The Most Upvoted Quizzes of 2022


Each year, we compile a list of the quizzes with the most five star ratings in that calendar year. So... here they are!

Note: We've modified the list so that each user can only appear once.

Previous editions: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.

user: Joanie
user: baptistegorce
user: Quizmaster
user: Elboy
user: BananaOnNeptune
user: kiwirage
user: Dollyfroggy
user: MarcoSchubert
user: JustJoshing
user: WolfCam
user: Geographystar
user: kaderschaufel
Level 54
Jan 1, 2023
As each year, I was waiting for this blog, and I am so glad to be part of it this time, and surprised to be that high-ranked.

Thank you this year again, dear Quizmaster, for the data, and congratulations to teh nineteen other users present in this blog!

Level 60
Jan 1, 2023
These quizzes are all great!
Level 69
Jan 1, 2023
The McEnroe one is great... created a month ago, but it's the seventh-most upvoted quiz this year. And it deserves it, no doubt!

Also, I trust you are working on your predictions review blog?

Level 60
Jan 1, 2023
Thanks again, this makes for an interesting list of quizzes. Is there any chance you could let us know how many 5-star ratings each quiz actually got?
Level 65
Jan 2, 2023
Wow my first time making the cut!

It’s wonderful to be in such esteemed company, and I’m already enjoying the road to 2023 😉

Level 60
May 5, 2023
Same here! I can't believe I made it.
Level 65
Nov 19, 2023
You guys should do a Most Upvoted Comments for 2023, there are some particularly funny ones out there