What If the European Union was a Country?


Recently, the European Union has introduced many things to make it more of one country like creating one united military, etc...

This, you could say, is probably why the United Kingdom decided to leave the EU. But what if, one day, in the near future, the European Union decided to unite into ONE country?

So the first thing we need to think about is what the capital city and population would be of this economic giant. The capital city would probably Brussels as that is already where the European Union HQ is but that would have to be turned into the government if this were to work. The population would be a massive 446 million people if you just added all of the countries' population that make up the EU. It would be the world's 3rd Largest country far ahead of the USA but far behind the massive population of India and China. The largest city in the country by city proper population would be Berlin with 3,669,495 inhabitants which would probably the financial and economic hub of the city as Germany is already an EU powerhouse. Here is the list of the top 10 largest cities in the country:

1. Berlin, 3,669,495

2. Madrid, 3,348,536

3. Rome, 2,856,133

4. Paris, 2,140,526

5. Vienna, 1,921,153

6. Hamburg, 1,921,153

7. Bucharest, 1,832,883

8. Warsaw, 1,793,579

9. Barcelona, 1,620,343

10. Munich, 1,484,226

Next, we need to think about how the living standards would be and the total nominal GDP of it. The GDP per Capita would be around 34,840 USD which is quite reasonable due to the poor areas of Bulgaria and the Baltic States. The Nominal GDP would be a whopping 13.01 Trillion USD making it have the 3rd Largest GDP in the world behind China and the U.S.

Finally, the last thing we need to think about is how it would be in the real world. It is likely that it could survive fairly long but what if Russia decided that the creation of this continental giant was too much of a threat to its existence and decided to invade? It would be a real mystery of what it would do in reality and if it would even survive.

Anyway, this is what I thought of how the EU would be as a united, single entity in the world and I hope you enjoyed it. I really hope to do some more interesting blogs in the future but for now, have a good day and BYEEE!

Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
This is how things would unfold after Brexit but before that, it would be a whole other story.
Level 59
Feb 25, 2021
Good blog
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
Level 60
Feb 25, 2021
I love these "What if these Countries Reunited today"!
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
Thanks so much!
Level 51
Feb 25, 2021
Very informative. I think if the EU became a country that it would probably be one of the most dominate countries of all, but think about Europe, it would probably have less countries and possibly will not be a continent at all, but that is unlikely due to the fact that 2 (3 counting Antarctica) have very low amounts of countries but, it is still a possibility.
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
True! After the unification, Europe will have 15 countries which is about the same size as Oceania's countries.
Level 54
Feb 25, 2021
Great Blog!
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
Thanks a lot!
Level 54
Feb 25, 2021
Interesting and Nice Blog , If it reunited than it will be a super power of the world
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
Thank You!
Level 55
Feb 25, 2021
I once saw a person that said "Cyprus is in the EU! Its in Europe!" Then another person said "So Switzerland isn't in Europe?"
Level 54
Feb 25, 2021
Level 60
Feb 25, 2021
that was me :)
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
Level 68
Feb 25, 2021
This topic has already been explored thoroughly elsewhere, but I still think it can lead to some interesting discussions. I do wish the blog itself had a bit more on this what-if, though.

Moving on to some actual discussion: Berlin is not even the financial hub of real-world Germany, so I find it safe to assume that Frankfurt would be the main financial centre for this unified Europe.

Let's say Russia indeed finds this new Europe threatening (I mean, they find the current EU threatening already...); an all out war is improbable, but let's say, for entertainment's sake, it actually escalates to that, and let's say that NATO doesn't exist. I still believe that Russia would get beaten up pretty hard. European countries may look tiny, but they are still some of the largest weapon producers, and are technologically advanced. Given that upon unification the countries' militaries are also unified, I don't think Russia would stand a chance.

I hope the future can bring Europe closer together!

Level ∞
Feb 25, 2021
Russia possesses more than 6,000 nuclear warheads. They would simply annihilate the rest of Europe in any serious military conflict.
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
Russia would indeed outnumber the EU Nuclear Weapons but maybe the United States would help! who knows? Also, the EU has far more allies than Russia so it would be balanced in strength. This war would be difficult to predict a clear winner.
Level 68
Feb 25, 2021
The nuclear option is, in my opinion, even less probable. Also the bombing sites would be close enough to Russia to dissuade them to a point, I think. But let's imagine a situation where nobody cares about nuclear war (or mutual assured destruction theory and such): Russia does have the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world, if I remember correctly, and if we consider a timeline where they declare war on a unified EU around this time period, Russia would certainly be able to win through nuclear bombing (if they decide to do so). That being said, actual number of warheads is mostly guesswork, and I am not sure we have any way of knowing how many Russian bombs are outdated and easily overcome by anti-air
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
That is very true.
Level 62
Feb 25, 2021
If it did escalate into a whole war, other countries would probably choose sides. but Russia (Along with some allies) could stand a chance against Europe.