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Location 4Hawaii

Golf course: 47 begins at Club House entrance, evening. Sections: Club House, Golf Course, Luau area. Targets: Marvin Nicklaus, mentally unstable pro golfer in debt, per request of racketeerer. Notable kills: Disabling golf kart brakes. Hit in head by golf ball shot.
Location 3Vienna

Symphony Hall: 47 begins arriving by train, evening. Sections: Vienna Downtown; Concert Venue; Grand Train Station. Targets: Klaus Fauch; Leader of astrological cult performing planetary ritual in concert. Evgeny Marigold: Cult member who is a master hypnotist and magician posing as conductor. Notable kills: Chandelier drop during concert, poison conductor while playing in violin section.
Location 2Admiral Pier

Amusement Park: 47 Begins with a ticket which he uses to enter, midday. Sections: Parking lot and entrance; thrill rides; boardwalk. Targets: Sonny "The Golden Goose", Organized crime leader; Billy Ives, Bodygaurd; Clancy Rockwell: Bribed news anchor. Notable kills: Falling off Rollercoaster; trapped in hall of mirrors.
DLC Location 1DLC: Fort Rosencrantz, Delaware

Revolutionary war battle reenactment: 47 begins in gift shop purchasing uniform, noon. Sections: Battlefield, fort, gift shop, lighthouse, rocky beach, vintage naval ships. Cyrus Lemon: Retired general who committed unrecognized war crimes. Humboldt Finn: Lighthouse keeper/ fisherman responsible for damaging ecosystem with illegal fishing practices. Notable kills: Replace fake gun with real gun, Blinded by light
DLC Location 2DLC: Lockmore University

Irish #1 ranked University: 47 begins on bench, morning. Sections: Campus grounds, Old library, Dorms, History museum, Sciences building, Arts building. Targets: Madhatter (alias): Blackhat hacker responsible for mass data breaching. Sir Edwin Pauper: Dean bribed to accept the former's application. Maximillian Rotorsharp: Professor who provides fake clinical studies for drug companies. Notable kills: Hazing gone wrong, trapped in sarcophagus.
Location 1Victoria Falls

Treehouse Hotel: 47 begins at the hotel lobby, sunrise. Sections: A hotel built within large trees with views of waterfall; Jeep safari area on the ground. Targets: Duke Leroy Andrews, Funds Illegal Mining. Cornelius White, Ivory Trader and poacher. Notable kills: Eaten by lion.
Location 6Singapore

Space Station: 47 begins outside a high security checkpoint, dawn. Sections: Entrance gate, space station complex with indoor gardens, rocket launch pad. Targets: Arnold Fink, corrupt billionaire intending to fake his death in a rocket accident; Yorgos Icarus, lead rocket designer aiding the former. Notable kills: disable escape hatch on rocket, cause science experiment to fail.
Location 5Tromsø

Ski Resort: 47 begins in lodge, twilight with northern lights. Sections: Lodge hall with ice skating rink; ski lift and slopes; overlook restaurant. Targets: Magnus Cicero: Money laundering owner of the Resort; Lex Acres: Patent thief. Notable kills: Sabotage ski run, fall through ice skating rink.

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