What if the German Empire Reunited Today?


At its height in 1911, the German Colonial Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the world at its time, controlling huge portions of the world's surface area, in many different continents, most notably in Europe, Oceania, and the vast majority as colonies in Africa, gained after the Berlin Conference in 1884. However, due to the start of the First World War, the allied powers began to one by one capture parts of the empire's colonies in the world, until it finally surrendered to them in 1918, ending the war and marking the end of the German ambitions to have the world's largest empire in history. But what if the empire reunited today?

Population and Land

So the first thing we need to think about a reunited German Empire is the population and land it would control. To start off, a total of 29 modern-day countries would lose all or some of their territory to the empire: Belgium, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Micronesia, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Lithuania, Marshall Islands, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Netherlands, Nigeria, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Republic of the Congo, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, Tanzania, and Togo. 1 of these would be located in Asia, 6 would be located in Oceania, 9 would be located in Europe, and 13 would be located in Africa.

Due to so many countries making up the empire, it would also have a huge land area, at a total of 1,215,000 Square miles (3,147,000 sq km)! This would make the empire the 8th largest country in the world, larger than another big countries like Argentina (1,073,000 Sq miles) and Kazakhstan (1,052,000 Sq miles), but slightly smaller than India (1,269,000 Sq miles).

As well as a huge land area, the German Empire would also have a very impressive population, standing at 170 million. This is absolutely gargantuan and would be enough to make the empire the 8th most populous country in the world what a coincidence, ahead of other very populated countries like Bangladesh (164 Million) and an independent Russia (146 Million), but still significantly behind the 7th place contender, Nigeria (206 Million).

A reunited German Empire would also boast some very large and significant cities within its borders. The capital city of the empire would probably be Berlin as it was already the historic capital of the empire in 1911 and today is still a very important hub for Europe and the world, with a moderate population of 4,750,000 people. Of course, however, this would not be the most populous city in the empire, despite having a strong place in the top 10. Instead, Dar es Salaam, in Tanzania, would be the most populous city in the empire, with a big population of 6,450,000, slightly larger than Berlin's. Here would be the rest of the top 10 most populous urban-areas within the empire:

  1. Dar es Salaam (6,450,000)
  2. Qingdao (6,250,000)
  3. Nairobi (6,100,000)
  4. Berlin (4,750,000)
  5. Douala (3,800,000)
  6. Frankfurt (3,280,000)
  7. Hamburg (2,880,000)
  8. Yaoundé (2,800,000)
  9. Stuttgart (2,400,000)
  10. Munich (2,280,000)
(Not including any loosely defined Urban-Areas)
Land area of a reunited German Empire on a map

Money and GDP

The German Empire would also have a gargantuan economy as well as its population and land, able to stand on the world stage. In total, the empire's Nominal GDP would stand at a whopping $4.553 Trillion, which would be enough to put the empire in 3rd place, in terms of Nominal GDP, ahead of other massive economies like France ($3.938 Trillion) and the United Kingdom ($3.124 Trillion), but still significantly behind other economies like Japan ($5.378 Trillion) and China ($16.642 Trillion). Germany, alone, would completely dominate this number as its GDP would account for more than 94% of the imperial empire's entire GDP!

The Nominal GDP Per Capita of a reunited German Empire would also stand at a moderate amount of $25,723. This would not a big thing to show for, but is still enough to sustain the empire as a middle-income country. It would also be enough to put the empire in 52nd place, in terms of Nominal GDP Per Capita, ahead of the living standards in Portugal ($25,065) and Bahrain ($24,294), but behind that of the Czech Republic ($25,732) and Estonia ($26,470).

A reunited German Empire would also most likely re-join the EU, as all of the modern-day countries making up it up are already part of the organization. The empire would also be a big exporter on the world stage as Germany is today, currently one of the biggest exporters in many products like Electrical Machinery and Cars.

Religion and Ethnic Groups

The next interesting topic we need to think about a reunited German Empire are the religious and ethnic groups which would be prevailing within its borders.

Starting with religion, Christianity would be the largest followed religion in the empire, with the vast majority of 70% of the population adhering to the religion, split between 40% Catholics and 30% Protestants. Islam would be next, represented at 18%, followed by Judaism at 1.1%. The final 10.9% of the population would be a mix of various other small indigenous religions and Atheists.

Focusing on Ethnic Groups now, Germans would be the largest Ethnicity within the empire, at 45% of the population, still not enough to make a clear majority of 50% though. Following closely behind, various tiny African ethnicities, native to the continent, would make up a further 39%. The last major Ethnicity prevalent in the empire would be Polish people at a drop down to 10%, and the final 6% would be a mix of various other small and indigenous ethnicities within the empire, mainly focused around the Pacific Islands and Papua New Guinea.

Purple = Christianity

Green = Islam

Purple-Stripes = Folk Religions

Prevailing Religions the German part of a reunited German Empire on a map


The Languages spoken in a reunited German Empire would also be very diverse, as well as its Religious and Ethnic Groups. German would be the most spoken language within the empire, at 41% of the population, mainly in Germany and small areas of its African territories. Surprisingly, English would be the next most spoken, at a significant 35%. This would mostly be spoken in Tanzania and Namibia. Polish would make up a further 11%, followed by French at 8%. The final 5% would be a mix of various other very small or indigenous languages being spoken in the empire.

Military Size

The last thing we need to think about a reunited German Empire is its military. This would also be completely no disappointment. Starting with manpower, the empire would possess a modest force of 245,900 total active-duty troops, which would be enough to place it in 21st place, still larger than some other very powerful militaries like Saudi Arabia (227,000 troops) and France (202,700 troops), but slightly smaller than Japan (247,150 troops) and Taiwan's (275,000). In addition to this, the empire would also control an extra 90,000 troops placed in reserves, bringing its army to a total of 335,900.

The budget to fund this military would also be a significant amount, standing at $59.2 Billion, or 1.3% of its entire Nominal GDP, which would be the 6th largest budget in the world, ahead of France ($50.1 Billion) and the United Kingdom's ($48.7 Billion) budgets, but slightly smaller than Saudi Arabia ($61.9 Billion) and Russia's ($65.1 Billion) budgets.

A reunited German Empire wouldn't possess any Nuclear weapons of their own but would share a small arsenal of around 100 nukes with other NATO members who wouldn't have Nuclear weapons of their own.

Overall, it seems like a reunited German Empire would definitely be among one of the most powerful countries in the world if it were to reunite today. It might not achieve superpower status but it would easily be one of the most powerful on the world stage, both economy-wise and military-wise. The empire would also most likely re-join the EU and may possibly re-join NATO as well, to boost its recognition and create allies. The rest of the empire's future would be impossible to accurately predict, but as always, any theory can be possible in the real world. The ruler of this empire would also be a tough choice to predict but in my opinion, the only people capable of handling such a big task would be none other than the Quadruple Alliance themselves! Anyway, here are the voting options for this time's vote:

Nazi Germany | Austria-Hungary | Yugoslavia | Italian Empire

And finally, that brings us to the end of this part of the series. If you have any other new suggestions for any significant empires you want me to cover then please let me know in the comments. But for now, I would like to thank you all so much for reading and goodbye! :)
Level 62
Sep 6, 2021
Voting has ended! The request to reunite the Italian Empire has won with 6 votes. Here are the final standings:

Italian Empire | 6 votes | 1st Place

Austria Hungary | 4 votes | 2nd Place

Nazi Germany | 1 vote | Joint 3rd Place

Yugoslavia | 1 vote | Joint 3rd Place

Level 43
Sep 3, 2021
Quintuple Alliance. You’re one of us lol :)

And Nazi Germany again. And I again recommend that video of Canal Nostalgia, if you want to deep a little :)

Level 43
Sep 3, 2021
My second choice would be Italian Empire. My great-grandfather thanks
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Lol I think you should keep the Quadruple Alliance the way it is :)

I don't really want to join it because I just like watching so the main things are up to you guys. And yes lol, I have started watching the video. I will add your vote to the polls soon :)

Level 52
Sep 3, 2021
Italian Empire! And I say it every time, so there's no need to repeat, but this is another masterpiece! ;)

And now I have ten more suggestions

Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Haha lol thanks! Tell me those 10 suggestions so I can add them to my list of now 18 empires to do lol :)

It's going down, which is a good thing

Level 65
Sep 5, 2021
My vote : Italian Empire
Level 62
Sep 5, 2021
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 73
Sep 3, 2021
Fascinating! Let's invade this empire now. I once again vote for Austria-Hungary.
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Thanks! I don't think you can invade it lol because all of you control it. If you did lol, then you would be technically invading your own territory :)
Level 73
Sep 3, 2021
Oh, yes! Didn't realise that we rule this empire lol.
Level 65
Sep 3, 2021
Let's split it up! Then we will also have easier access to France. So you can get all African and Oceanic colonies, I will get all the Rhineland and Western Germany, MG gets Poland along with some of East Germany, and ZooTuber gets Bavaria and Baden. We can negotiate more in the group. Also Berlin can be split into 4 because I'm sure they definitely don't mind being split apart.
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Haha I love the fact how the first you thought of when I said it belongs to you is Let's split it up lol.
Level 65
Sep 3, 2021
what else are we supposed to do
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Lol I never thought of that actually
Level 69
Sep 3, 2021
Great Quiz! Im gonna go with the Italian Empire.

Ps: Shouldn't Douala, Yaounde and Warsaw be in the top 10 cities?

Level 65
Sep 3, 2021
Warsaw is in the other part of Poland but I was also thinking Douala and Yaoundé should be there.
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
I will change it now :)
Level 69
Sep 3, 2021
Also if you click here- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_empires

There are pretty much the most significant empires.

Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
That's what I'm going by already. I have already done most of those, but I want to see what other people want me to do in specific.
Level 69
Sep 3, 2021
Also, add the Dutch Empire to your list.
Level 71
Sep 3, 2021
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Sure! I'll add that to polls soon :)
Level 65
Sep 3, 2021
Great blog once again, I vote for Italian Empire! I don't really have anything to do with Germany so I don't have any other comments lol

Also should Douala and Yaounde be in the cities?

Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Thanks! I will put your vote to the polls soon. And yes, I think you are right. I can't believe I missed those lol. I will change it now :)
Level 65
Sep 3, 2021
Also I was wondering how do you calculate all the statistics?
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
I will reply to that on our group since it is going to be an in depth explanation :)
Level 37
Sep 3, 2021
Interesting blog as always! I'll be voting the Italian empire.
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Thanks! I will add your vote to the polls :)
Level 40
Sep 3, 2021
Great blog! And i have suggestion: Qing Dynasty
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Thanks! I will add your suggestion to my list of 20 suggestions :)
Level 73
Sep 3, 2021
Hey! Austria-Hungary has two votes!
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
Oh sorry. I think I forgot to update it lol. I will do it now :)
Level 42
Sep 3, 2021
Austria- Hungary
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 31
Sep 3, 2021
Italian Empire please!
Level 62
Sep 3, 2021
I'll add that to the polls too :)
Level 40
Sep 4, 2021
I vote for Yugoslavia
Level 62
Sep 4, 2021
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 64
Sep 4, 2021
One more vote for Austria-Hungary

Also heres a suggestion: Gran Colombia?

Level 62
Sep 4, 2021
I'll add your vote to the polls and I will take in your suggestion :)
Level 15
Sep 4, 2021
Italian Empire
Level 62
Sep 4, 2021
I'll add that to the polls soon :)
Level 54
Sep 6, 2021
Awesome blog!
Level 62
Sep 6, 2021
Thanks so much! :)
Level 59
Sep 7, 2021
Great Blog! So sad I missed the vote i would have voted for yugoslavia. Hopefully it will be one of the options next time.
Level 62
Sep 7, 2021
Thanks and don't worry! Yugoslavia will definitely be an option in the next vote :)