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Obi-Wan Kenobi watches over Luke Skywalker on this desert planet, where his family farms moisture. The local Mos Eisley Spaceport features a shady cantina, and the criminal kingpin Jabba the Hutt lives in a large palace surrounded by goons beyond a Dune Sea filled with Tusken Raiders and Jawas.Tatooine
This metropolitan planet was the seat of power in the Galactic Republic. Both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Temple could be found here.Coruscant
This desert planet was home to an insectoid race of natives led by a Queen and an Archduke. It played host to the first battle of the Clone Wars and featured large factory for the production of battle-droids.Geonosis
This watery planet was erased from the Jedi records until it was discovered by Obi-Wan Kenobi shortly before the beginning of the Clone Wars. It had vast facilities for the creation of cloned militaries and was known to produce unique saber-darts.Kamino
This volcanic world served as the final base of operations for the leaders of the Separatist Alliance before they were killed at the end of the Clone Wars. It witnessed the first duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader.Mustafar
This planet was blockaded by the Trade Federation during the Valorum Chancellorship and was subsequently invaded. It was home to both humans, who lived on the surface, and Gunguns, who largely lived underwater.Naboo
Bail Organa raised Princess Leia on this planet, which she describes as "peaceful" and having "no weapons" before it is destroyed by the first Death Star.Alderaan
This swampy planet had no major cities or settlements but many large life-forms. Master Yoda spent his final years in hiding here, where he trained Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Jedi.Dagobah
This forested moon was the location of the shield generator for the second Death Star. The native tribes of Ewoks that lived amongst the trees helped the Rebel Alliance to overcome a legion of the Emperor's best troops here.Endor
This icy planet played host to the Rebel Alliance's Echo Base until it was destroyed by the Empire. Tauntauns were used to travel through its snowy landscapes, which were home to dangerous and powerful beasts known as Wampas.Hoth
This tree-covered world was home to the Wookies. It came under attack by the Separatist Droid Army in the dying days of the Clone Wars. Master Yoda was present on this planet when Order 66 was executed, but escaped unharmed with the aid of Chewbacca.Kashyyyk
Famous for ship-building, this planet's capital was a large urban centre named Coronet City. It was the homeworld of Han Solo.Corellia
Once known as Galush, this jungle planet was a vital strategic asset, being set along the Perlemian Trade Route, and was fiercely contested throughout the Clone Wars. Aayla Secura was killed here during Order 66.Felucia
This sinkhole-ridden planet served as the base for the Separatist Alliance during the later days of the Clone Wars, until they were ordered to move off-world by General Grievous following the rescue of Chancellor Palpatine. General Grievous was ultimately tracked to the planet and killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi.Utapau
This gaseous planet was home to the mining colony of Cloud City, run by Lando Calrissian, an old acquaintance of Han Solo. It was here that Darth Vader laid his trap for Luke Skywalker and revealed the truth about his parentage.Bespin
This planet was host to an abandoned base of the Rebel Alliance when Princess Leia was captured by Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin. Leia claimed that the base was still active in an attempt to trick the Empire.Dantooine
This mysterious and twisted planet of treacherous cliffs and poisonous vegetation is bathed in a blood-red light. The Nightsisters and Nightbrothers of the Zabrak are native to this world, as well as the infamous Rancors.Dathomir
This desert planet was the site of one of the Galactic Empire's final battles. Following this, its surface was littered with wrecked Star Destroyers from which the locals salvaged valuable components to sell for rations.Jakku
Once a site of utmost importance to the Jedi Order, this frigid and mountainous moon contained several kyber mines. The main urban centre of the moon was destroyed by Grand Moff Tarkin in an experiment to display the power of the first Death Star.Jedha
Politically and economically vital for its exports of spice and coaxium, this seething planet is surrounded by a dangerous maelstrom that is all-but impossible to navigate. During the rule of the Galactic Empire, many Wookies were enslaved and sent to work the mines of this planet.Kessel
The first Death Star was destroyed whilst attempting to obliterate a Rebel Alliance base on this jungle-covered moon. The moon is host to several ancient Sith Temples.Yavin IV
This crystalline planet on the Corellian Run was the site of a major battle during the Clone Wars. It is on this planet that Anakin Skywalker first met Ahsoka Tano.Christophsis
This snowy wasteland of a planet is one of the most sacred to the Jedi. Its kyber mines are the source of most saber crystals used by the Order.Ilum
This frosty planet was rich in crystal minerals and, during the Clone Wars, was controlled by the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Ki Adi Mundi lost his life here during Order 66.Mygeeto
This craggy planetoid served as the birthplace for Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa.Polis Massa
This watery planet was home to several large and interconnected chains of tropical islands that were bordered by wide beaches. The mantle of the planet provided ample dense metals for the creation of spacecraft. The Rebel Alliance successfully stole the plans to the first Death Star from this planet, before its surface was ravaged by a blast from the space station's superlaser.Scarif
This remote, forested planet was dotted with many lakes. Maz Kanata kept a castle here.Takodana
This planet of mesas and sprawling wetlands is very little-explored by the residents of the galaxy. Native species include bog rats and the ferocious oggdos.Bogano
This planet, important to the leadership of the Trade Federation, is known for having urban centres suspended between unique rock formations. Plo Koon is slain here during Order 66.Cato Neimoidia
This flat and barren planet is covered in a layer of salt and red dust. Networks of trenches and caves cover its surface, and it is inhabited by crystal-like vulpine creatures.Crait
This storm-prone planet was a centre for scientific research and development. Galen Erso conducted research into kyber crystals as part of the Death Star project on this planet.Eadu
This planet is known for its remoteness and its raging seas. Several rocky islands rise out of the ocean and are inhabited by porgs, along with the native people.Ach-To
This inhospitable planet of plains and thunderstorms was an industrial base during the Clone Wars. Following the rise of the Empire, it became dedicated to scrapyards and junkyards. Cal Kestis went into hiding here following Order 66.Bracca
This green and temperate planet was the site of the Resistance base during the days of the New Republic. The base was abandoned shortly after the destruction of the First Order's Starkiller Base.D'Qar
Once known as Circapous V, this mud-covered, swampy planet was the site of several battles fought by the Imperial Army. It was on this planet that Han Solo first met Chewbacca.Mimban
This dark planet, obscured behind a swirling dust cloud, served as the base for several Imperial detention centres and labour camps during the earlier days of the Empire. Jyn Erso was saved from this planet before the capture of the plans for the first Death Star by the Rebel Alliance.Wobani
This mountainous and watery planet was a site of archeological importance for those studying Force-attuned societies. It is home to the goat-like philliak and the monstrous jotaz.Zeffo
This jungle planet is hidden in the depths of Wild Space. It is here that Asajj Ventress held Rotta the Huttlet captive.Teth
This planet played host to a major casino that was closely connected with the arms trade. Its capital was named Canto Bight.Cantonica
This barren and mountainous planet was home to the Imperial Academy at which Han Solo enrolled into the Imperial Army.Cardia
This relatively temperate planet was predominantly home to farmers and existed far away from the major political conflicts of the galaxy. Galen Erso sought to hide on this planet following the end of his cooperation with the Death Star project.Lah'mu
This sub-tropical planet is a hotbed of organised crime. It was on this planet that Han Solo won the Millenium Flacon from Lando Calrissian.Numidian Prime
This dark and oceanic planet was home to the Fortress Inquisitoris during the reign of the Empire. It is here that Cal Kestis confronted Darth Vader.Nur
This planet, split between vast oceans and large deserts, is the closest to the galaxy's spice and coaxium hub. Han Solo is forced to visit the planet whilst attempting to transport large amounts of unstable coaxium, and the crime syndicate known as the Crimson Dawn was active on the planet at the time.Savareen
Inhabited by Kod'yok and Luftgriffs, this planet is cold and mountainous. Han Solo and Chewbacca attempt a heist to secure coaxium on this planet.Vandor

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