Statistics for Lord of the Rings Character List

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A young well-to-do hobbit. He reluctantly takes on the quest to destroy it. Often referred to as the Ringbearer.Frodo Baggins
An earlier Ringbearer. He was living on an island in an underground lake when he lost the Ring.Gollum
A wizard best known among hobbits for his fireworks and mischievous sense of humor, but actually one of the greatest powers of Middle-earth.Gandalf the Grey/White
A powerful spirit of evil who now takes the form of a disembodied flaming eye; represents the worst aspects of power — especially greed, cruelty, and the desire for domination.Sauron
The greatest horse in Middle-earth, this silver-grey stallion chooses to accept only Gandalf as his rider.Shadowfax
King of Rohan, a nation of horsemen and warriors.Theoden
A mighty warrior and healer. He was raised by the elves of Rivendell and now lives in exile as leader of the Dúnedain, the Rangers of the North.Aragorn
Son of Thranduil, king of the Mirkwood elves. He is a great archer with keen eyesight. A member of the Fellowship.Legolas
Sent to Rivendell to decipher a prophetic dream, he joins the Fellowship. He believes that the Ring should be used as a weapon against the Enemy and that trying to destroy it is foolish.Boromir
Very old and very wise, she gives the Fellowship shelter and advice. Her parting gifts to each member of the Fellowship become immensely significant.Galadriel
A nature spirit of the ancient world who helps the Ringbearer in the Old Forest and on the Barrowdowns. The Ring has no effect on him.Tom Bombadil
Son of Éomund. Loyal captain of the horselords and a valiant warrior. He suspects Wormtongue's treachery.Eomer
Once great kings now enslaved to the One Ring.The Nazgul
An ancient evil. She embodies insatiable hunger and greed, but she has no interest in the Ring.Shelob
The only person to have voluntarily given up the Ring.Bilbo Baggins
An elf-lord, sent by Elrond to help the Ringbearer reach Rivendell during the first stage of the quest.Glorfindel
The friendly yet frazzled and absent-minded innkeeper of the Prancing Pony in Bree.Barliman Butterbur
The oldest mortal creature in Middle-earth.Treebeard
A member of the elite Tower Guard of Minas Tirith. He is devoted to Faramir and befriends Pippin when the hobbit joins the guard.Beregond
He is one of the youngest Ents, and so moves and thinks closer to the speed of the shorter-lived hobbits; the other Ents describe him as "hasty."Quickbeam

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