How To Make Your Quiz Eligible For Points


Several people have e-mailed me to ask how a quiz becomes eligible for points.

The short answer is this: quizzes that are featured on the front page are eligible for points. These quizzes are selected by me - the JetPunk quizmaster. I keep an eye on all the quizzes that are submitted, and choose my favorite ones to feature.

Note: This article refers to English-language quizzes.

Here are some tips to getting your quiz featured:

1. Accurate, sourced data. There are lots of quizzes that would be great to feature, if only they were accurate. Things like "countries with the tallest people". But if there is no source listed, or the source is not accurate, then the quiz can't be featured. Generally, Wikipedia is accurate. Sites like insidermonkey, thetoptens, huffingtonpost, etc... are usually not. Find good data, and you will have a good quiz!

2. Original ideas. Sometimes, you can use an interesting format to create original quizzes. For example, Quizzer6794's Top 5 Countries by Continent series or Kiwirage's Generator series.

3. Non-obscure topics. Sometimes, we will feature a quiz about a niche topic like Minecraft or Pro Wrestling. But usually we stick to more mainstream knowledge like movies, sports, history, literature, and especially geography. Are you in high school? Make a quiz your grandmother would like. Are you a grandmother? Make a quiz that your grandson would be able to ace.

4. Not too difficult. Get rid of answers that are guessed less than 10% of the time. Try to keep the total number of answers to 25 or less unless there is a good reason to have more. Try not to make the user type more than they have to.

5. Spelling and grammar. I'm busy, which means I like to feature quizzes that don't require me to rewrite sentences, fix spelling, correct formatting, etc... Make my job easier, and I am way more likely to feature your quiz!

6. Be a SVG map hero. Make an original map, and I am more likely to feature your quiz. Make a map like this and it's a virtual certainty.

7. Make it rain. In legal parlance, a "rainmaker" is a person who brings new business to a law firm. It's no surprise that "rainmakers" are extremely valuable and highly compensated. We're no different on JetPunk. If your quizzes consistently bring in traffic from other places such as Reddit or social media, we'll be much more likely to feature them!

8. Nominations. Each week, we feature at least one quiz (and often more than one) that has the most nominations from other users.

Keep in mind that very few quizzes get featured. Finding original ideas and writing good quizzes is hard. When I first started this site, some of my quizzes were pretty bad. In the last decade, I've improved a lot, and I continue to get better. So keep making quizzes! The more you make, the more attention your quizzes will get, and the more likely it is that one of them will get featured.

101 Recent Comments
Level 68
Mar 27, 2017
This is an excellent post Dan! Will sure help a lot of confused newbies to the site :) (Also thanks for linking my Underground Map!)
Level 59
Apr 5, 2017
If that's your map, NICE!!!
Level 40
Apr 3, 2021
wdym ''if thats your map''?
Level 55
Mar 27, 2017
Thanks for responding to my email! This will help many on the site!
Level 47
Mar 27, 2017
Thanks. Honestly, I'm still finding my 'click'.
Level 44
Mar 27, 2017
How can I attach clickable links to my quizzes?
Level 65
Mar 27, 2017
<a href="">text</a>.
Level 47
Mar 29, 2017
Wait how do you write that!?
Level 70
Mar 30, 2017
Copy Quizzer6794's comment but replace with the link to whatever website you want to link to, and then replace text with whatever words you wish to link the website to. For example, in this hyperlink, I took the original format but replaced with, and I replaced text with hyperlink.
Level 16
Apr 13, 2023
Thanks a lot! Its really helpful!
Level 65
Mar 30, 2017
relessness write "<" for less than and ">" for greater than. (put semicolons after each. Ex: & lt;a href=""& lt;/a& gt;
Level 47
Oct 23, 2017
Level 32
Dec 5, 2017
thanks a lot man now i can make links clickable
Level 71
Jan 21, 2018
Level 35
Nov 5, 2019
Level 68
Dec 30, 2022
Level 56
Apr 7, 2017
All these tricks really need a list.
Level 62
Jul 25, 2017
Level 39
Jun 13, 2019
I think there is one on reddit
Level 40
Apr 3, 2021
still not working. says ''comment must have some content''
Level 78
Mar 29, 2017
I'm really pleased the quizmaster has taken the time to explain the criteria. 99.9% of the time the selections are excellent. The only grizzle I have is the Russia Map Quiz not being made a featured quiz but other than that

I do though take plenty of non-featured quizzes if the subject interests me, it's not all about how many points you have!

Level 56
Apr 17, 2017
I don't know why, but I think it would be cool to see how many subscribers you have and who they are, so you kind of get to know your fanbase.
Level 44
Apr 29, 2017
Level 68
Jun 10, 2017
Level 55
Sep 10, 2017
Level 68
Oct 10, 2017
Level 75
May 17, 2019
Level 32
Dec 5, 2017
Level 42
Jun 9, 2018
Level 74
Jun 20, 2018
Level 60
Oct 5, 2018
Level 22
Aug 8, 2018
Level 75
May 17, 2019
Level 70
Sep 18, 2019
Level 65
Sep 20, 2019
Level 59
Mar 24, 2020
Level 27
Apr 2, 2021
Level 65
May 17, 2020
You can. Under ‘My Public Profile’
Level 59
May 18, 2020
Your dreams are true now (人*´∀`)。*゚+
Level 40
Apr 3, 2021
Level 19
Apr 27, 2017
This blog really helped. Now I can show my brother this so he will stop bugging me about it.
Level 65
May 3, 2017
I've made 100 quizzes that fit all the criteria. You should consider featuring one.
Level 65
May 10, 2017
just like to say what an addictive site you have and can you supply a demographic list of members
Level 35
May 18, 2017
I still don't know how to add maps... It annoys me...
Level 44
May 25, 2017
I know…
Level 40
May 23, 2017
If anyone has a good link for learning to make svg maps... PLEASE POST IT AS A REPLY HERE!!!
Level 44
Jun 16, 2017
Sorry, I don't know anything about making maps. +1, please tell me what to do!
Level 22
Aug 8, 2018
I think this might be good. svg_article
Level 21
Apr 17, 2019
First reply
Level 52
Jun 8, 2020
Level 44
May 25, 2017
I think thomsonclass made a nice map of the solar system. And KoljiVriVoda's map is pretty cool too.
Level 35
Jun 3, 2017
Thanks! Hope mine gets featured!
Level 75
Aug 5, 2017
How does one edit a quiz that is live so that the edits are applied to the live quiz?
Level 44
Aug 15, 2017
If you have already submitted the quiz, but you want to make changes, just edit what you want and then hit resubmit.
Level 65
Oct 12, 2017
Do you have to ask for it to be featured
Level 66
Feb 23, 2019
I'd like to know the official answer to this as well. The only quiz of mine that's ever been featured was one I asked about. Quizmaster is subscribed so my quizzes do get seen, but I've never had another one picked as a featured quiz (a lot of mine are fairly niche but I do have some that are pretty mainstream topics as well).
Level 32
Dec 7, 2017
How do I insert a picture into my quizzes?
Level 66
Feb 23, 2019
At the time you asked this, only Quizmaster could do it. Now though, it's an option when you create the quiz - though it has to be an image from Wikimedia Commons or Pixabay for copyright reasons.
Level 65
Dec 16, 2023
And now it's just any image you can suck off of the internet. Just paste it onto the page.

And it must be bigger than 235x235 px.

And you have to keep copyright in mind.

Level 3
Jan 14, 2018
hi , quizmaster what aboot me
Level 59
Mar 18, 2018
This blog really helped me out a lot! I will continue to try to improve my quizzes.
Level 43
May 15, 2018
How do you make a hyperlink for your source?
Level 66
Jun 20, 2018
Like up in the instructions of your quiz? You have to enter it in HTML. You can use these instructions to learn how to make a hyperlink in HTML if you don't already know.
Level 59
Jul 30, 2018
Thanks for the help and advice Quizmaster! This has really helped me with my first quiz!
Level 33
Aug 31, 2018
My quizzes are all the things above, but they're not featured?!


Level 28
Oct 22, 2018
How can you increase your boxes like i only have 15 boxes how can i make it more? or increase it? because i see your quizzes they have a lot to answer or guess and my pictures when i link them they do not work?
Level 28
Oct 29, 2018
Hey Dan Can You check my quizzes if they can be featured.
Level 28
Oct 29, 2018
Hey guys can you subscribe to my channel please.
Level 89
Dec 24, 2018
Would it be all right to have quick personal stats on a quiz page before taking the quiz? The best score comes up only after doing the quiz or by clicking Start then Give Up, at least on my mobile. I sometimes get part way through and figure out I've done the quiz before.
Level 28
Feb 8, 2019
Marvel is super relevant these days, this should be featured
Level 28
Apr 28, 2019
How do we know how much suscribers we have ?
Level 59
May 19, 2019
I have a Delhi Metro stations by Map quiz,which is just like London Underground Map Quiz, and there are more Metro Stations by Map Quiz of Hong Kong, Senzhen and Rome but none except London is Feaured
Level 65
Jun 26, 2019
Can you answer my question: Can I change my quiz from pending review to live, or does it do this automatically?
Level 65
Jun 26, 2019
Sorry, I'm newbie
Level 29
Jul 25, 2019
The link to the Minecraft quiz is dead
Level ∞
Jul 26, 2019
Fixed, thanks!
Level 41
Aug 17, 2019
Thanks for creating this blog entry I now have an idea for a new quiz which I hope will be featured as well as it using a SVG map
Level 54
Nov 7, 2019
I'm unsure of my one on Wade-Giles is eligible for points but could you check? I've copied it out below. I think it's my most backed up quiz.
Level 61
May 6, 2020
welp, there go my chances to get a featured quiz! :(
Level 74
May 17, 2020
You gave the example of Stewart's London Underground Station as a great map quiz (which it is). But I think this one by FerroequinoSWAT is just as (or more) impressive than that one, and definitely should be featured in my opinion, especially if metro maps like London are able to be featured.
Level 62
May 17, 2020
True, There are many users on the site who make awesome quizzes but get little to no recognition.
Level 48
May 17, 2020
(shameless self promotion)

Countries of the World 1444 I spent a lot of time on the SVG map for this one, probably too niche to get featured though

Level 62
May 17, 2020
QuizMaster, do You consider WorldAtlas as reliable source? I made this quiz using data From WorldAtlas, precisely because Wiki had no compiled data on this.
Level 86
May 17, 2020
1. Muhahahaha

2. Oh yeah, geography list quizzes are so original.

3. You should definitely feature more "obscure" stuff. Obscure is highly subjective by the way. For example, most sports quizzes on jetpunk are totally obscure for the Belgian that I am (we know just nothing about baseball, ice hockey or american football... just slightly more about basketball but...).

4. Well, ok, a quiz must before all be balanced. Having 15 easy answers and two impossible is frustrating. But I don't like the idea that difficulty is bad, it's not how you become a scholar.

5. Finally, I agree with something, hurray (too bad I'm not a native english-speaker, but that's why I don't make quizzes anyway).

6. Not complaining against the nice maps, of course, but rather about including this in a tip list. Few people will be able to make that, so in the end, it's rather pointless and discouraging.

7. Pathetic. Quality must take priority over rainmaking.

Level ∞
May 18, 2020
"7. Pathetic. Quality must take priority over rainmaking."

Absolutely wrong. Let's take a utilitarian approach. The greatest utility is created when the best quizzes are being seen by the greatest number of people. To maximize utility, we need to optimize for quality, but also for the number of users. Optimizing for only one factor will not be ideal.

Looking at the site logs, it's become clear to me that almost no one is creating quizzes which bring new users to the site. In the future, we will heavily prioritize rainmaking (if we ever see any that is).

Level 69
Dec 13, 2021
If you want to bring in more external traffic, I would suggest adding some simple SEO options to the quiz creator. e.g. the ability to add tags.
Level 86
May 18, 2020
You can't just reward someone because (s)he has brought many new users to the site... what if his/her quizzes are bad? Will you feature them regardless of their quality?
Level 59
Mar 7, 2021
But if the quiz is bad it probably won't bring new users to the site.
Level 43
May 2, 2023
There should be more featured quizzes on stuff besides geography! I'm a huge object show fan so I do have some quizzes on that topic, after reading "No obscure topics" I knew that there was no way I would have a quiz featured, as the majority of them are on song lyrics or object shows or both. And most of the lyric quizzes I make are on songs that not a lot of people know... So Quizmaster, Please allow quizzes that are on obscure topics to be featured, after all, not all of us are geography experts!
Level 51
May 17, 2020
I don't think I've brought a lot of people from places like Reddit (except for my F1 quizzes), but I've gotten a lot of irl people addicted lol
Level 59
Oct 13, 2020
I think @CringeDragon especially does a lot of rainmaking! He seems to post almost every quiz he makes on not only the JetPunk Reddit but also reddits that correspond to the quiz ie r/Wyoming for his "Every City in Wyoming" quiz!
Level 42
Oct 30, 2020
Quizmaster why are all of your quizzes eligible for points? Can you add that to the blog
Level 61
Nov 8, 2020
Come on.

It Clearly States:

"These quizzes are selected by me - the JetPunk quizmaster."

Obviously his quizzes are featured.

Just a reminder ya know.

Level 40
Apr 3, 2021
I think he is probably an developer (not sure tho.) If you look, his level is infinite and he can do almost everything.
Level 43
Mar 15, 2023
He actually made Jetpunk
Level 61
Nov 8, 2020
Dear Quizmaster,




Level 56
Nov 8, 2021
How do I add a source where, when you click it, it takes you to the website?
Level 46
Jul 4, 2022
how many quizzes are featured per day?
Level 43
Mar 15, 2023
Welp so much for my Object show and song quizzes to get featured :\
Level 16
Apr 13, 2023
Thank you Quizmaster! This has been really helpful! I have higher hopes for my quiz being featured now!
Level 50
Nov 21, 2023
I think that users should have a way to suggest their best quiz that they made themselves to Quizmaster or Stewart around once a month or once a week, and the admin can decide whether or not it should be featured. I have some quizzes that I think are potentially feature-quality, but I do not know how to make them seen. I think this may also be true for other users.