Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 6: Food


Food? That is Not Really a Question, but I'm Hungry So I DON'T CARE.

I am a very picky eater. I really don't know why, but I just am. A lot of people are, but Western Society is still so obsessed with food. Why is that? (There is the question!) Food is something that we all need to survive, but the developed world has turned this basic need into a complex market of consumerism. In these countries, food is about taste, not as much for survival. Processed foods that we eat for enjoyment control the market, because people in the Western World consume more candy, potato chips, sugar based cereal than foods that actually have nutritional value. We obsess over these things because they taste good, leading to obesity in these areas of the world, meanwhile there are millions of people that do not have enough to eat in undeveloped nations. Do we really need to be so spoiled that we waste food that these people desperately need. Why has food become so commercialized anyways? People care so much about a brand name that so much unnecessary food is wasted due to competition. If you put a loaf of bread in front of someone who does not get enough to eat, they would not care about the brand on the packaging, they would just be happy to have some food. It just shows how spoiled and selfish the people of the developed world can be, and yes, I am including myself in that.

Speaking of 1st world people who do not care enough for others, we donate food and clothes out of the "goodness of our hearts", but how much of that this done to look good. How much of our society's kindness is performed just to look good. Look at that, I am off topic again.

Anyways, this funny topic got way to serious way too fast. Back to food. The concept of a picky eater sometimes baffles me. I know that everyone has different tastes, but why is it that some people will eat nearly anything set in front of them, and others (myself included) refuse to eat so many different types of food. There is a long list of foods that I will not eat (rice, beans, anything spicy, fish, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, olives, ketchup, etc.), and I don't even know why I don't like these things. What in our spoiled brains decides whether or not we like something? Okay, I think I am done ranting about a basic human need that we have ruined with commercialism.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 48
Oct 19, 2021
If you have any topics (silly or serious) that you want me to rant about, let me know here! I have a list and I am always looking for more ideas. Thanks!
Level 60
Oct 19, 2021
I agree that yummy food isn’t completely necessary. As a vegetarian, I can point all of this at meat. But maybe sometimes a little enjoyment is good? Otherwise we could call Screens, Potted Plants, Most Pets, Toys, and lots of other things unnecessary. While its true we only need the bare necessities, it’d be hard going back to the Stone Age.