May CQMB - Joker 2, Deadpool 3, Quiz Announcement, & More


Joker: Folie À Deux Teaser Thoughts

This trailer is pretty interesting, as we got to see some of the musical aspects of the film, despite Warner Bros. typically not revealing that in their films’ trailers. This trailer seems to carry on the eerie feels from the first film, and it has me excited. Joker: Folie à Deux will be out in theaters on October 4.

Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer Thoughts

This trailer looks AMAZING. It’s amazing to see Wolverine now in-full in this trailer, and I really have very high hopes for this movie. I think this movie has grand potential, however I am going into this slightly skeptical seeing how poorly the past MCU films have done. I do believe Marvel is very passionate in not disappointing Deadpool fans, so I am a little more hopeful than I am with projects like Captain America: Brave New World. Deadpool & Wolverine will be in theaters on July 26.

Fantastic Four Casts Its Silver Surfer

Actress Julia Garner has been cast to play a version of the Silver Surfer character in The Fantastic Four, coming out July 25, 2025. Several people are concerned about this casting, worried that Garner’s upcoming character will be the MCU’s Silver Surfer, and that this casting will contrast the commonly-known comic book character (since the character is being played by a woman). However, fans will not need to worry about the authenticity of the character, as she is only playing the female Silver Surfer character, Shalla-Bal. It’s exciting seeing this movie truly begin to swing into motion.

Kraven the Hunter Delayed Again

Looks like this movie is getting the Morbius treatment. Kraven the Hunter has been delayed for the third time, starting from January 13, 2023, to October 6, 2023, to August 30, 2024, and now finally to December 13, 2024. It is very concerning that Sony had this movie completed in the Summer of last year, yet they are refusing to release it until even the end of this year. I’m honestly not surprised since Sony’s movies have been trash, but they didn’t do that to Madame Web, so it makes me wonder if they’re truly trying to fix something. Although I’m doubtful that anything good will come of this delay, seeing how Morbius was delayed nearly two years and still did awful.

I Need Your Help...

My most played quiz, "Fast Typing - Type Anything!" is very close to 10K plays, and has 24 nominations. Now I need your help to get my quiz to become a featured quiz. I would appreciate it greatly if you could check out this quiz, and give it a nomination, because it would mean a lot to me if I could reach that milestone. Thank you guys so much for your support!

Thank You!

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this month's CQMB. Be sure to stay tuned for the next CQMB which will release on the first of June.

Level 34
May 1, 2024
Kraven being delayed has no effect on me whatsoever because its probably going to be just like Morbius or Madame Web. (I don't see much hope for it)

The Deadpool trailer looked so good! The story seems interesting and the TVA being involved is crazy! Like you said, I don't want to get too excited for it just in case it ends up being a flop, but here's hoping its a great movie.

As for the Fantastic Four, the casting is interesting for this movie, we still don't have too much detail on this movie so far, so I don't really know whether to look forward to this or just regard it as another sub-par Marvel Movie.

Another great blog as always!

Level 43
May 1, 2024
Yeah, I don’t have like any anticipation for Kraven so I’m not really affected by it’s delay either (other than out of enjoyment for going to the movie theater for a super hero movie). I don’t know if there’s a single person excited for the future of the SSU.

Fantastic Four is kind of giving me James Gunn vibes with the way the casting is rolling out- seeing the Silver Surfer casting being much different than what people expected and seeing how the movie is going to have like a robot-kind of character… I don’t know, that’s just kinda what it feels like, but I’m excited for how this movie will turn out.

Thanks for checking out my blog!

Level 34
May 1, 2024
Yeah I totally agree, I think Fantastic Four has a lot of potential.

As for the SSU, Venom 3 is their last hope to possibly gain a better fanbase at this point

(Also this is Nazgul, I just changed my screenname)

Level 43
May 2, 2024
Oh Nazgul!

I don’t even think Venom 3 has any chance of doing anything to benefit the SSU. I think the SSU has already made such a bad name for themselves that they’re incapable of recovering.

Level 34
May 2, 2024
Thats actually true, whether it is a good movie or not, it won't help change the view most people already have on the SSU. They have to collectively make it a better franchise.
Level 65
May 1, 2024
I don't really like the Sony live-action films. They all seem sup par compared to the Phase 3 MCU ones. (the MCU has been worse as of late). However, the animated Sony films are killer and I love it.
Level 43
May 2, 2024
I totally agree- the Venom movies are entertaining to some degree, but I don’t think either one is necessarily a good/well-made film.

Obviously, the MCU has been getting worse, but I have relatively high hopes for the MCU, Deadpool and on.

Thanks for checking out my blog, McKenzieFam!

Level 65
May 1, 2024
I don't really like the Sony live-action films. They all seem sup par compared to the Phase 3 MCU ones. (the MCU has been worse as of late). However, the animated Sony films are killer and I love it.
Level 65
May 1, 2024
I don't really like the Sony live-action films. They all seem sup par compared to the Phase 3 MCU ones. (the MCU has been worse as of late). However, the animated Sony films are killer and I love them
Level 65
May 2, 2024
Woah wtf happened there? Three identical comments?
Level 43
May 2, 2024
Level 68
May 1, 2024
Yo Claptime I just nominated your fast typing quiz, hope it gets featured! Great blog btw ;)
Level 43
May 2, 2024
Thanks dabmaster5 :)))