JetPunk Word Search Returns!


JetPunk's most popular minigame has returned after a 2-month hiatus. However, it is no longer a new daily puzzle only available for 24 hours. In fact, ALL previous puzzles have been exposed and made available!


After its removal, it became very clear to me just how much people loved JetPunk's Word Searches.

Prior to the end, it was becoming too much work to upkeep daily.

Really, something had to change if things were going to continue, and so they have.

I have decided to bring back every single word search!

Like quizzes, puzzles can now be played, replayed, stats can be seen and more!

New Features

Features which were not seen previously have been added, including statistics on puzzles!

One other feature added is the ability to replay puzzles, another which was not possible before.

Opening back up allows people to play at their pace, rather than feeling bad for missing a day.

Lastly, I will be creating new puzzles, but they will take the form of a new "Mega" each week.

So, read the full list of changes below and let me know what you think!

Full Change List

  • All 365 previous puzzles have been brought back, under Regular and Mega pages.
  • All previous scores have been retained, however the stats of all puzzles had to start from fresh due to various technical reasons (the data of which words people guessed was lost). This means once you take a puzzle the first time, your new score will take precedent. Old scores will always be available from each puzzle's stats page.
  • Every weekday a randomly-selected "regular" puzzle will be put on the front page in the old spot. This means, if you wish, you can continue your daily schedule of playing puzzles!
  • Every weekend, a brand new Mega puzzle will be scheduled on the front page. This means you will be getting new content still, but only weekly. Saturday and Sunday will show the same Mega puzzle, so there's no rush to complete it!
  • These new puzzles, once created, will also be available from index pages as well.
  • At the end of a puzzle, you are now shown post-game statistics (similar to quizzes), this will allow you to more easily compare yourself to the global audience.
  • You can also visit the stats page of any single puzzle by clicking on the chart icon, this will show you the global statistics as well as your personal ones.
  • At the bottom of your user profile is your summary statistics showing how many words you found, total puzzles played, unique completed to 100% etc. An example is shown at the bottom of my profile: Stewart's User Profile.

Closing Statement

I really hope everybody enjoys the return of JetPunk Word Search. It took a lot of work to make it happen, and I hope it was worth it!

Feel free to leave comments and feedback here if you wish. And no, comments will not be enabled on puzzle pages still.

Level 59
Apr 1, 2023
Nice April Surprise!
Level 73
Apr 1, 2023
I'm glad it returned!

Thanks a lot :)

Level 69
Apr 1, 2023
Thought this was April Fools' for a second. Awesome!
Level 66
Apr 1, 2023
What if it is 💀
Level 68
Apr 1, 2023
Guess we'll find out tomorrow :)
Level 65
Apr 1, 2023
Level 65
Apr 1, 2023
hang on didn't you say they were gone forever?


Level 65
Apr 1, 2023
And yes totally worth it
Level 68
Apr 1, 2023
Technically it is true. The puzzles you saw before are gone forever. These are slightly modified copies, hence why it is technically true :)
Level 67
Apr 1, 2023
Maybe he did. But anything can be vetoed on April fools!
Level 67
Apr 1, 2023
This is great! I was never a major DJWS player previously, but now I can complete them in my own time whenever which I think is even better than before. Thanks Stewart
Level 24
Apr 1, 2023
I had the feeling that DWS was abandoned completely but, on the other hand, that it would come back with new stuff! I didn't think it would be in April, either! 😅
Level 85
Apr 1, 2023
Excellent news! Glad to see these aren't lost to time after all the work you put in and given how much they were enjoyed by so many.

I get to fill in the gaps of the ones I missed too... and find the hidden messages for the ones I did before I became aware of the hidden messages! Thanks for doing this :)

Level 68
Apr 1, 2023
You will also note that some of the hidden messages have changed, and some which had no hidden messages now do! In fact, every single puzzle with unused letters has a hidden message :D
Level 63
Apr 1, 2023
Great idea to bring these back in the new format. Glad that your creative hard work is not lost!
Level 43
Apr 1, 2023
Calendar says otherwise
Level 60
Apr 1, 2023
This would be a cruel April Fools' joke...
Level 70
Apr 2, 2023
Excellent news! People are talking about April Fools... But yeah, I've fallen for every April Fool I witnessed, so I took this blog seriously from the beginning. Lol. This idea is pure genius.
Level 75
Apr 8, 2023
I'm writing here because it's the most recent official JP thing and I really, really don't want to go to Reddit...

My question is: Where is the JetPunk iphone/Android App? If you twerps put half the work that you put into quizzes like "whatever fictional thing by picture" into creating an app, you'd be #1 on the playstore by now.

Just do it, twerps.

Sincerely yours,

A. Twerp

Level 68
Apr 8, 2023
A JetPunk app has been researched and looked into, and frankly it would take roughly 2 years of work if done by myself and Quizmaster. Not only would this mean no updates on JetPunk itself for a year, but would also be a massive timesink and neither of us are specialised in creating fully fleshed out applications.

We have looked also into hiring someone to do it, and currently the cost of that would be around 2-3 years worth of profit just to cover the cost of development.

So thanks for insulting us as "twerps", but we are not greedy corporations with money and expertise to spend on whatever we want. We have 1 full time person (Quizmaster) and then myself working on JetPunk in my spare time.

It took 2 months and around 250 hours of work to bring back word searches, transforming the scoring system and also redoing much of the back end. Yet Word Search is just a small part of the website. And making an app requires rewriting everything, and is simply unreasonable.