What if the Indian Subcontinent United Today?


The Indian Subcontinent is one of the most powerful and influential regions in the world. Today, 7 countries are generally considered to be part of the subcontinent, with each of them having fairly similar cultures and identities. But what if the entire region united into one country? Also, let me start off by saying that this is completely impossible to happen and never will but it would be interesting to hypothesize what would happen if it did.

Population and Land

So the first thing we need to think about a united Indian Subcontinent is the population and land it would control. For starters, 7 different countries would make the region up: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives. This, however, would not seem that much at a glance but would definitely not stop it from having a huge land area, if you take into consideration how big these countries actually are.

In total, a the united subcontinent would have a huge area of 1,730,000 Square Miles, or 0.8% of the entire world's surface area, which would make it still only the 7th largest country in the world, larger than an independent India (1,269,345 Sq miles), but still significantly behind the 6th place contender, Australia (2,969,906 Sq miles), which is not a big difference to India's own land area.

Nonetheless, though, the subcontinent's population would be gargantuan, standing at a mind-blowing 1.7 Billion people, which would make it by far the most populous country in the world, even ahead of China (1.44 Billion), and around 23% of the entire world! Such a huge population would mainly be due to the massive population centres within the subcontinent's borders, like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, all home to over 100 million people. Just like I mentioned, India, alone, would completely dominate this, accounting for a very significant 72% of its population.

The Indian Subcontinent would also boast some massive cities with lots to show. A capital for the new country would be very tough choice as nearly every option possible would at least offend someone. But just for the sake of this blog, in my opinion, the most likely choice would probably be Delhi as not only is it already the current capital of India, but also a swinging population centre. Delhi would also be the most populous urban-area in the subcontinent with an urban population of a whopping 31,300,000 people, which is actually the 5th most populous city in the world! As well as this, the subcontinent would also be home to 7 megacities out of the 37 total in the world. Here would be the rest of the top 10 largest cities in the Indian Subcontinent:

  1. Delhi (31,300,000)
  2. Mumbai (25,600,000)
  3. Dhaka (20,300,000)
  4. Karachi (18,200,000)
  5. Kolkata (17,000,000)
  6. Lahore (13,500,000)
  7. Bangalore (12,700,000)
  8. Chennai (11,600,000)
  9. Hyderabad (10,400,000)
  10. Ahmedabad (8,400,000)
Land area of the united Indian Subcontinent on a map

Money and GDP

As well as being a population and land behemoth, a united Indian Subcontinent would also have a huge economy on the world stage. In total, the country's Nominal GDP would stand at a whopping $3.569 Trillion, which would be enough to put it in 5th place, in terms of Nominal GDP, even ahead of other massive economies like the United Kingdom ($3.124 Trillion) and France ($2.938 Trillion), but behind the economies of Germany ($4.319 Trillion) and Japan ($5.378 Trillion). As expected, India would be the largest contributor for this amount, accounting for a huge 85% of it.

The Nominal GDP Per Capita of the subcontinent would actually be quite lacking, though, despite its huge GDP, standing at a fairly low $2,099. This would be enough to place it with the 168th highest living standards in the world, higher than the living standards in Haiti ($1,943) and Kiribati ($1,917), but slightly more impoverished than Angola ($2,101) and an independent Bangladesh ($2,122).

Religion, Ethnic and Linguistic Groups

The next topic we need to think about a united Indian Subcontinent are the Religious, Linguistic and Ethnic Groups that would be prevailing within its borders.

Starting with Religion, Hinduism would be, by far, the most followed religion within the subcontinent, at a big majority of 63.3% of the population. Islam would be the next largest faith at 31.4%, followed by Christianity at a big drop to just 2%, Buddhism at 1.5%, Sikhs at 1.1%, and the final 0.4% being made up of Atheists and Irreligious people.

Focusing on Ethnic Groups now, Indo-Aryan ethnicities would make up the vast majority of the subcontinent at 73% of its population, followed by Dravidians, mainly focused in Southern India and Northern Sri Lanka, would be the next largest block at 19%. Pashtuns would make the last largest Ethnic Group prevailing in its borders, at 2.5%, with the final 5.7% being a mix of various other tiny ethnicities.

Linguistic Groups in the Indian Subcontinent would be as equally diverse as the Ethnicities and Religion in it as well. Hindi would be the most spoken language, making up 33% of the population. Bengali would be the next most spoken at 15%, followed by Punjabi at 8%, Marathi at 5%, and Telugu, also at 5%. Tamil Speakers would be represented as 4.6%, with Gujarati and Sinhalese following closely behind at 3.5% and 1.1% respectively. The final 12.9% of the population, would be made up of various different languages with only a tiny percentage being spoken.

Orange = Hinduism

Green = Islam

Yellow = Buddhism

Purple = Christianity

Prevailing Religions in the rough area of the united Indian Subcontinent

Military Size

The last thing we need to think about a united Indian Subcontinent is its military, which would of course be no disappointment. Starting with manpower, the subcontinent would possess a huge 2,600,000 active-duty troops which would be more than enough to give it the largest active-military force in the world, even well ahead of China (2,035,000 troops) and double that of the United States (1,359,450). The country would also possess an additional 2,100,000 troops placed in reserves bringing the total to a massive 4,700,000.

The Indian Subcontinent's Budget for its military would be gargantuan, standing at $83.8 Billion, but only just a 15% increase from an independent India's budget. Nonetheless, this would be enough to give the subcontinent the 3rd highest budget in the world, steaming ahead of both Russia ($65.1 Billion) and Saudi Arabia's ($61.9 Billion), but still quite behind the huge budgets of China ($261 Billion) and the United States ($732 Billion).

Finally, a united subcontinent would also be a Nuclear Power, inheriting both India and Pakistan's entire arsenals. An exact amount would be unclear to predict, however, but an estimation would be about 271-330 nukes at its disposal, which would still make the Indian Subcontinent a formidable military power.

Overall, if it were to unite today, the Indian Subcontinent would definitely become a complete powerhouse, both economy-wise and military-wise. But despite this, the subcontinent would face some big problems in the modern world, like deciding who would become the leader of this superpower. Could it even face the same threat it faced in 1947 and descend into utter chaos like it did previously? In my opinion, the only person capable of undertaking such a mammoth task of handling the new country would be no other than TheNatureThread himself, who would definitely lead the Indian Subcontinent united and as one country, something which very few have achieved before!

Anyway, there won't be any vote this time, as the Mughal Empire has already been decided in the previous vote for the next part of the series but there will be a normal vote in that blog. This blog was also a collaboration with TheNatureThread so please check out their video on their their Geography and History Youtube Channel here next. Please also check out Aficionado's blog about the Indian Subcontinent which will be linked down below, if you would like to know more about the region I have talked about. Anyway, the last thing I have to say is thank you all so much for watching and goodbye! :)

Also see:

Level 73
Aug 18, 2021
Amazing blog! But, I think you missed the Maldives. They are also a part of the subcontinent. Also, Dhaka seems to be missing in the list of the largest cities. Anyway, it was great reading it!

One thing that I am damn sure about is that if the subcontinent unites, the military and the nuclear arsenal would become almost useless. Kashmir, sharing of the Ganges, illegal immigration and countless other issues will be automatically resolved. It is difficult, but not impossible for the subcontinent to unite into one polity under the rule of TheNatureThread the Great in the near future!

Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Thanks! I have fixed all of the things you have pointed out so it should be fine now. And yes lol, TheNatureThread would definitely be the best ruler for the subcontinent. The Nuclear Arsenal might not be that useless as it can be used to show its dominance and power on the world stage. China would probably be the biggest threat to the country so they could also use it to tell China that they are prepared and are as powerful as them.
Level 73
Aug 18, 2021
That's why I said almost useless since China is still there. Given the close relationship between China and Pakistan, China will try its best to prevent this unification.
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Yes, good point. If the subcontinent were to unite, China would probably invade it as quick as possible to stop it from gaining power. That, however, would most likely start World War 3 as the US and NATO, one of India's key allies, would assist it if this were to happen. Russia might get involved in the fun, too, to try and stop NATO. Then, all of the major world powers would be in the situation, starting WWIII.
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Sadly it will be impossible now, if partition never happened, then India likely would have developed faster and would have been an ally of the west, since Pakistan and China basically became friends against India. The funny thing is that India is friends with both Russia and the US. India still has a chance of being a regional power if it is more aggressive, but it has no chance of actually expanding its land, and considering what is going on within India they might not get aggressive. India would be key in World War 3, since they would be surrounded by Chinese puppets, the closes country that might become their ally is Indonesia or Thailand, the mountains are the only thing protecting, so in case thing get tense, India's influence will be key to have a solid block of NATO allies in that part of Asia.
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Yes, I don't think India and Pakistan could ever unite, not even in the far future. The only way for India and Pakistan to ever be in the same country would be if either one invades the other in war. And still, that will only happen after possibly thousands of deaths and bloodshed on the way.
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
True, but otherwise the Kashmir conflict also probably wouldn't end, both sides will not give up their claim anytime in the future, and now that they are both nuclear powers they might not ever fight a war again, so there might not be any solution, maybe the only solution would be that one of them collapses, which definitely won't happen with India, and seems likely with Pakistan, since basically half of their provinces have an independence movement, but they are still powerful and surely China would intervene and it would start World War 3.
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Yeah. I don't know a lot about the current political situations in India and Pakistan so I'm just going to leave the problem-handling to you lol, since you are the ruler of the region.
Level 73
Aug 18, 2021
I believe that this unification of the subcontinent is a far-flung dream. The nationalistic movements in all of the South Asian countries are very strong. This could perhaps begin with an economic unification, kind of like ASEAN. Only then, the idea of complete political unification could be proposed. Although, I don't think any country other than Bhutan would like this proposal.
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Very True. All of the countries in the subcontinent each are very separate and none of them would like to go on the same path together. For example, Pakistan wants to increase its ties with China, Russia and Iran, whereas India wants to increase their ties with the West.
Level 73
Aug 18, 2021
Such a unification could be very beneficial to the region as a whole. It could boost economic prosperity since a large part of national budgets which were "wasted" on the army to patrol the borders could be used elsewhere.

One huge benefit will be to the unified cricket team. The strongest in the world! 😂

Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Yeah, even Sri Lanka and Nepal have problems with India even though most Indians see them as our friends. Bhutan is India's closest real ally, though they probably wouldn't join a war, considering they think China doesn't exist (they don't recognize PRC or ROC). The funny thing is that some places just ended up becoming countries while some ended up in a larger country, for example, places as close as Bhutan and Sikkim are in different countries, but places as different as Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu are in different countries, basically because of colonialism. If colonialism didn't happened we would probably either see a weaker balkanized India, or a stronger earlier united India.
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
@Aficionado, Oh yes, the Cricket team is definitely the best thing about the subcontinent. I'm going to put that in the blog lol.

@TheNatureThread, Yes, before the entire region unites, I think India should try and improve their ties with other countries in the region, like trying to work together with Nepal and Sri Lanka, not to mention to stop illegally fishing in Sri Lanka's waters lol.

Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
And people don't need to worry about if they are eating Indian, Pakistani, or Nepali food, they are eating Indian Subcontinent-ian food lol
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Lol yes. If the subcontinent was to unite, I'm sure you would make the National Food, Rice.
Level 73
Aug 18, 2021
No, it would be either biryani or khichdi. Not just rice.
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Is Khichdi a mix of rice and Lentis? Sorry, I don't know much about Indian food lol.
Level 73
Aug 18, 2021
How strange! You're British, right? Haven't you eaten Indian food? Yes, khichdi is a mix of rice and lentils. The Anglo-Indian food kedgeree is derived from it. Other items can also be used as ingredients, such as potatoes and other vegetables and occasionally meat.
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Nope, just rice. Also I will move the capital to a planned city in Andhra Pradesh because I am the dictator and I want to.

I like to have carrots in Khichdi lol

Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
@Aficionado, I've eaten some Indian dishes like Biryani and Rice with Dhal, but not a lot.

@TheNatureThread, Lol a city in Andhra Pradesh is very random. Do you have any reason for that?

Level 73
Aug 18, 2021
As the real Emperor, I disallow you to move the capital. The capital should be located in a central, politically-neutral place. Delhi, being a historic city, is the most ideal place for the capital.

I think, TheNatureThread happens to be from Andhra Pradesh.

Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Well Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in India so...

(yes I am)

Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Ah, I knew this argument would happen. I'm gonna get out of here before World War 3 starts my comments section lol.
Level 54
Aug 28, 2021
But many issues will take birth
Level 43
Aug 18, 2021
Now I won't be the ruler lol
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Lol don't worry MG! You will definitely become the ruler of the Mughal Empire, once it has reunited! Plus, there's no rule saying that the Indian Subcontinent could be a dominion of your power :)
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Actually, my next plan was to start to dismantle the global hegemony of MG17, and I will start by taking Southeast Asia...
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Wow lol. I'm gonna stay out of this war before anything bad happens...
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Wait, if the MG17 gets the Mughal Empire, does that override my ownership of the Indian Subcontinent 🤔
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Oh lol I never actually thought about that, I'm gonna say that you both have ownership of the land. Anyway, I'm getting out of this as quick as possible so bye lol!
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Okay, MG can be the regional governor of those regions, but it is still my country, and I am still the dictator there.
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Phew, I'm glad this short argument is sorted :)
Level 73
Aug 18, 2021
Well, I am the Utmostly Noble Emperor of India and the King of Indochina.
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
well, mg hasn't responded so i dont think the argument is over
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Yeah lol, I think MG, and Aficionado have to sign the treaty for the war to end. And it looks like you've got a contester for Emperor of the Indian Subcontinent lol.
Level 43
Aug 18, 2021
I think Mongolia and China can be mine. Tibet, India, and the rest are yours.

And as my birthday is tomorrow (19), I that should rule it as a gift. LOL

Level 43
Aug 18, 2021
Aficionado, be with -Stan countries (except Kazakhstan), and help Afghanis with Taliban problems. Pray for Afghanistan...
Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Lol yes. Happy Early Birthday MG! I will be sure to celebrate you tomorrow as well lol. And yeah, Afghanistan really is undergoing big changes. I just hope the Taliban won't be brutal like they were before when leading the country.
Level 43
Aug 18, 2021
Also for Haiti. Another earthquake there... Aficionado, hope you rule Afghanistan correctly. They need.
Level 73
Aug 19, 2021
I can rule the Stan countries under personal rule, which would make me the Utmostly Noble Emperor of India, the King of Indochina and the Stan countries lol.

I don't think I could help them completely with the Taliban problems, but I'll try my best! Praying for the Afghan people.

And happy birthday MG!!

Level 62
Aug 23, 2021
Good to here that! I hope Haiti and Afghanistan are doing well. Actually, if you don't mind, Aficionado, can I make you ruler of Haiti as well? I heard that their Former President was assasinated.
Level 73
Aug 23, 2021
Well, sure! I can help them become a stronger nation. Is the next blog about Haiti?
Level 62
Aug 25, 2021
Unfortunately, no lol. Its about the Mughal Empire. I could make a blog about Haiti though :)
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Yes, finally :D Thanks once again for sharing my video, and great blog! As the ruler of the Indian Subcontinent here are the rules that I will enforce:

1. Jetpunk will be the new government website and must be visited by everyone at least once a week. Extra credit: visit it every day. Extra extra credit: visit it every hour.

2. My blogs and videos will be required learning in schools, colleges, will be required to be shouted out before a movie plays, and must have a tv channel specifically to tell people to watch it.

3. Everybody must get used to eating spicy food, you must eat at least 2 things with chili in them everyday.

4. Oh yeah the religion thing... I guess I'm the dictator and I will not enforce any religion, so anyone can practice their religion, as long as they also visit Jetpunk and watch my videos. My parliament, which doesn't really matter since I am the dictator, will be composed completely of Jetpunkers with an undisclosed religion.

Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Lol if you are going to make a Government, then you should make a coalition of your most trusted JetPunkers hopefully I'm in there to stay beside you. (But of course, we won't be making any decisions since you are the dictator lol).
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
And here is the Obligatory thread about suggestions for new empires. You could take this series in a lot of directions, so other than actual historic empires, you could also do proposed countries, alliance (which you've already done with NATO), or even just made up countries, but here are some of my suggestions anyway.

The Turkic Council

The East African Federation

The Latin States of Africa, which was apparently a plan after decolonization

Gran Colombia

Mexican Empire

Gokturk Emkpire

Hunnic Empire

Omani Empire

Patria Grande (A plan to unite the latin world)

Maphilindo (Malaysia+Indonesia+Philippines)

Intermarium/Międzymorze (A plan to unite all the eastern and central European countries.

Franco-British Union (Maybe to make it more interesting, you can also include all of their colonies at the time when it was first proposed)

Arab League

Modern-day French West Africa + French Central Africa

Level 62
Aug 18, 2021
Thanks for the suggestions! I don't really want to take the series into a completely different direction because I still want to keep the theme of reuniting historical empires but I will definitely now and again add some different unifications like what I have done with NATO, a united EU, and a united Indian Subcontinent. I will definitely do the Franco-British Union and the Arab League at some point but I will take the rest of your suggestions into consideration :)

And lol, no comment section of a blog in my series is complete without a comment full of suggestions of empires to do in the series!

Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
You should do a blog on what if Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania merged, as there has been some talk of doing this
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Another fun one would be if US and Canada merged. Great work as always, I always enjoy reading these.
Level 62
Aug 19, 2021
Thanks and sure! I will definitely do your suggestions, a US-Canadian union would be great and also an East African Federation (EAF), as they call it :)
Level 78
Aug 20, 2021
USA, Canada and Mexico is not beyond the bounds of imagination, they share the NAFTA agreement already.
Level 62
Aug 23, 2021
Yeah. The US and Mexico's relations are sort of mixed at the moment but we could possibly see Canada and the United States uniting in the future. They share very similar cultures and are very firm allies of one another.
Level 54
Aug 18, 2021



And all other thing!

Level 62
Aug 19, 2021
Lol thanks!
Level 52
Aug 22, 2021
So after I was absent from JetPunk for a week, I figured there would be a lot of new blogs, and there were. More than I expected, actually. However, not many were of my interest, but I knew that I had to check out another one of your union blogs, and that's exactly what I did, and again I was blown away. These blogs are so well-written, so fascinating, it makes for a very compelling topic every time you write a blog like this. It'd be an understatement to say that I very much enjoy these blogs. So, keep up the great work, BigGeoGuy!

And even though I've suggested like ten empires already, I've come up with some more interesting empires:

Italian Empire

German Empire

Seljuk Empire

Qing Dynasty

Level 62
Aug 22, 2021
Thank you so much for your kind words! Welcome back too!

I will also put your suggestions on my list of blogs to do I now have 19 on my list :)

Level 52
Aug 22, 2021
19 what the ****???
Level 62
Aug 23, 2021
I know lol, It's a lot!
Level 63
Aug 25, 2021
Great blog! I sorta disagree with some of the populations, but that might be just me.
Level 62
Aug 26, 2021
Thanks and yes. I think you are right. I will change the amount to 1.7 Billion now :)
Level 69
Sep 2, 2021
Hi BigGeoGuy, I just wanted to say how I love your union blogs so much, I enjoy reading them and I just find them so fascinating and interesting, so keep up the great work! Also I was so inspired by your blogs that I decided to make one of my own


PS: Sorry I dont know how to make a link

Level 69
Sep 2, 2021
Also I have some Ideas:


Aztec Empire

Incan Empire

Han Dinasty

Level 62
Sep 2, 2021
Thanks for your kind words! I will be sure to implement some of your suggestions at some point :)
Level 59
Feb 5, 2023
Turkeymenistan. Similar names = new empire