Worldwide Airline Fatalities by Year

Flying is incredibly safe. Despite a huge increase in air travel, the number of airline crash fatalities has declined by large amounts.
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Level 61
Sep 27, 2021
does this include war?
Level 81
Sep 27, 2021
I shouldn't think so, given that airline refers to a commercial/civil operator.
Level ∞
Sep 27, 2021
No, it doesn't include war. Civilian airliner deaths only. It doesn't include private planes either.
Level 34
Sep 27, 2021
I made a chart, but how do I make the years so that they don't have a comma? I typed 1999, but it made it 1,999.
Level 59
Mar 22, 2023
Add #### to the number type
Level 56
Dec 17, 2021
Wow, what happened in 1972?
Level 59
Apr 5, 2022
a LOT of plane crashes-

Iberia Airlines Flight 602 (104 dead)

Sterling Airways Flight 296 (112 dead)

Alitalia Flight 112 (115)

Aeroflot Flight 1491 (122)

British European Airways Flight 548 (118)

1972 Königs Wusterhausen air disaster (156)

Aeroflot Flight 558 (102)

Aeroflot Flight 1036 (109)

Aeroflot Flight 217 (174)

Spantax Flight 275 (155)

Eastern Airlines Fight (101)

These are all from 1972, just the crashes with 100+ dead.

Level 58
Apr 16, 2022
does this include deaths in hijackings?
Level 49
Jan 25, 2023
As long as it's civilian airlines yes, I would think so.
Level 55
Jun 1, 2024
I would just imagine Qantas in the background