Statistics for Politics Ideology Revision - 5

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What is seen by them as the ultimate stage of human development and the perfect society?Communism
Who were the key figures (1818-83 and 1820-95) who are seen as the Father's of Socialism and propounded revolutionary ideas that would have a seismic effect on political debate?Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
What is the term given to the ideology based directly off of the writings of their works?Marxism
What was the key text that the former wrote? It was published in 1848.The Communist Manifesto
What was the term given to the theory that any new socialist state could only entrench itself by encouraging similar revolutions in neighbouring capitalist countries? It was believed in by Leon Trotsky and rejected by Joseph Stalin who favoured the idea of 'socialism in one country'.Permanent Revolution
Who was the key figure (1871-1919) who sought to uphold and develop the ideas of Marx to make them popular within more developed nations, such as Germany?Rosa Luxemburg
What is the term given to the ideology practiced by Lenin as a variant of the teachings of Marx's teachings?Orthodox Communism
What is the term given to the practice of having only one party which would represent the people, and any decision made by the party would embody the will of the people?Democratic Centralism
What is the term given to the aspect of fundamentalist socialism that has had the greatest effect on Western Europe and is considered more moderate, whilst still keeping much of Marx's initial ideas?Democratic Socialism
What was believed to be a by-product of capitalism that would be especially prominent among the proletariat and would eventually be the engine of revolution?Class Consciousness
What is the term given to the rejection of revolutionary socialism and a beleif that socialism can be achieved peacefully and gradually?Evolutionary Socialism
Who was the key figure (1918-77) who served as a Cabinet minister during the Labour governments of the 1960s and 1970s and advocated for 'social democracy' following Keynesian economics?Anthony Crosland
Who was the key figure (1938-) who is credited as being the author of 'the Third Way' ideology?Anthony Giddens
Who was the key figure (1858-1943) who influenced the development of the above ideology, specifically within the formation and emergence of the Labour party?Beatrice Webb
What is the term given the clash of ideas and perceptions that will inevitably take place within each 'stage' of history?Dialectic
What is the term given to the earliest form of socialism which holds that socialist values are fundamentally incompatible with capitalism?Fundamentalist Socialism
What is the term given to the belief that each 'stage' of history was defined by a clash of economic ideas?Historical Materialism
What is the ideology that believes when the next economic slump occurs, socialists should advocate revolution rather than pursue a long-term project of cultural change? It emerged as a reaction and rejection of euro-communism.Neo-Marxism
What is the term given to the belief that socialism can be achieved without the destruction of capitalism and private property, and without the upheaval of a revolution?Revisionist Socialism
What was the key text that he wrote? It was published in 1994.Beyond Left and Right
What is the term given to the belief that revolution in early capitalist societies would prevent 'the masses' from developing any sympathy for capitalist values?False Consciousness
What is the term given to the belief in a policy of gradual reform rather than revolution?Gradualism
What was the key text that she wrote? It was published in 1900.Reform or Revolution?
What was the key text that she wrote? It was published in 1891.The Cooperative Movement in Great Britain
What was the key text that he wrote? It was published in 1956.The Future of Socialism

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