Weather Quizzes

Take a Random Weather Quiz
Try to name the coldest countries in Europe based on average annual temperature.
Try to name the world's coldest national capitals by average temperature.
Name the coldest countries in the world based on average annual temperature.
Try to name the coldest countries in Asia based on average annual temperature.
Can you guess the states of the U.S.A. that have the coldest average temperature?
Can you guess the states of the U.S.A. that have the warmest average temperature?
Try to name the hottest countries in Europe based on average annual temperature.
Can you name the countries where sea ice usually forms by the coast in winter?
Name the countries that have the highest ever recorded temperatures.
Name the countries that have the lowest ever recorded temperatures.
Can you guess the countries that have the lowest average yearly precipitation?
143,514 Top 10 Coldest European Countries
105,182 Coldest World Capitals
99,868 Coldest Countries
91,753 Top 10 Coldest Asian Countries
89,888 Top 10 Coldest U.S. States
89,436 Top 10 Hottest U.S. States
87,220 Top 10 Hottest European Countries
73,828 Countries where the Sea Freezes
73,519 Countries by Hottest Recorded Temperature
69,631 Countries by Coldest Recorded Temperature
62,118 Countries with the Least Precipitation
58,617 Hottest Cities in the U.S.
50,457 Coldest Cities in the U.S.
50,401 Five Coldest Countries by Continent
50,241 U.S. States by Hottest Recorded Temperature
48,333 Countries with the Most Total Precipitation
48,276 Top 10 U.S. States With the Most Tornadoes
46,835 U.S. States by Coldest Recorded Temperature
45,135 Countries with the Most Precipitation
44,612 Largest Countries Without Deserts
44,244 Top 10 U.S. States with the Least Precipitation
43,629 European Capitals with the Least Sunshine
40,179 U.S. State Capitals Where it Doesn't Snow
36,568 Top 10 U.S. States with the Most Precipitation
36,137 Countries with the Most Tropical Cyclones
27,276 Hottest Capital Cities
27,214 Top 10 Hottest European Capitals
27,027 Weather and Climate Vocabulary
25,514 Snowiest U.S. State Capitals
23,582 Cloudiest Countries
22,785 Hottest Countries
22,603 Sunniest Countries
22,132 Biggest Cities with a Tropical Climate
21,529 U.S. State Capitals with the Least Precipitation
21,381 Coldest Countries in July
19,120 Capital Cities with the Least Precipitation
18,922 Hottest U.S. State Capitals
18,679 Coldest Countries with Exceptions
17,850 Hottest Countries with Exceptions
17,475 Most Flood-Prone Countries
17,132 Coldest U.S. State Capitals
14,409 Hottest Capital Cities with Exceptions
12,729 U.S. States with the Coldest Hottest Recorded Temperature
11,403 U.S. State Capitals with the Most Precipitation
11,236 U.S. States With the Hottest Coldest Temperature
10,205 U.S. Cities with the Least Precipitation
9,742 Places That Have Never Reached 100° F
9,670 Weather and Climate Multiple Choice
8,025 U.S. Cities with the Most Precipitation
3,634All Countries by Highest Recorded Temperature
3,163Top 10 Coldest American Countries
2,886Hottest Countries Quiz
2,741Coldest Countries with Exceptions
2,674Five Driest Countries by Continent
2,447Coldest Countries
2,320Top 10 Coldest African Countries
2,120Top 15 Snowiest U.S. States
2,019Top 10 Hottest African Countries
1,704Five Wettest Countries by Continent
1,664Countries Hit by the Most Tropical Cyclones
1,522Largest World Cities That Have Never Been Below Freezing
1,479Top 10 Warmest European Countries
1,280Countries Where it Doesn't Snow
1,029Countries with Tropical and Polar Climates
967Coldest Capitals A-Z
961Hottest Countries By Continent
950Coldest Countries By Continent
876Coldest European capital cities (January mean average temperature)
861Groups of Five - Extreme Weather
839Warmest European capital cities in winter (January average mean temperature)
830Answers Contain a Season
779Top 10 Hottest American Countries
773US States Hit Directly by the Most Hurricanes
741Coolest African Countries
728Wettest Cities in Europe
714Weather quiz
680Top 50 Coldest Countries by Average Temperature
643Top 10 COLDEST Countries
587Coldest Major U.S Cities in the Summer
576Geography 2-in-1: Coldest or Largest Countries
556Countries with the Least Rainfall
537Largest U.S Cities if All the Ice Melted - With a Map
489Hottest and Coldest Countries
403Hottest Capitals A-Z
397Countries of Europe with a Map - If the Icecaps Melted
387Countries with the Most Deaths from the Deadliest Floods
385Largest Flooded U.S Cities if All Ice Melted - With a Map
321Answers Contain Winter Quiz
320Countries that Don't Support the Paris Climate Agreement
285U.S. States in Tornado Alley on a Map
279Cities Most At Risk From Flooding
215Countries with the Largest Temperature Range
204Coldest Recorded Temperatures in Africa, Oceania, South America
166U.S. States With the Most Tornadoes Per Square Mile
15815 Driest States in the U.S.
156Australian Capitals From Wettest To Driest
150U.S. States With the Fewest Tornadoes Per Square Mile
134Driest Major U.S. Cities
131Snowiest Canadian Cities
131Countries with the Least Precipitation with Exceptions
114Countries with the most precipitation by continent
114Cloud Types By Picture - Multiple Choice
105Capital Cities with the Most Precipitation
105Driest European Capital Cities
101Coldest Cities in Europe
101Hottest Cities in Europe
98US States with the Most Lightning ⚡️
91The Wind Quiz
84Rainiest Global Cities
82Hottest Major Cities in the World
82Driest States
78Coldest Cities in the World With a Population > 4 Million
73United States' Rainiest Cities
72Cities With the Warmest Coldest Ever Temperatures
72European Capitals with the Most Precipitation
71European Capitals with the Least Precipitation
66Countries with the least precipitation by continent
65European Countries with the Most Precipitation
63The Main Köppen Climate Classification Groups
62Europe's 10 Driest Major Cities
60U.S. Oddities A-Z: Weather & Natural Disasters
57Wettest Cities in the World With a Population > 4 Million
55Coldest Cities in the World A-Z
54Driest Cities in the World With a Population > 4 Million
53Coldest Cities in Africa
53Rainiest States
52Rainiest Landlocked U.S. States
49Wettest Major U.S. Cities (Precipitation)
48Driest Cities in Europe
45Driest Major U.S. Cities (Precipitation)
45Cities With the Coolest Hottest Ever Temperature
45Hottest Capital Cities in July
43Cities in North America With Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded
41Hottest Cities in the World A-Z
41Hottest Countries on Each Continent
41Hottest Cities in North America
41Coldest Capital Cities in July
40Driest Asian Cities
37Hottest Cities in Australia
35Hottest Cities in South America
35Driest States
34Coldest Cities in Asia
33Wettest Cities in North America
33Driest Cities in North America
31World Capitals with Tropical Climates
30Wettest Cities in the World A-Z
29Driest Cities in the World A-Z
29Coldest Cities in Australia
27Hottest Cities in Oceania
26World Capitals with Dry Climates
25Wettest Cities in Africa
25Four Form of Precipitation
25Country Extreme Temperatures Tile Select
25How's the weather in Australia?
23Coldest Cities in Oceania
23Hottest Capital Cities in January
22World Capitals with Continental Climates
22Coldest Capital Cities in January
21Hottest Cities in Asia
20Wettest Cities in Oceania
20Cities by Climate Type Part 2 (Tile Select)
19Hottest Cities in the World North & South of 30 Degrees
19World Capitals with Temperate Climates
17Meteorology Vocabulary
17Cities by Climate Type Part 1 (Tile Select)
16Driest Cities in Oceania
15World Cities Extreme Temperature Tile Select
1410 most driest inhabited places
510 Rainiest Places On Earth
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