Statistics for Members Of The Jedi High Council

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This Jedi Master was appointed during the Clone Wars and
served as a general for the Republic Army. He was one
of the only two surviving Jedi of Order 66, and trained soon-to-be
Darth Vader during the Prequel Trilogy.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
The final member appointed and the only Jedi that was
not granted the rank of master.
Anakin Skywalker
A Nautolan Jedi Master who was a prominent character in the "Clone Wars"
series and well trained with the lightsaber. He was the last of the 3 Jedi to be
struck by Palpatine during "Revenge Of The Sith"
Kit Fisto
A Legendary Jedi Master with an unknown species affiliation. This Jedi has
served on the Council for centuries and had the strongest connection with the
Force. He was one of the only two surviving Jedi during Order 66 after escaping
Kashyyyk, and shortly exiled himself in the Dagobah System.
A Cerean Jedi Master with an enlarged cranium, which contained a multi binary
brain system. He was an effective strategist, but was shot during Order 66.
Ki Adi Mundi
A Togrutan Jedi Master who supervised the Clone Army creation
on Kamino. Her death varies in Star Wars Canon
Shaak Ti
A Mirialan Jedi Master that trained Barriss Offee, who betrayed the Jedi Order
during the "Clone Wars" series. She narrowly survived the initiation of Order
66 but was ultimately captured and killed.
Luminara Unduli
A Humanoid Jedi Master with an amethyst bladed lightsaber who served as
Champion of the Jedi Order, and the most frequent voice of the council.
Mace Windu
A Kel Dor Jedi Master who was famously the only Jedi to defeat Yoda in a
training duel.
Plo Koon
A Chalactan Jedi Master and former Padawan of Mace Windu's, who
would go on to train Kanan Jarrus but was killed during Order 66.
Depa Billaba
An Iktotchi Jedi Master who was a very capable and adaptive starfighter
pilot, but was killed during the confrontation with Palpatine in "Revenge
Of The Sith"
Saessee Tiin
A Zabrak Jedi Master who was the replacement of Eeth Koth, and
was the first to be killed by Palpatine in "Revenge Of The Sith"
Agen Kolar
A Tholothian Jedi Master who had a brief service with the council in
replace of her cousin, Adi Gallia, who was murdered
during the Clone Wars.
Stass Allie
A Thisspiasian Jedi Master who served on the High Council for over 200
years. Padawan of Master Yaddle, he served during both the High
Republic Era and the Clone Wars due to his longer lifespan.
Oppo Rancisis
An Ongree Jedi Master who replaced Master Billaba for 6 months
while she was wounded in combat by General Grievous.
Coleman Kcaj

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