kiwirage's Blog

All public blogs written by JetPunk user kiwirage.
# of Blogs 6
# Subscribers 121

Mazes have fascinated me since 1986, when I saw the classic movie "Labyrinth". Now - many moons later - I've decided to draw on that love of mazes to create a new website. Read about it in this blog!

Discover a hidden country and its capital by finding a pathway through a maze in this fun puzzle challenge.

Use (mostly) bishop's moves to jump around a grid of letters and spell out a country-capital sequence. Are you up for the challenge?

Jump strategically round a loop of letters to decipher the names of four countries in this puzzle challenge.

Discover a hidden country and its capital by finding a pathway through a maze in this fun puzzle challenge.

Use chess knight's moves to jump around a grid of letters and spell out a country-capital sequence. Are you up for the challenge?