What if the Mexican Empire Reunited Today?


At its height in 1821, just after gaining independence from Spain, the First Mexican Empire was one of the most significant empires in the world in its time and is still today known as one of the largest in history. It controlled a huge portion of the American continent and practically dominated North America, stretching all the way from Costa Rica, in Central America, all the way to Oregon, in the United States. However, like all empires, this one was short-lived and gradually began to lose the power and influence it once had previously, until in 1823, when the first and last emperor of the empire abdicated, finally marking the end of the First Mexican Empire. But what if it reunited today?

Population and Land

The first thing we need to think about a reunite Mexican Empire is the population and land it would control. To start off, a total of 8 different modern-day countries would lose all or some of their territory to the empire: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico definitely unexpected, Nicaragua and the United States, which would all be located in North America. This may not seem that much, at a glance, but would not stop the empire from having a big land area if you take into consideration how big these countries actually are.

Altogether, the Mexican Empire would have a huge land area of 1,710,000 Square miles (4,429,000 Sq km), or 3.29% of the entire world's surface area. This would be enough to make it the 7th largest country in the world, significantly larger than other massive countries like India (3,287,000 Sq km) and Argentina (2,780,000 Sq km), but also significantly smaller than the 6th and 5th place contenders, Australia (7,692,000 Sq km) and Brazil (8,515,000 Sq km).

Despite this, however, the empire would have nearly 10x Australia's population standing at around 255 Million. This would easily boost the empire up to the 5th most populous country in the world, well ahead of other very populated countries like Pakistan (221 Million) and Brazil (212 Million), but behind Indonesia (273 Million) and an independent United States (331 Million). Mexico would be the most populous modern-day country in the empire, with a massive population, even on its own, of 128 Million.

A reunited Mexican Empire would also boast some massive cities within its borders, with lots to show for. Its capital city would most likely be Mexico City as not only was it already the historic capital of the empire back in 1821, but is also still one of the most significant cities in the region today. Mexico City would also be the most populous city in the empire, too, with a huge population of 24,500,000, which is actually the 9th biggest city in the world already. Here would be the rest of the top 10 most populous urban-areas within the empire:

  1. Mexico City (24,500,000)
  2. Los Angeles (17,600,000)
  3. San Francisco (7,850,000)
  4. Dallas (7,100,000)
  5. Houston (6,600,000)
  6. Guadalajara (5,250,000)
  7. Monterrey (4,930,000)
  8. Phoenix (4,580,000)
  9. Denver (3,700,000)
  10. San Diego (3,300,000)
Land area of a reunited Mexican Empire on a map

Money and GDP

As well as a big population and land area, a reunited Mexican Empire would also have a massive economy. In total, the Nominal GDP of the empire would stand at a whopping $7.695 Trillion, which would easily be enough to put it in 3rd place, in terms of nominal GDP, steaming ahead of other huge economies like Japan ($5.378 Trillion), Germany ($4.319 Trillion) and the United Kingdom ($3.124 Trillion), and only behind the 1st and 2nd place juggernauts, China ($16.642 Trillion) and an independent United States ($22.675 Trillion).

Due to a huge GDP, the Mexican Empire's GDP Per Capita would also be high, standing at $30,176, which would put it in 41st place, in terms of Nominal GDP Per Capita, well above the Global Average of $11,339 and ahead of 155 other countries like the Bahamas ($30,070) and Kuwait ($25,290), but just slightly behind the conditions in Spain ($30,996) and Taiwan ($32,123).

The empire would also control a small portion of the world's oil reserves, located in parts of Texas and California, which would probably be its biggest export around the world.

Religion and Ethnic Groups

The next thing we need to think about a reunited Mexican Empire is the religious and ethnic groups prevalent within its borders.

Starting with religion, Catholics would be the most followed faith within the empire, at a significant 60%, just over half of the entire population adhering to it. Protestants would be the largest minority at 19%, which would be followed by Islam at a big drop down to 0.9%. Atheists and irreligious people would make up the final block at a huge 20.1% of the population.

Now focusing on Ethnic Groups, people who identify as exclusively White would be the largest ethnicity in the empire's borders at 35% of the population. Mestizos, meaning people of mixed Amerindian and European heritage, would be not far behind at 31%, while people who identify as exclusively Amerindian or indigenous would make up a further 17%. Finally, the remaining 17% of the population would be a mix of various other small ethnicities within the empire.

Purple = Christianity

Pink = Indigenous Religions

Grey = Atheism

Prevailing religions in the rough area of a reunited Mexican Empire


The languages spoken within a reunited Mexican Empire would also be similar to its religious and ethnic groups, bringing us to the next topic. Spanish would be the most spoken language in its borders, with a significant 69% of the population able to speak it. This would be followed by English, mainly spoken in the north of the empire, at 21%. The final 10% of the population would be made up of other small languages spoken.

One specific official language of the Mexican Empire would be a hard choice to hypothesize but I predict that there would be two official languages, English and Spanish, as they would both be the two most spoken within its borders.

Military Size

The final thing we need to think about a reunited Mexican Empire is its military, which of course would be no disappointment. Starting with manpower, the empire would possess 681,410 active-duty personnel, which would be the 6th largest force in the world, ahead of other huge militaries like Pakistan (653,800 troops) and South Korea (625,000), but remaining behind Russia (900,000 troops) and North Korea (1,280,000). In addition to this, the empire would also possess an extra 260,500 troops placed in reserves bringing its army to a total of 941,910.

The budget to fund this military would also be huge standing at a whopping $107.4 Billion, making it the 3rd highest in the world, significantly larger than other countries' like India ($71.1 Billion) and Russia ($65.1 Billion), but still less than half the size of the budgets of China ($261 Billion) and an independent United States ($732 Billion).

The Mexican Empire would also be a Nuclear Power, inheriting a portion of the United States' arsenal. A clear amount would be impossible to predict but an estimation would be between 0 and 4000 nukes at its disposal. But would the US allow this to happen?

Overall, if it were to reunite today, the Mexican Empire would definitely become a world superpower, both economy-wise and military-wise, one to even rival what would be left of the United States and other global powers. The rest of the empire's future would be practically impossible to accurately predict but as always, any theory can be possible in this world. One problem it would face, however, would be who to take charge of the government and everything else in possession but in my opinion, the only person capable of handling such a task would be no other than TheNatureThread, Ruler of Lots of territories and a Proud Member of the Quadruple Alliance! Anyway, here are the voting options for this vote:

Yugoslavia | Brazilian Empire | A united CANZUK | Frankish Empire

And finally, that brings us to the end of this part of the series. If you have any other new suggestions for any significant empires you want me to cover then please let me know in the comments. But for now, I would like to thank you all so much for reading and goodbye! :)
Level 62
Oct 7, 2021
Voting has ended! The request to reunite Yugoslavia has won with 4 votes. Here are the final standings:

Yugoslavia | 4 votes | 1st Place

Frankish Empire | 3 vote | 2nd Place

Brazilian Empire | 2 votes | 3rd Place

A united CANZUK | 1 vote | 4th Place

Level 73
Oct 3, 2021
First one to comment! This was a great blog. I'll be voting for Yugoslavia once again.

Brazilian Empire? I can already hear MG typing lol.

Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Lol thanks! I'll add your vote to the polls soon :)
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
*I can already hear MG typing his paragraphs on the comments...* I love this lol

And vote on Brazilian Empire or I shave your head lol. Don’t break the treaty. :)

Level 71
Oct 3, 2021
CANZUK nice blog
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Thanks! I'll add your vote to the polls soon.
Level 52
Oct 3, 2021
mr amz wk! ivt Frks!! (opt 4)
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Ah, I forgot about the fact that you only speak Cryptic lol.

I think I've cracked the code. Are you trying to say "more amazing work! I vote Franks!! (Option 4)"?

Level 52
Oct 3, 2021
hay! ucr it!
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
Vt n Brzl Mpr r shv yuo hd. D nt brk th trty

(Idk what I’m saying actually ;-;)

Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Is this what you are trying to say: "Vote now Brazil Empire or should've you had. Do not break the treaty"?
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
ALMOST! It means: Vote on Brazilian Empire or I shave your head. Don’t break the treaty.

I really don’t know how to do that lol

Level 75
Oct 3, 2021
There's an extra period under Grey in the Religion and Ethnic Groups section

I also suggest using the shade of Pink on the map for the text, that would look better.

Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
I tried to find a shade of pink that matches the colour, but I couldn't find the exact one so I just used another.
Level 75
Oct 3, 2021
Well, you could upload it to a html color picker and then select that color

I've done that with some other stuff before and it worked perfectly

Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Thanks, I'll see what I can do :)
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
BRAZILIAN EMPIREEEEEEEEEE (sorry Nazi Germany. Wait, not sorry. You destroyed the world, and we would be f*ck*d up with Nazism in power ;-;). 20% of hail to the emperor TheNatureThread (I need to divide between me, he, Aficionado, ZooTuber, and you 🙃)! If Brazilian Empire happen, you can collab with me that I can help with a little bit of history (me and ZooTuber can probably do the Brazilian History Blogs), what would happen, blah blah blah, don’t forget of PORTUGUESE GUYANA, and CISPLATINA :)

Once again, marvelous :)


Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Lol I was waiting for this comment haha! And of course, I will definitely collab the Brazilian Empire with you if it wins the vote :)
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
Ok! I found a video (there is video of everything... ;-; even of a cute puppy doing cute things) that can help us. Is here (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0GNdvMaN33s). But I found another that is basically the same, so... (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FvIrk4v7dqU)
Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
If I say “All hail to Thread”, and after “All hail to Aficionado” it won’t make sense. I wasn’t splitting the empire! And BGG also had a little bit of guilty giving my Poland-Lithuania to ZooTuber. I can remember on you’re map that I was brown, and this region was in brown.

Anyway, all hail to the Quadruple Alliance :)


Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
Thank you :D


Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
Sorry if you didn’t understand Thread. I said about divide the hail, not your empire :)

Let’s dominate Geopro’s parallel universe? 😁

Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
Maybe, we have to be a bit more careful discussing that...
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
Level 71
Oct 3, 2021
no one ever conquer me and yako
Level 60
Oct 3, 2021
Or me. Wait, that would actually be pretty easy.
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Maybe we should stick to conquering the entire Quadruple Alliance universe and then launch chaos in Geopro's world.
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
But before we need to continue with the Opperation Oil (of Middle East)
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Yes lol
Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
BGG - Posts a blog

Everybody - :D

That's my compliment for this week lol, I'm running out of words like incredible, amazing.

Oh right, here are the rules in the empire.

Official language - తెలుగు!! Also English. But I can't speak Spanish so sorry 69%.

Capital - San Francisco!!

Anything else? The rest of the rules will just be like in the rest of my empire :)

And I vote for Frankish Empire, I don't really know anything about them. (sorry yugoslavia, you've been trying for so long)

serbia's gonna go and reform yugoslavia before yugoslavia wins the vote

Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
What can we do? BGG is one of the best JetPunkers ever!

And what did I do for you all don’t vote to Brazilian Empire...? 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

It looks I don’t have luck on these votes. Democracy sucks at these times... 😐🤡

Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
What if Brazilian Empire Reunited = What is Brazil's economy, population, and area like? Oh yeah also Uruguay.
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
AND FRENCH GUYANA! Uhh... yes... but probably if Brazil would be a monarchy again, the economy, diplomatic relations, blah blah blah would be different.
Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
The main difference would be that they would get Uruguay's football skills lol
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
1950... 😑
Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
Where's BGG? You always reply lol
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
He is sleeping. ;)
Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
it's 5 pm lol
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
I know lol
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Lol while all of this was happening, I was enjoying my delicious Pizza at PizzaHut haha :)
Level 65
Oct 3, 2021
for some reason, twice or thrice in a row you happened to post your blog on the same day i happened to eat pizza lol
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Lol what a coincidence
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
Wow. Thank you... 😐

I think I’m gonna to the Pizza Pazza of Boulevard Shopping (mall)... well, there are many of them in BH...

Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Lol thanks a lot! :)

And yes lol, if the Brazilian Empire reunited, they would probably be one of the best football teams in the world lol unless the Iberian Union comes into existence again.

Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
Germany isn’t a preoccupation anymore. Well, actually is, because it suddenly get bad that I’m worried... ;-;
Level 37
Oct 3, 2021
ok I'm going to go with Brazilian empire
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
With the two votes of BE, do the following:

Divide by 2, add 1, subtract 0,5, and multiply by 926 :)

Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
So are you saying that BE should have 1389 votes lol.
Level 43
Oct 3, 2021
No! I forgot that the number should go to the power of 11 ;)
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Level 59
Oct 3, 2021

yay i finally came early enough to vote!

Level 59
Oct 3, 2021
Great blog!
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
Thanks! I'll add your vote to the polls :)
Level 16
Oct 3, 2021
I'll vote Yugoslavia too.
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
I'll add that to the polls :)
Level 31
Oct 3, 2021
Amazing, once again. I vote Frankish Empire.
Level 15
Oct 3, 2021
Frankish Empire
Level 62
Oct 3, 2021
I'll add those two to the polls :)
Level 71
Oct 4, 2021
Is QuizBoy786 your alt?
Level 62
Oct 4, 2021
No, that's a different JetPunk user.
Level 71
Oct 4, 2021
hmm ok
Level 62
Oct 4, 2021
Was there a specific reason for you asking that question, just out of curiosity? :)
Level 43
Oct 4, 2021
Why exactly the question? Lol
Level 62
Oct 4, 2021
That's what I was thinking lol.
Level 65
Oct 4, 2021
Is it your alt? lol
Level 62
Oct 4, 2021
No, it's not mine lol, but it is a JetPunker :)
Level 65
Oct 4, 2021
No I was asking goat if it was his account lol
Level 71
Oct 4, 2021
lol no
Level 62
Oct 5, 2021
Oh lol
Level 51
Oct 23, 2021
7 lol comments in a row lol
Level 51
Oct 23, 2021
I mean 9 lol comments lol
Level 65
Oct 4, 2021
Can I change my vote to Yugoslavia? I was thinking we could invade the Balkans next but it would be much easier if just had Yugoslavia handed to us lol, and we can split it
Level 62
Oct 5, 2021
Sure, that’s fine. I’ll make the final changes before I think Yugoslavia would take the win lol.

I was thinking that maybe create a Balkan Union out of those countries though :)