Have you missed these awesome quizzes? #2 - Original Puzzle quizzes


I'm pretty happy, because the first numero of this series worked very well: all quizzes got nominations, from 2 to 10 noms for two of them! I thank you a lot to take what I wrote in consideration. You made someone happy!

But it's now time to discover 5 new quizzes! And today the main theme is... puzzle! I'm sure all of you have already taken at least one puzzle quizzes on JetPunk, because there are a lot, and they are almost all very funny. But today, I've chosen 5 of them, which are unfeatured, to they don't fall in forget, to give them a chance, and to make you discovering very nice quizzes! I hope you will like them.

ABC Path - Puzzle Logic Game #1

Creator: Stewart

Takes: 1,013

Nominations: 2

First published: February 3, 2016

My opinion: Do I really have to explain this choice? There is "Stewart" in the presentation of the quiz, so it means what it means. This quiz is very interesting, because there is no knowledge to have to finish it (exepting knowing the alphabet...). You have just to use your logic. It's a real puzzle, pur et dur. But this quiz doesn't have many nominations because it's an "old" quiz, so it was popular when nominations didn't exist yet, and it the case for many amazing quizzes on JetPunk. Please everyone, don't forget old quizzes. If this it's not very difficult to finish the quiz, it's pretty addictive, and if you like it, the series contains two other quizzes like it. Awesome, no?

Hidden Five-Letter Countries

Creator: kiwirage

Takes: 69

Nominations: 1 (mine...)

First published: February 6, 2016

My opinion: It's impossible for me to write a blog about puzzle quizzes without talking about kiwirage, who we could call, I think, the King of puzzle (no...?). I actually could write a blog just about him, because he has many puzzle quizzes which are all excellent, but I've chosen this one for two reasons. First, I just love the idea: you have to find a country name in a grid of 5x5 letters, using a letter from each colum and each row. And next because, I can't understand why, this quiz has just a few takes, when a lot of other puzzle quizzes by kiwirage crossed 1,000 takes. The concept is excellent and, once again, pretty addictive. And if you like it and if it's too easy, you can try the six and seven letters version. What do you want to ask more...?

Country Flag Search

Creator: baptistegorce

Takes: 40

Nominations: 8

First published: December 28, 2020

My opinion: But who is this mysterious quizmaker...? No, more seriously, I hope you won't find it kind of narcissistic but first, I needed a "recent" quiz, and second it's my blog, no...? So, there are several word search quizzes on JetPunk, but what about flags? Here it's exactly the same concept, but there is no letter in the grid, just colored cells. You have to see in these colors 8 country flags. If it's very easy for some of them, it can be really more difficult for others, partly because flags can be in different sizes. Are you ready to search...?

Can you beat Hermione Granger? Harry Potter Logic Puzzle

Creator: ylj

Takes: 4,855

Nominations: 16

First published: October 6, 2016

My opinion: I'm a fan of the Harry Potter universe, so it plays a role in this choice. But make sure the concept of this quiz is awesome! Every cell represent a character, and by guessing one, you will got informations to find an other one. You collect informations throught the cells to end by filling all the grid. It's very entertaining, and it mixes logic and Harry Potter knowledge. All Harry Potter fans should try it (and I know there are a lot on JetPunk)!

Countries Picture Puzzle Quiz

Creator: HelveticaBold

Takes: 44

Nominations: 1 (mine again...)

First published: May 25, 2019

My opinion: We could cut this quiz in two parts. In the first one, you must guess a word represented by a picture. Classical. Very classical. But it starts to be very interesting in the second step: a bit like in the Geography Mad Gab by dug28, you have to guess a country name hidden behind the words previously guessed. The only thing I regret in this quiz is that my English is pretty bad, so I only answered the half of the questions. But it's very funny, and I would love to see other quizzes like that (there is also a US version).

It's time for me to wish to all of you an happy new year, hoping that 2021 will be better than 2020 for everyone...!

P.S.: How many of the quizzes presented here did you know before reading this blog? And how many of them have you nominated after your reading?

P.P.S.: What are your new resolutions...? Mine is to be more dictatorful dictactor...! Mwhahaha!!!

Level 43
Jan 1, 2021
Only do a more democratic government, liberate Agatha Christie, and we never say that you are a dictator. It isn’t complicated!

Btw, incredible quizzes!

Level 54
Jan 1, 2021
But why would I like to do it...? I'm the most powerful dictator on the Earth...! I'll think about it...

Thanks! I've tried to select very nice but also diversified ones. As it, if you don't like one, make you will enjoy the next one.

Happy new year!

Level 43
Jan 1, 2021
OMG! I said to me: At the comment, say “Happy New Year”, but I forget! Sorry! LOL! But at this January 1st, I’m thinking: we are in 2021, or in 1940-1960?
Level 51
Jan 1, 2021
I'm participating in a coup! Democracy not dictatorship! Democracy not dictatorship!
Level 54
Jan 1, 2021
I just realized that there wasn't any dictatorial things in this blogs series, so...

But in WITJ and IOAJ, it's not the same...

Level 54
Jan 1, 2021
Nice quizzes, most of them were given up by me because it is difficult to understand the real concept. After I given up I understand every quiz concept except the Stewart's quuz
Level 54
Jan 1, 2021
It's true that some puzzle quizzes are pretty hard to understand, but I thought these ones were easy...

Do you understand now the Stewart quiz...?

And thanks!

Level 54
Jan 2, 2021
No I haven't understand yet.
Level 54
Jan 2, 2021
You have to place all letters from A to Y in the grid. A letter must be near to the previous letter (for example, B has to be near to A, in row, column, or diagonal). And you also have informations that say in which colum, row or diagonal is the letter. With it, you can find where the letters are. Is it clear now...? I don’t know if I can explain correctly something in English...
Level 54
Jan 3, 2021
I understand, Sir.
Level 54
Jan 3, 2021
Your English is good, who says it's bad, does your English teacher??
Level 54
Jan 3, 2021
Ok, nice!

No, it's not my teacher. It's me. And curiously only me.

Level 63
Jan 1, 2021
Bonne année et merci d'avoir recommandé mon puzzle!
Level 54
Jan 1, 2021
Merci beaucoup!

Je ne pouvais pas écrire ce genre de blog sans vous mentionner!

Level 51
Jan 1, 2021
How did I miss these?
Level 54
Jan 1, 2021
Now you know them!

And maybe because some of them are pretty "old".

Level 62
Jan 6, 2021
Great blog! 4/5 of the quizzes were unheard of for me. For the next version in the series, you could do a classic quizzes version(simple, text only quizzes) or a tile select/MCQ version.
Level 54
Jan 6, 2021
Thanks a lot! I'm happy to make yiu discovering new quizzes!

I thought to write a blog like that (about simple text quiz), but maybe not for the next one. Maybe the numero after the next one. Thanks!