Statistics for Sociology: Globalisation and Crime 2

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Cultural Globalisation
This is caused by globalisation:
-With the spread of consumerist ideology in a bulimic media-saturated society.
-Left Realist Jock Young - young people have grown up with 'full immersion in the American Dream, a culture hooked on Gucci, BMW, Nikes', but without the economic means to achieve the goals of consumer culture.

This can cause Transnational Organised Crime.
Disorganised Capitalism
This is caused by globalisation:
-Deregulation, marketisation, and privatisation.
-Less social cohesion and opportunity, more insecurity.

This can cause Transnational Organised Crime.
First Capital Command (PCC)This Brazilian prison gang arose in the country's notoriously brutal penitentiaries 30 years ago but now controls a billion-dollar drug trade supplying much of Europe's cocaine:
-It has been considered a jailhouse fraternity for much of its existence, which recruited incarcerated 'brothers' by offering them protection within Brazil's violent, overcrowded prisons.
-Created in August 1993, it grew into Brazil's most feared criminal faction, conquering drug markets, smuggling routes, shantytowns and prisons across Brazil, including in far-flung corners of the Amazon.
-It also became a major player in other South American countries such as neighbouring Paraguay where the group has been blamed for multimillion-dollar armed robberies and bombings, and targeted assassinations.
-But over the past 5 years, investigators say the gang, which the US now calls one of the most powerful organised crime groups - has morphed into an even more formidable force after forging lucrative alliances with partners ranging from Bolivian cocaine producers to Italian Mafiosi.
-Today, the group boasts 10s of thousands of members and has a growing portfolio of interests, including illegal goldmines in the Amazon.
-It controls one of South America's most important trafficking routes - linking Bolivia and Brazil to Europe and Africa - and is partly responsible for a tsunami of cocaine that has brought car bombings, assassinations and gunfights to parts of Europe.
-"If someone is using cocaine in France, England or Spain there's a very good chance it got there through the hands of the PCC", said Lincoln Gakiya, a prosecutor from São Paulo.
-São Paulo's organised crime taskforce, Gaeco, who estimates the group now makes $1 billion a year - almost entirely from international trafficking.
Global Risk Society
This is caused by globalisation:
-Globalisation adds to the insecurity of life in late modernity.
-Ulrich Beck says we have become more 'risk conscious' and fearful - we no longer have the security of structures like religion or national identity.
-The media fuels our fears and frightens our sense of the 'threat' of crime.

This can cause Transnational Organised Crime.
Growing Individualisation
This is caused by globalisation:
-Individuals in late modernity are left to find their own solutions to globally produced problems.
-Zygmunt Bauman argues that in a postmodern society, 'you are what you buy'.
-We live in a consumer-based, individualised society.
-People have lost sense of structure and community have are more focused on selfish individual rewards.

This can cause Transnational Organised Crime.
Ian Taylor (1997)This Marxist sociologist argues:
-Capitalism has led to increased insecurity for poorer people in society and also the risk of exploitation.
-The world is more and more unequal - the rich powerful global companies versus the workers.
-The more disadvantaged people are, the more relative deprivation is likely - this feeds crime.
Lash & Urry (1987)These sociologists describe 'disorganised capitalism' as capitalism being allowed to run free:
-Corporations have more power than countries and the lack of regulation and control has led to exploitation including human rights violations and environmental crime.
-Marxists would highlight that selective law enforcement applies globally as well as locally.
More Inequality
This is caused by globalisation:
-It creates winners and losers in the global marketplace.

This can cause Transnational Organised Crime.
More Opportunities
This is caused by globalisation:
-Globalisation opens up opportunities for new types of crime and ways of committing it.
-The speed, convenience and anonymity of the online world enables criminals to commit illegal activity from anywhere in the world.
-These crimes are really hard to detect.

This can cause Transnational Organised Crime.
Supply and DemandThis is caused by globalisation:
-Demand for drugs, sex workers, body parts and cheap labour in affluent countries supplied by the poor of developing countries.

This can cause Transnational Organised Crime.

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