Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 21: Sleep (again)


I can't sleep... so time to rant! 

Have a written about sleep on here before? Yes. Does that make this blog redundant? Also yes. Have I ever cared about ANY of that? Not in this universe! Either way, part 7 of these blog series may have a similar title and also feature an image of a sleeping cat, but trust me, this one is going to be much longer, and much more negative. The last 2.5 years since I wrote that issue have drastically changed my perspective on sleep, so this blog will contain both be complaining about sleep and teasing my naive 17 year old self who wrote that silly little entry. I know I like never post, so if you are new here, yes: I am sarcastic and negative - that's the point - get used to it!

The Bliss of High School

My last sleep blog was basically just a commentary on society's general lack of sleep. I thought that being too busy to sleep was the biggest problem in life, oh how I wish I could go back to those days. I get so much less sleep now, but for drastically different reasons. 

Frankly, I don't want to get sleep. College has made me realize what a horrible waste of time sleep is. Are we really supposed to spend 1/3 of our lives not actually living? The fact that we need sleep is just depressing. The average human lifespan is 77.5 years. Sounds great, but think about it. You only get to actually enjoy 51.6 years of that time, because you spend the rest of it ASLEEP. It would be a much more efficient use of time if people didn't live as long, but didn't need to sleep!

Am I complaining about a basic fact of life? YES, yes I am. But here me out... How often have you been unproductive because you have been too tired? The fact that humans need rest to function makes our waking time inherently unproductive, as any small disruption of a night's sleep can disrupt any plans one has for the upcoming day. This seems to be a hinderance to the human experience. I know nothing can fix this, I am just pointing out this flaw in the human race. :)

Just Don't Sleep: You will be more productive!

Look, I avoided all-nighters throughout all of high school, and my first 1.8 years of college. This month, I caved. I stayed up all night and wrote an entire research paper in 10 hours, and that was probably the most productive 10 hours I have had all semester. That was 2 weeks ago, and I am writing this during the tale and of my 4th all-nighter. Why would you waste time sleeping when you could be working on things you need to get done? Caffeine exists, it has become my friend. I can work for many hours, completely uninterrupted, whilst my peers waste time sleeping only to stress about their assignments during waking hours. Do I still sleep, yes, but only when I don't have things to do! I am saying its all about perspective: all-nighters don't need to be a bad thing. Biology fails at letting us be productive, I say do it anyway (why am I being so positive? I don't know, it's scary!). Is it healthy, NOPE, but like most things I write about on here, I really don't care about that.

I reappear once again...

Greetings Jetpunk! I know it seems I had forgotten the password to my account, but trust that I still linger on the hallowed halls of the Recent User Blogs page. I may not typically have time to complain about things nowadays, because TLDR school is school, I read things. I am currently struggling through many a final paper, as well as extracurriculars wrapping up for the year, it's a lot. I will hopefully be writing more over the summer (mainly due to my other opinion outlet going on hiatus). If you have stuff you want to hear my takes on, y'all know I can complain about anything at this point! You might see some travel blogs from me come fall, as I make the perilous journey across the Atlantic and spend a semester studying in Europe. I know this return to this site is a short one, but I am impulsively writing this, in one sitting, after not moving for roughly 8 hours writing a paper, making a presentation, and editing a video project. For now I am going to continue to cry over papers and drink excessive amounts of caffeine.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 48
Apr 22, 2024
Should I write a blog complaining about final papers/projects to procrastinate doing my papers/projects? That sounds like something that will probably happen
Level 66
Apr 22, 2024
sounds like a wonderful idea, can't wait
Level 59
Apr 22, 2024
Just sleep for 27 years, work for 27 and have 27 years to yourself duh
Level 66
Apr 22, 2024
my twenty seven years starts... right... about... 😴
Level 48
Apr 22, 2024
Level 65
Apr 22, 2024
Hey Rose good to see you on the RUB again!

Yeah I haven't slept in two days (not on purpose) and I'm so tired......literally everything is funny and I can't focus on anything.... I need to sleep!

Level 65
Apr 22, 2024
But sugar and sad songs fix anything as I've found out
Level 48
Apr 22, 2024

I feel that. I've got chronic back pain and often can't sleep bc of that