What if the CANZUK Federation United Today?


Today, the CANZUK Federation is a proposed alliance that involves four countries: Canada, Australia New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and is for military, trade and economic purposes, similar to what the European Union is now. Also, before I start the blog, I haven't done many of these parts of the series where I don't reunite empires but instead unite federations and international organizations, so please let me know if you'd like to see more of these. Now time to start the blog!

But what if the Federation united into one single country today?

Population and Land

As always, the first thing we need to think about a fully united CANZUK Federation is the population and land it would control and encompass. Starting off with the basics, a total 4 different countries, spanning across 3 different continents would make up the union: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. These would also be quite far away from each other, with a considerable distance between them, apart from Australia and New Zealand which could limit some easy trade between different parts of the country.

Despite having only 4 countries making the union up, CANZUK's land area would still be gargantuan if you take into consideration how big these 4 countries actually area. Standing at a total of 7,022,000 Square Miles (18,187,000 Sq km), this would easily be enough to make it by far the largest country in the world, even significantly larger than Russia (17,098,000 Sq km) and nearly double the size of China's (9,077,000 Sq km).

Similar to its massive land area, the federation would also have a huge population, standing at 136 Million. This would be enough to make it the 10th largest country in the world, even well ahead of other extremely populated countries like Mexico (128 Million) and Japan (126 Million), but still behind Russia (146 Million) and Bangladesh (164 Million). The United Kingdom would be the most populous country making it up, with a population of just over 67 Million, accounting for very nearly 50% of the union's entire amount.

A united CANZUK Federation would also boast some huge and very significant cities, spanning across all parts of the country, with lots to show for. The capital city for the union would probably be London as not only is it already a gargantuan city and would pretty much be the biggest economic and population hub within it, but is also located in the UK which would probably be the most significant and largest population and cultural centres in the federation too. This would also become the biggest city within its borders too, with a huge urban population of 14,800,000, even enough to earn a Megacity status. Here would be the rest of the top 10 most populous urban areas within CANZUK:

  1. London (14,800,000)
  2. Toronto (7,650,000)
  3. Sydney (5,400,000)
  4. Melbourne (5,050,000)
  5. Montreal (4,325,000)
  6. Brisbane (3,200,000)
  7. Birmingham (3,075,000)
  8. Manchester (3,050,000)
  9. Vancouver (2,900,000)
  10. Leeds (2,125,000)
Land area of a united CANZUK Federation on a map

Money and GDP

As well as all of this, a united CANZUK would also have a massive economy, bringing us to the next topic. Focusing on its total wealth for now, the Nominal GDP of the union would stand at a gargantuan $6.867 Trillion, which would definitely be much more than enough to put it in 3rd place, terms of Nominal GDP, beating up other booming economies like Japan ($5.378 Trillion), Germany ($4.319 Trillion) and India ($3.049 Trillion), but still remaining behind the economic giants of China ($16.642 trillion) and the United States ($22.675 Trillion). When comparing this to the European Union's economy of $15.167 Trillion, this would still be significantly lower but could grow at a faster rate in the future and eventually overtaking this.

Due to such a huge Nominal GDP, the Nominal GDP Per Capita of the federation would also be very high, enough to sustain it as a high-income country, standing at $50,492. This would make it have the 21st highest living standards in the world, slightly richer than the conditions Belgium ($50,103) and San Marino ($49,765), but also slightly behind Germany ($51,860) and Austria ($53,859).

The CANZUK Federation would also control a huge portion of the world's oil reserves, located in Canada, which currently controls the world's third largest oil reserves and is already the fourth largest oil producer so this product would most likely become the federations largest export.

Religion and Ethnic Groups

The next interesting topic we need to think about a united CANZUK is the religious and ethnic groups prevailing within its borders.

Starting off with Religion, Christianity would be the most followed faith in the union, with the majority of the population adhering to it at 60%, split between 44% Protestant, 14% Catholic and 2%. This would be trailed by Islam, being the second largest religion within CANZUK at 3.4%. Hindus would be the last major religion in the union, accounting for 1.5%.The final block of the population would be a mix of other small religions and Atheists and irreligious people within its borders at a huge 35.1%.

Focusing on Ethnic Groups now, people who identify as exclusively white would be the largest ethnicity prevalent in the union representing a very significant 87% of the population. French people, mainly focused around Quebec, in Canada and other French-majority areas, would altogether make up 3.6% being the second largest ethnic group within CANZUK, followed by Indigenous people at 2.2%. The final 7.2% of the population would be a mix of various other small ethnicities prevalent.

Purple = Christianity

Grey = Atheism

Pink = Indigenous Religions

Prevailing religions in the Oceanian part of the CANZUK Federation, specifically Australia and New Zealand


Continuing off its religious and ethnic groups, we now come to the linguistic groups of the united CANZUK Federation, which would actually be fairly similar in comparison. First of all, English would of course by far be the most spoken language collectively, with 78% of the population speaking that as their first language. French would be next, making up a further 5.5%, which would be closely followed by many Indigenous languages at 5.2%. The remaining 11.3% of the CANZUK population would speak a variety of different small languages in its borders.

English on its own would most probably become the official language of CANZUK as it would by far be the most spoken among the people but French could also become an official language, too, just to respect the eight million people in Canada that speak the language as their mother tongue.

Military Size

The last interesting topic there is to think about a united CANZUK Federation is its military. Starting with manpower, the union would, in total, possess 283,500 active-duty personnel, which would be the 17th largest force in the world, bigger than some other militaries like Sri Lanka (255,000 troops) and Japan (247,150 troops), but remaining smaller than Colombia (293,200 troops) and Turkey (355,200 troops). In addition to this, the federation would also possess an extra 146,600 troops placed in reserves, bringing its army to a total of 430,100.

The budget to fund this military would also be huge, standing at around $96.8 Billion, which would easily be enough to become the 3rd highest budget in the entire world, even larger than India ($71.1 Billion) and Russia's ($65.1 Billion), but still significantly smaller than the budgets of China ($261 Billion) and the United States ($732 Billion).

On top of all of this, the CANZUK Federation would also be a Nuclear Power, inheriting all of the UK's arsenal of nukes, which would give it between 200 and 250 warheads at its disposal.

Overall, if it were to unite today, the CANZUK Federation would definitely become an extremely powerful nation, both economically and militarily and could maybe even become a world superpower, one with enough strength to even rival Russia, China or the United States. When comparing CANZUK to the European Union, the latter would be slightly more powerful and superior but this has could have a very likely chance of changing in the future as CANZUK would rise up quickly through the ranks of countries after coming into existence. The rest of the federation's future would be almost impossible to accurately predict but as always, any theory can be possible in this rapidly-changing society. Anyway, here are the voting options for this vote:

Brazilian Empire | Confederate States of America | Qing Dynasty | Dutch Empire

And finally, that brings us to the end of this part of the series. If you have any other new suggestions for any empires you want me to cover, that I have not yet, then please let me know in the comments. But for now, I would like to thank you all so much for reading and goodbye! :)
Level 62
Dec 3, 2021
Voting has ended! The request to reunite the Brazilian Empire has won with 6 votes. Here are the final standings:

Brazilian Empire | 6 votes | 1st Place

Dutch Empire | 4 votes | Joint 2nd Place

Confederate States of America | 4 votes | Joint 2nd Place

Qing Dynasty | 0 votes | 4th Place

Level 65
Nov 29, 2021
Finally!!!! I thought it would never happen!! Thanks BGG!
Level 62
Nov 29, 2021
Lol no problem at all, McKenzie! :)

Afterall, these blogs are elected by the people

Level 65
Nov 29, 2021
unlike baptiste's interview dictatorship
Level 62
Nov 30, 2021
Democracy Prevails!
Level 60
Nov 29, 2021
CSA, glad CANZUK finally got a turn!
Level 62
Nov 30, 2021
Yes, it's good that it did :)

I'll add your vote to the polls soon :)

Level 60
Nov 29, 2021
Did you forget to give this to the Quadruple Alliance?
Level 73
Nov 29, 2021
Since the CANZUK is a real proposal, we would let the Queen rule it. ;)
Level 65
Nov 29, 2021
BGG can co-rule it as the Prime Minister with the Queen except bgg is the only prime minister so it's basically a monarchy except it's not called that because the queen is also a monarch
Level 62
Nov 30, 2021
@MiecraftMan, Oh yes, I completely forgot lol. But I guess Aficionado and Thread have got that sorted now :)

@Thread and Aficionado, Lol that is the exact same problem

we have in the UK: We don't know who is the actual ruler of our country, well it technically is the Queen because she is the Head of State but she is just a ceremonial monarch and the person with the most power is Boris Johnson lol.

Level 43
Nov 30, 2021
Level 73
Nov 30, 2021
That's common across most of the Commonwealth. We have a president/monarch, though the power is in the hands of the Prime Minister.
Level 59
Nov 29, 2021
Nice Blog!
Level 59
Nov 29, 2021
I vote dutch empire
Level 62
Nov 30, 2021
Thanks! I'll add your vote to the polls soon :)
Level 65
Nov 29, 2021
*positive adjective* blog! I vote for Dutch.
Level 62
Nov 30, 2021
Lol I'll add your vote to the polls, Thread :)
Level 65
Nov 29, 2021
Ok I'm voting for Brazilian Empire
Level 62
Nov 30, 2021
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 52
Nov 29, 2021
This blog is almost as amazing as the power the CANZUK Federation would hold, maybe even more. CSA is my vote once more,
Level 62
Nov 30, 2021
Haha lol, what an ironic comparison. I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 71
Nov 29, 2021
Level 62
Nov 30, 2021
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 73
Nov 29, 2021
Continuing the trend of complimenting you in another language..

Verbazingwekkend! Maar ik denk dat je de hindoes gemist hebt in de religie sectie. Ik stem voor het Nederlandse Rijk!

Once again copied from Translate, may not be correct

Level 62
Nov 30, 2021
Thanks, Aficionado! The Hindus were supposed to be included in the 36.6% that had the Atheists and other small religions in it but I guess I can add that in individually :)

I'll add your vote to the polls :)

Level 43
Nov 30, 2021
Finally! Brazilian Empire for me :)
Level 37
Nov 30, 2021
Same, I'll go for the Brazilian empire.
Level 68
Nov 30, 2021
Me three, Brazilian Empire!

definitely not because I don't want to die at the hands of a certain Brazilian JetPunker

Loved the blog, by the way! I'm going to be honest, when you mentioned CANZUK in your previous blogs, I didn't know what it meant. I could have searched it up, but what sort of self-respecting, self-absorbed, lazy teenager would do that??

Anyhow, I'm glad I was able to learn so much! Looking forward to the next blog!

Level 43
Dec 1, 2021
Level 62
Dec 1, 2021
Thanks, guys! I'll add three votes to the Brazilian Empire :)
Level 15
Dec 1, 2021
Make it four! I'll vote Brazilian too! I don't know much about that empire..
Level 65
Dec 1, 2021
It's the same as current Brazil plus Uruguay ;-;

Don't vote for it.

Level 68
Dec 1, 2021
*Watches as MG turns his totally legal gun from me to Thread*
Level 73
Dec 1, 2021
Yes, don't vote for it. It's just Brazil and Uruguay. Dutch Empire is more interesting!
Level 65
Dec 2, 2021
MG: finds another totally legal gun in his pocket

Af : *gulp*

Thread: *gulp*

Level 65
Dec 2, 2021
Suddenly I'm glad I chose Brazilian, I'd rather not face MG and his totally legal gun
Level 73
Dec 2, 2021
According to Wikipedia, the minimum age to possess and use a gun in Brazil is 25 and MG's not even 15 lol, so we are all safe!
Level 68
Dec 3, 2021
Unless... the totally legal gun isn't totally legal...
Level 65
Dec 3, 2021
No...could it be....
Level 62
Dec 3, 2021
*Insert illuminati music here*
Level 65
Dec 3, 2021
But he's the emperor!
Level 48
Nov 30, 2021
This time, my vote shall go to the Confederate States of America.
Level 62
Dec 1, 2021
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 31
Dec 1, 2021
Nice blog! I will vote for the Brazilian Empire.
Level 62
Dec 1, 2021
Thanks! I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 43
Dec 1, 2021
Brazilian Empire is winning. This mean we’ll lose ;-;
Level 62
Dec 2, 2021
Lol maybe it won't this time :)
Level 68
Dec 2, 2021
Great Quiz, UCSA please. Also, wouldnt Auckland be one of the largest cities?
Level 65
Dec 3, 2021
Sorry, Auckland's population stands at only $1.8 million (still smaller than Leeds, the smallest on the list)
Level 62
Dec 3, 2021
Thanks and yes, just as McKenzie said, Auckland is too small be on the top 10.
Level 73
Dec 3, 2021
It is a historic moment today!! Brazilian Empire won with a landslide victory of 6 votes!! Sigh.

MG must be super happy 😅

Level 65
Dec 3, 2021
nooo :(
Level 62
Dec 3, 2021
Level 60
May 22, 2022
Unlike most other empires, this one would be relatively stable and peaceful, with little civil unrest. This could make it very powerful indeed. Great blog!
Level 62
May 23, 2022
Thanks, Geopro! :)