A Collection of Random But Interesting Facts!


Have you ever wondered about just totally random and useless facts? Well, I have a LOT. I have put together a group of about 20 random facts I would like to share with you all. Enjoy! :)

1. The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer, due to thermal expansion meaning the iron heats up, the particles gain kinetic energy, and take up more space.

2. Avocadoes are a fruit, not a vegetable.

3. When tomatoes are eaten raw, they are fruit. When they are cooked, they are considered to be a vegetable.

3. Big Ben's clock stopped at 10:07 p.m. on 27 May 2005 due to the intense heat of 31.8 degrees Celsius. It was quickly put back into action.

4. Florida is roughly the same latitude as Cairo in Egypt showing that the United States far colder than most countries.

5. The scientific term for brain freeze is “sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia”.

6. The only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J.

7. Back when dinosaurs existed, there used to be volcanoes that were erupting on the moon.

8. In 2006, a Coca-Cola employee offered to sell Coca-Cola secrets to Pepsi. Pepsi responded by notifying Coca-Cola.

9. A single strand of Spaghetti is called a “Spaghetto”.

10. If you point your car keys to your head, it increases the remote’s signal range.

11. Iceland still does not have a railway system.

12. At birth, a baby panda is smaller than a mouse.

13. Most Mongolian people do not have a clear place of residents. Most of them are Nomads which means that they set up camp temporarily and after some time, they pack up and find set up camp somewhere else.

14. The world’s largest grand piano was built by a 15-year-old.

15. Australia is closer to Papua New Guinea than its identical twin, New Zealand.

16. The largest Japanese population outside of Japan stands at 1.6 million people who live in Brazil.

17. Karachi has more people living in it than Israel, Palau, Nauru, and Cape Verde combined.

18. In 2009, Stephen Hawking held a reception for time travellers but didn’t publicize it until after. This way, only those who time travel would be able to attend. Nobody else attended.

19. In El Salvador, the average murder rate is 19 people per day. If there is a day without a single murder, there is always a celebration.

20. The average American child is given $3.70 per tooth that falls out.

That was a collection of 20 random and interesting facts I put together. I hope you learnt something new or maybe just found a fact humorous. Nonetheless, I enjoyed putting these together and I hope you enjoyed reading them. This is still only my second Blog so let me know what you think and if you would like more blogs in the future. Have a good day and BYE!!

Level 51
Feb 16, 2021
Yeah, Hawking held a champagne party, but had to party himself when nobody had come ☹. I learned that from RLL.
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
lol same
Level 60
Feb 16, 2021
hawking provided the coordinates, however. if any of you have a time machine, I can send you the coordinates and you can go back in time and meet hawking
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
Coords please.
Level 56
Feb 16, 2021
"Hello, US Government? This person called BigGeographyGuy is claiming to have a time machine."
Level 60
Feb 16, 2021
@BigGeographyGuy - the coordinates are:

52° 12' 21” N, 0° 7' 4.7” E

Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
Thank you Pandora
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
Shhh! Don't mention it lol!
Level 59
Jun 6, 2024
Now we know why nobody came
Level 54
Feb 16, 2021
Interesting Blog!
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
Level 51
Feb 16, 2021
Avocados are a fruit?????????!!!!!!!!!


(Btw you misspelled "avocados" in your blog I think)

Level 66
Feb 16, 2021
No duh they have a pit
Level 51
Feb 16, 2021
Hey! I never ate an avocado for your information (Unless you count guacamole LOL). And I forgot about the pit of doom!
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
I believe there are two ways of spelling it: The American way and the British way.
Level 40
Feb 20, 2021
Yeah true!
Level 43
Feb 16, 2021
Yes, it is in São Paulo that the largest Japanese colony outside of Japan is located. If you walk through Liberdade (Liberty) Borough, you think it's the Japanese consulate in São Paulo... LOL! And every word in Italian in the plural, uses "i", already in the singular is "o". So, if you bought 20 cannolos, you bought 20 cannoli. And if you ate one, you ate a cannolo. These facts are very interesting!
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
Thank You!
Level 56
Feb 16, 2021
"due to the intense heat of 31.8 degrees Celsius." Bruh that is a good temperature for me lol, I'd say above 47°C to be intense heat. Weird Europeans...
Level 43
Feb 16, 2021
For me, I’m accustomed with 24° C. I can’t support more than 35° C, or less than 15° C... LOL
Level 60
Feb 16, 2021
The most i've ever been in was 48 degrees celcius
Level 43
Feb 16, 2021
OMG. I think that my most was 38° C, and my less -5° C (in my travel to Argentina).
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
Level 43
Feb 16, 2021
I don’t really know if was -5° C, but was snowing, and when I saw the picture, I was with many clothes, so, probably is -5° C
Level 43
Feb 16, 2021
Or less...
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
When I went to Nevada, I experienced nearly 50 degrees weather. Too much for my brain used to European weather to handle lol.
Level 51
Feb 16, 2021
Lol, I'm not sure, but it's probably in the mid forties (in celsius)
Level 51
Feb 17, 2021
MG17, our weather is RIGHT NOW going down to the teens and ones. I think it has gone down to a minimum of -13.3 degrees celsius this season.
Level 62
Feb 17, 2021
Does it really get that cold in New Jersey?!
Level 43
Feb 18, 2021
Oh my...
Level 51
Feb 24, 2021
Lol of course it does.
Level 51
Feb 24, 2021
But remember, CELCIUS! Not Fahrenheit...
Level 51
Feb 24, 2021
It has gotten into the negatives (in Fahrenheit) according to my family.
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
Level 69
Sep 1, 2021
In Long Island the winters can get up to -18 celsius, and up to 38 celsius in the summer
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
Lol you can't really find much deserts in Europe apart from Spain but those deserts can only reach like 30 degrees. Not like the West Coast Deserts, you find in the United States.
Level 14
Feb 17, 2021
Man, don't know what u guys are used to... Welcome to Dubai, where it is usually 42C - 44C in Summer. Hottest I've been in is 55C and coldest is -12C
Level 62
Feb 17, 2021
That is very hot and cold. Desert life everyone
Level 66
Feb 16, 2021
All I have to say is... DONT SHOOT!!!
Level 66
Feb 16, 2021
Some of these have very confusing wording, but I already knew most. I was very surprised to see that the average American child gets that much per tooth, I had gotten $1 from my parents every time.
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
Level 14
Feb 17, 2021
Should I tell u how much I get from each tooth? $0.00! In my culture, we just do "Congrats!" or something but no-one gives money.
Level 62
Feb 17, 2021
Wow! At least you get a Congrats. Money is not everything anyway. By the way, are you the guy who had their account banned for no reason?
Level 51
Feb 17, 2021
Oh yeah! Mine is $0.00!! Then everybody (including myself) will all get back to what they and I were doing.
Level 62
Feb 17, 2021
Really! I do get some money but I don't really use it. I usually just put them secretly back into my mum's purse lol
Level 68
Feb 16, 2021
Interesting, but how are Australia and New Zealand identical twins?
Level 62
Feb 16, 2021
Mostly because of their cultural similarities and during the time when they were both British Colonies, most people living in New Zealand were just people from Australia.
Level 54
Feb 17, 2021
Nice blog, if you consider all people living in Karachi, the population is 30 million
Level 62
Feb 17, 2021
Wow nearly double the population of those countries.
Level 59
Feb 17, 2021
lol i have never heard the word spaghetto in my life. and also number 18 lol
Level 62
Feb 18, 2021
Number 18?! How comes lol?
Level 34
Sep 12, 2021
My brain hurts.
Level 34
Sep 12, 2021