Statistics for Mass Effect Multiple Choice

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  • This quiz has been taken 16 times
  • The average score is 9 of 15

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QuestionAnswer% Correct
Samara has a daughter in Mass Effect 2 that the player can alternatively recruit at the cost of her life instead of kill. Who is this character?Morinth
Which of these is NOT a gang on Omega?The Yellow Sentinels
Roughly how long is it between each "cycle" where the Reapers kill and harvest all evolved organic species?50,000 years
What kind of army is Saren creating on the planet Virmire?An army of Krogan
Which of these Characters is an (potentially, based on player's choices) available party member in every Mass Effect game?Tali
What planet do you rescue Liara T'soni on in Mass Effect 1?Therum
Which of these planets did Shepard and company NOT visit in their quest to stop the rogue Spectre Saren?Illium
What City is Shepard in at the start of Mass Effect 3 that gets attacked?Vancouver
How many Geth programs does Legion have within him?1183
What planet do you fight your first Collector on in Mass Effect 2?Horizon
Which of these Powers is NOT available to an Adept in all three of the Mass Effect games?Shockwave
Which of the following is true about the Mass Effect series?Not all of the games used thermal clips for weapons
The Quarian Admirals have gone to war against the Geth in Mass Effect 3 to try and retake Rannoch. Which of these is NOT an actual ship of one of the Admirals?Karshan
You must go to find the Turian Primarch in one of the first missions in Mass Effect 3. What planet do you go to in order to retrieve him?Menae
Which Civilization dominated the cycle Before the Protheans?Inusannon

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