Statistics for Phasmophobia Ghost Evidence Quiz

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Not Santa. This ghost's room will always be freezing. It will never turn the breaker on, as it will want the map to be cold. The colder it is, the faster it's steps when hunting. When seeing this ghost in their room, it's icy breath will give it away. Evidence: Finger Prints, Freezing Temperatures, Ghost OrbsHantu
Two sides of the same coin. This ghost has a "decoy", and they can hunt separate from one another. The one is fast, where the other is slower. The decoy will not set off motion sensors, give evidence of freezing temperatures/the spirit Box, and cannot hunt or cause events when one is already happening. When the ghost attempts to hunt, the crucifix check will be applied for only the main ghost, even if the hunt is trying to start from the "decoy". The two may interact with the environment at the same time as a giveaway to the type. Evidence: EMF 5, Freezing Temperatures, Spirit BoxThe Twins
The Eye-Stalker. This ghost will sense where you are, even if you're in hiding. It's gait is slow, and you MUST loop it only as it will find you. This ghost cannot early hunt before average sanity dips below 60%. When using the spirit box, this ghost has a chance to respond by breathing heavily, with audible steps. Evidence: DOTs, Ghost Writing, Spirit BoxDeogen
No pictures please. This ghost will vanish as soon as it's picture is taken. If you do take a picture and are on the same floor level, there will be no glitching in the photo and the ghost will be invisible. During a hunt, this ghost is hard to see as it will remain invisible for longer between flickers. This ghost has an ability where it will choose a random player and travel to their location, and will create an EMF Level 2 reading at the position where it started to walk. Evidence: DOTs, Finger Prints, Spirit BoxPhantom
Touchy Touchy. This ghost has less of a chance to leave finger prints on a surface, and when it does they can disappear faster than a normal interaction. (Think ~20 seconds) While it has less of a chance to leave finger prints, it will interact with surfaces more. It has a 16% chance to leave a six finger handprint on walls/windows/etc, and to leave a two finger print on light switches. It can also leave five fingerprints on keyboards and Prison cell doors instead of four. Evidence: EMF 5, Finger Prints, Ghost Orbs.Obake
The brat. This ghost loves to throw things (tantrums), and throw them farther than others. During a hunt it will be especially active in tossing objects around every .5 seconds. It can use an ability to throw multiple items at once that will lower player sanity by 2% per each item thrown if the player(s) is in line of sight. If there are no items near, then the ghost cannot use it's ability. A trick to figuring this ghost type out is to pile items together within the ghost room to try to trigger the ability. Evidence: Finger Prints, Ghost Writing, Spirit BoxPoltergeist
The try hard. This ghost can start hunting at 70% sanity and above, and ignore the grace period. It hates the crucifix, thus the radius to stop a hunt will be 5 meters rather than the customary 3 meters, however this ghost will tend to hunt more than others. Evidence: Finger Prints, Freezing Temperature, Ghost WritingDemon
The usual suspect. This ghost is claimed to be the most common in the game journal, even if all ghosts have the same chance to spawn. If you suspect this ghost, use a smudge stick near it and wait. This ghost, when smudged, will remain inactive for 180 seconds. There is nothing else unique about it. Evidence: EMF 5, Ghost Writing, Spirit BoxSpirit
Do the time warp. This ghost is subject to aging. It will start off very aggressive, but as time goes on, it will become less so until eventually inert. The aging will happen every 1-2 minutes as long as at least one player is in the same room with it. If a player is not near, it will wait for approximately 30 seconds before trying to age again. You can use the Ouija Board to check for this by asking for the ghost's age in intervals. The age should go up each time if you wait long enough. This ghost is also is more likely to interact with the D.O.T.S Projector and Ghost Writing Book than other ghosts. Evidence: DOTs, Ghost Orbs, Spirit BoxThaye
The edge-lord. It likes the dark and will never turn on the breaker box, or lights. It will turn them off. It can immediately turn off a light that you just turned on matter how far from the ghost room, as an ability. It is more likely to attack in the dark. Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost Orbs, Ghost WritingMare
The indecisive. This ghost will give 4 pieces of evidence, unless on Nightmare then it will give 3. There will always be ghost orbs. If important bits of evidence have vanished, and you confirm that the ghost room has not changed, it can hint to being this particular ghost and it's penchant for changing ghost type. Evidence: Spirit Box, Finger Prints, Ghost Orbs, Freezing Temperatures.Mimic
The shy type. This ghost is slow to give evidence as it will not do much if there are players within it's ghost room. When no players are nearby, the activity level will rise. This ghost will only hunt when average sanity has dropped below 35%. When it does perform ghost events, it will prefer the ghost mist event and the like over any others that will cause manifestation. If it does manifest, it will usually do so as a shadow. Evidence: EMF 5, Freezing Temperature, Ghost WritingShade
The teleporting magician. This ghost can teleport to you, or a member of your team, and shows no footprints under UV light or in photos. Evidence: DOTs, EMF 5, Spirit BoxWraith
The controlling room mate. This ghost is reactive to sound. If push to talk is used too much, it can hunt as early as 90% sanity. During the hunt, it's hearing radius shortens. Evidence: DOTs, Ghost Orbs, Spirit BoxYokai
Look at me, I'm Famous! This ghost will only show itself on the DOTs projector through the video camera, and only if no player is near. It also does not tend to wander from it's ghost room. Evidence: DOTs, EMF 5, Finger Prints.Goryo
The Obsessed ex. This ghost targets one of your group, and will ignore others when it hunts, unless the target is in the truck, then it will treat it as a normal hunt. It hunts depending on the target's sanity and will hunt when the target's sanity dips below 60%. It will follow the target around the map, having interactions even far from the ghost room. It has more singing events, and will send a sanity draining scream through the parabolic microphone. Evidence: DOTs, Finger Prints, Ghost orbsBanshee
The strong breeze. This ghost likes to slam doors shut. It can shut more than one door at one time. Taking a picture of a door when the ghost uses the ability will not count as an interaction or as photo evidence, yet will drain your sanity by 15%. Evidence: DOTs, Freezing Temperatures, Ghost OrbsYurei
The box Breaker. This ghost will mess with everything from radios, and phones, to the car alarm. It will never turn off the breaker, but when the ability is used this can cause it to short circuit which will give an EMF reading at the box. Anyone within 3 meters of the breaker when the ability is used will suffer sanity drain. The ghost is also territorial and tends to roam. The more you stay in the ghost room the more active and aggressive it will be. The ghost will move quickly in a hunt if it's target(s) are far away and the breaker is on. Once in line of sight it will slow down. The ghost cannot use it's abilities if the breaker box is off. Evidence: EMF 5, Finger Prints, Freezing TemperaturesJinn
The whisper. This ghost is quiet. When hunting it's steps will be softer than other ghosts, and virtually all of it's paranormal sounds will be nearly inaudible until it is close to you. (12 meters instead of 20) This ghost is more prone to making paranormal sounds on the parabolic microphone but until the game is updated, it is difficult to discern. A trick to figuring out this ghost is to drop a flashlight during a hunt and listen for footsteps. If the ghost is on the same floor, and you are on a smaller map, you will only hear it's noises when the flashlight flickers, not before. (There may be an occasional bug where the ghost temporarily does not flicker electronics on the correct floor when changing floors.) Evidence: EMF 5, Ghost Writing, Spirit BoxMyling
The fire fighter. This ghost hates fire. It cannot use a crucifix, or start a hunt near a lit candle. When it attempts a hunt, the candle will be blown out. When the flame is extinguished the ghost will become more aggressive, and lower sanity with more ghost events. When all candles are out, it is likely to hunt. Candles will only stop a hunt if they are within 4 meters of the ghost. If a candle and crucifix are nearby, the ghost will always prioritize blowing out the candle first. Every third candle that it blows out will cause an attempt to hunt no matter the sanity levels. Evidence: Freezing Temperatures, Ghost Orbs, Spirit BoxOnryo
Greased Lightning. This ghost consumes electricity. They will interfere with electronic devices when hunting or when there is an event. When it's near electronic equipment that is turned on, this ghost can hunt as early as 65% sanity as opposed to 50%. It will also hunt faster if electronics are near. During an extended chase, it will become even quicker. Evidence: DOTs, EMF 5, Ghost OrbsRaiju
Run and Hide. This ghost can be very slow, unless it is giving chase. When it's hunting and it sees you, do what you can to break line of sight so that it will slow down because you will never out run it. It is one of the fastest ghosts in the game. Listen for footsteps when the ghost is hunting. If it is very slow, it could be this ghost type. You can check for it if you allow it to see you during a hunt and then break line of sight to hide. The difference in the pace of the steps will be obvious. Evidence: Freezing Temperatures, Ghost Orbs, Ghost WritingRevenant
The security guard. This ghost hates intruders. As soon as you enter a map, activity will spike, especially if the group is together in the ghost room. When the whole team is in the truck, activity will drop to near nothing. When hunting the ghost will appear for longer lengths of time then other ghosts when blinking. Sanity will drain far faster during ghost events as well. It cannot perform the mist event. (An air ball coming towards you with a loud hissing sound. Note that the hiss is not excusive to this event.) During events, it is prone to fully showing itself, rather than being invisible. Evidence: DOTs, EMF 5, Freezing TemperaturesOni
The cursed sprinter. (stippity steppity) This ghost is FAST, and cannot be looped. On top of that, as soon as you enter the map you are cursed, as your sanity will steadily drop by 20-30%. When being chased, if you light a smudge stick, it will have a longer than normal effect. Evidence: Freezing Temperatures, Ghost Writing, Spirit BoxMoroi

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