Happy Easter! Time for some stuff and the long awaited AFOTWIT Ch. 7!


So the countries colonize a planet named Ahoelata, and back on Earth, Mexico and Brazil have plans! Find out what is to happen on AFOTWIT Chapter 7-

"Wait! You said you would include updated rules for GeoStumper!"

I never did, but also those, yes.

Read on for more!

Narrator: Ah, the countries are colonizing a planet named Ahoelata. Let's see what they're doing.

Ahoelatans: Dlá, döpand ciwn akíoïpansãsi! (Ah, what a great day to be alive!)

PL: YES! POLAND (And Lithuania) CAN INTO SPACE! (polandball reference)

Ahoelatan Nation 1: Löp, ajdí ajsopśnd cniönsdr? (Humans? What are you doing here?)

PL: Oh, just colonizing this beatiful planet with oxygen, water and ample temperatures.

All Countries: We're here!

Ahoelatan Nations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: Kĺp ancïancuw! (Oh sh**!)

Asian Empire: Rename time!

Filipino Empire: Better!

PL: Why Filipino?

Filipino Empire: Because it was Philippines' idea.

Germany: We should all work together to colonize this planet. But only while colonizing, not on Earth.

All Countries: Agreed.

Back on Earth...

Mexico: I want to colonize Belize...

Belize: ...

Mexico: Hello?

Belize: ...

Mexico: Belize?

Belize: ...

Mexico: Okay, Belize, I will colonize yo-


Mexico: WTF Belize?

Belize: ...

Mexico: Okay, that's it!

Belize: ...

After 3 days...

Belize: ...

Mexico: I will conquer you now!

Belize was conquered by Mexico. Belize was unresponsive the whole time.

Meanwhile, on Ahoelata...

Ölahdnsòákxsl: Jaxäjicekḱjpwsôsncéśǵfckp. (Welcome, my Ahoelatan comrades, to our defense meeting.)

German Space Force: Hier! Ihre Basis! Attacke! (Here! Their base! Attack!)

French Space Force: Nous fournirons une sauvegarde. Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous devrions gagner! (We will provide backup. Don't worry, we should win!)

Ölahdnsòákxsl: Míaĺsö? Abìaśösmîadm! (What the heck? You will lose, don't even try it!)

After 3 Ahoelatan months or 5 months of fighting...

GSF: Beeile dich! Zerstöre sie! Lass keinen einzigen leben! Dann konvertieren Sie dies in unsere Basis. (Hurry up! Destroy them! Don't let a single one live! Then convert this into our base.)

US Space Force (literally just NASA but with an army under its command): I'll help!

Ölahdnsòákxsl: Jäbndiecnśkwjp! (Oh no! What do we do? Fine, we surrender.)

NASA, GSF, FSF: Perfect!


Happy Easter!

So, here's the GeoStumper I said I would bring. After a long hiatus of GeoStumpers, I think here's a redeemable one for my long gone streak.

And the RULES:

1- You may answer after you get it wrong, only if I say you can retry.

2- If you get it wrong, you may not answer again.

3- Choose according to the question. The possible answers to one question cannot be an answer to another.

4- There can be more than one winner per question. Except during prizes

And now, the GeoStumper!

1:California-______-Washington-_______ _______-Alaska

Can you figure out the 4th item in the sequence? The item right above the word "sequence" in the previous sentence.

Question 2






Borders Germany, but is obviously not Germany

Can you guess the answer?

Question 3


-Starts with U

-Is in Europe

-Hidden hint, check the story!


A. United Arab Emirates

B. Ukraine

C. United Kingdom

D. Uganda

E. None of the above

F. All of the above

Can you guess the correct choice?

Question 4


North America

Which geographical entity is it?

Question 5

I was born there

It's in the _______ Ocean

It's not bordering any other country.

It has blue and yellow on its flag.

Now, figure this country out. Then, remember this country and the bottom 3 criteria of this question.

Question 6

The bold criteria above

Not the answer to Question 5


Question 1: GrandOldMan

Question 2: None yet

Question 3: turnbacktwo

Question 4: None yet

Question 5: GrandOldMan

Question 6: None yet


Good luck, and goodbye!

From now on, my GeoStumpers will be separate. Thus my AFOTWIT will be published on Thursday or Friday (Pacific Daylight Saving Time). Also, all my blogs from this one on will be tagged following the blog update. Read it here

WHO WANTS TO BE IN MY NEXT CHAPTER? Comment down below! Max of three! I need your permission and a country you want to rule

Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
People. New Rule.

When answering for a question, please. Only select ONE answer for the question.

Level 66
Apr 4, 2021
1. Oregon, British Columbia, Yukon? or Ontario.
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Do not answer more than one per comment.
Level 66
Apr 5, 2021
ok then my first one
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Level 52
Apr 4, 2021
5. Philippines
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Yes, but that was obvious (for those who know)
Level 52
Apr 5, 2021
1. British Columbia

2. Switzerland

6. Pacific

Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
1- Yes.

2- No.

6- No.

Level 42
Apr 5, 2021


3. None of the Above

4. A-Z geography

6. IDK

Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
1- BC borders Alaska

WHICH ONE THOUGH? Only one answer per comment please!

2- No, not the one I'm thinking of

3- No

4- No

6- If you don't know then guess

Level 43
Jan 14, 2024
Is 6 Palau
Level 64
Apr 5, 2021
British Columbia
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Someone already won that
Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
Happy Easter, Russian Easter for me is in 2 weeks and 3 days...


1. California-Oregon-Washington-Point Roberts-British Columbia-Alaska

2. Netherlands

3. Ukraine

6. Indian

Level 61
Apr 5, 2021

One answer, per comment, please.

Level 51
Apr 5, 2021
1. Oregon?
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Level 43
Apr 5, 2021
"...and back on Earth, Mexico and Brazil have plans!..."

Brazil don't appear in the story ;-;

Level 43
Apr 5, 2021
5. Mauritius?
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Rule No. 4 please!
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
IDK i felt pretty urgent

because then there would be a big hiatus

Level 42
Apr 5, 2021
GeoSmartkirby that is kinda mean because what if you know the answer. You might not win but it's just about who finds the blog and the answer to the question.
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Yeah but i said if someone wins, then that means no one can respond again because then it would do anything and if they know the answer then they can just say "I know the answer its answer" then I will say yes but someone already won I don't want to say you got it correct but someone already won
Level 42
Apr 5, 2021
Just delete the comments and say that they have answered a question
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
okay fine
Level 42
Apr 5, 2021



6.Pacific Ocean

Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
2- No

3- No

4- No

6- No

Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
2. Luxembourg
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Level 42
Apr 5, 2021
2. switzerland
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Level 42
Apr 7, 2021
3. United Kingdom
Level 61
Apr 7, 2021
Level 66
Apr 8, 2021
Level 42
Apr 10, 2021
Level 61
Apr 10, 2021
Why do you keep on saying yes for
Level 43
Jan 14, 2024
6. Palau