conflict in American history, claiming more than one million lives over a span of four years, and it has left a tremendous impact on not only the nation, but the entire world. Now, just as with all important events, dozens upon dozens of songs were written about the war; and here are some of the famous and consistently popular.

This time, we're back with another Eurasian empire, the Hunnic Empire, which was one of the most powerful countries in the time of the downfall of the Roman Empire. In this blog, I will be explaining its features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

After a long time of waiting, we cover a Chinese dynasty in this series. With this case, the Qing Dynasty, which was one of the largest and most powerful of them all. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

The Khmer Empire was a major Southeast Asian Empire, existing during the Middle Ages from the 9th Century to the 15th Century. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

Unfortunately my WWII series was destroyed, just like some U-boats. Though this blog is about one that survived: U-505

We're back with the historic Islamic Caliphates and this time we have the Rashidun Caliphate which not many people know about and is mostly overshadowed by the slightly more famous Umayyad Caliphate. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

For the final time, I will be continuing off of where I finished in the second part of this series, in which I will attempt to name every major colony that the British Empire once controlled at a point in time and also explain into a fair detail of each one. Enjoy! :)

The Belgian Colonial Empire was one of the major European colonial powers during the early and mid-20th century but is not very well known by many people. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

Once again, I will be continuing off of where I finished in the first part of this series, in which I will attempt to name every major colony that the British Empire once controlled at a point in time and also explain into a fair detail of each one. Enjoy! :)

Gran Colombia was a very significant empire in the Americas for its short period of existence and at its territorial peak in 1821, just shortly after its formation, the union controlled a big chunk of Northern South America, stretching across many different countries. In this blog, I will be explaining the country's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

In this new blog series spanning of about three parts, I will attempt to name every major colony that the British Empire once controlled at a point in time and also explain into a fair detail of each one. Enjoy! :)

I created a multiple choice quiz in 2020, asking whether notable celebrity deaths had been caused by COVID, cancer, or natural causes, not expecting the quiz to become a series. Now the question is how long the series will run.

The American Civil War was the bloodiest war in the entire history of the United States and as much as one million people died as a result of it. One of the sides fighting this war was none other than the Confederate States of America. In this blog, I will be explaining the very short country's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

At its territorial peak between the late 16th and 17th centuries, the Dutch Empire was one of the most powerful and influential colonial empires in the world at its time and is still regarded as one of the most influential today. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

Qing was the final imperial dynasty to rule over China. Its borders and power formed the basis of the modern-day China. Though it was indisputably more powerful than its predecessors, many Chinese people today resent that era. Why is this?

I've noticed that there is a severe lack of knowledge of the Chinese civilization and history here on JetPunk, and honestly in the Western World in general, too. This is rather odd, especially when considering the nation's size and its historical influence. So, I thought, I might as well write a blog based on this rough topic to introduce y'all to some good ol' Chinese history, and of course practice my writing skills in the mean time.

The Brazilian Empire was one of the largest empire's in history and at its territorial peak in 1822, just after independence from the Portuguese Empire, it controlled a gargantuan chunk of South America, stretching continuously all the way from Venezuela, in the north, to Uruguay, in the south. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

Also, this blog was made in collaboration with MG17.

We have all read or heard about the Mongol, British, Persian, and French empires from years past. But how will our countries fare compared to these famous (or infamous) historical nations?

At its height in the ancient year 555AD since the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire was practically the most powerful empire of its time and dominated nearly the entire Mediterranean Sea, stretching all the way from Spain in the west, to Syria in the east. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

The Frankish Empire was one of the largest empires in history and at its territorial peak in 814 AD, under their glorious ruler, Charlemagne, it controlled a huge chunk of Europe and stretched continuously from Brittany to Poland. In this blog, I will be explaining the empire's features if it reunited today in the 21st century. Enjoy! :)

I've noticed that there is a severe lack of knowledge of the Chinese civilization and history here on JetPunk, and honestly in the Western World in general, too. This is rather odd, especially when considering the nation's size and its historical influence. So, I thought, I might as well write a blog based on this rough topic to introduce y'all to some good ol' Chinese history, and of course practice my writing skills in the mean time.
