What if the Mughal Empire Reunited Today?


The Mughal Empire was one of the largest and most powerful empires in history. At its territorial peak in 1690, it stretched continuously all the way from Northern, modern-day Afghanistan, to Southern, modern-day India, and as far east as Bangladesh. However, like all empires, the Mughal Empire gradually began to lose the territory and influence it once had in the region, coupled with the growing European Colonial establishments in India, until it finally ceased to exist in 1858, fading away into history. But what if the empire reunited today?

Population and Land

The first thing we need to think about a reunited Mughal Empire is the population and land it would control today. To start off, 5 countries would lose all or some of their territory to the empire: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and a tiny part of Iran. All 5 of these countries would be located in Asia. This may not seem much at a glance but it would certainly not stop the empire from having a huge land area.

In total, the Mughal Empire's land area would be a massive amount, standing at 1,540,000 Square miles (3,988,000 sq km)! This would be enough to make the empire the 7th largest country in the world, ahead of an independent India (1,269,000 sq miles) and Argentina (1,073,000 sq miles), but still quite behind the giant countries of Australia (2,969,000 sq miles) and Brazil (3,287,000 sq miles).

As well as a huge land area, the population of the Mughal Empire would also be a gargantuan amount, standing at 1.47 Billion people, which is an absolutely mind-blowing. This would easily be enough to make the empire the most populous country in the world, even beating up other population giants like China (1.44 Billion) and more than quadruple the population of the United States (331 Million)! India alone, would completely dominate this population, accounting for a very significant 74% of the entire empire's population.

A reunited Mughal Empire would also boast some impressive cities with huge populations in addition to a huge population and land area. The capital of the empire would most likely be Delhi as the city was actually the historic capital of the empire, and is a very significant city today as well. Delhi would also be the most populous urban-area within the empire with a gargantuan population of 31,300,000, which is actually the 5th most populous city in the world! Delhi is so large, in fact, that if it were its own country, it would be the 41st most populous country in the world, even ahead of Saudi Arabia, a  country more than 500x the size of the city. Here would be the rest of the top 10 most populous Urban-Areas within the Mughal Empire:

  1. Delhi (31,300,000)
  2. Mumbai (25,600,000)
  3. Karachi (18,200,000)
  4. Dhaka (20,300,000)
  5. Kolkata (17,000,000)
  6. Lahore (13,500,000)
  7. Bangalore (12,700,000)
  8. Chennai (11,600,000)
  9. Hyderabad (10,400,000)
  10. Ahmedabad (8,750,000)
Land area of a reunited Mughal Empire on a map

Money and GDP

As well as a massive population and land, the empire would also have a big economy, possibly as equally impressive. To start off, in total, the Mughal Empire would have a combined Nominal GDP of a whopping $3.402 Trillion. However, despite this, the empire wouldn't be much of a difference to modern-day India's economy ($3.049 Trillion), and would only move up just one place on the world stage. Nonetheless, this would be enough to put the empire in 5th place, in terms of Nominal GDP, even ahead of huge economies like the United Kingdom ($3.124 Trillion) and France ($2.938 Trillion), but quite significantly behind Germany ($4.319 Trillion) and Japan ($5.378 Trillion).

The GDP Per Capita of the empire, however, wouldn't be so impressive, mainly due to the relatively poor living standards in the parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan of the empire. Taking all of these factors in, the Mughal Empire's Nominal GDP Per Capita would stand at a quite low $2,314, far below the Global Average of $11,339. This would be enough to make the empire the 162nd richest country in the world, still ahead of many other countries, though, like São Tomé and Príncipe ($2,174) and Mauritania ($2,179) but behind the conditions in Ghana ($2,374) and Nigeria ($2,432).

Religion and Ethnic Groups

The next thing we need to think about a reunited Mughal Empire are the religious and ethnic groups prevailing within its borders.

Starting with Religion, Hinduism would be by far the most followed faith in the empire with 65% of the population adhering to it. Islam would next, and the largest minority, at 29% of the population, split between 27% Sunni and 2% Shia. Christians would be represented at 2.6%, followed by Buddhists at 0.4%. The final 3% of the population would be made up of Atheists and Irreligious people.

Focusing on Ethnic Groups now, Indo-Aryan ethnicities would make up the vast majority of empire's population at a significant 81%. Dravidians would be next, making up a further 14%. This would be followed by Pashtuns at 2.6%, and the final 2.4% being a mix of various other tiny Ethnic Groups present in the empire.

Orange = Hinduism

Green = Islam

Yellow = Buddhism

Purple = Christianity

Prevailing religions in the rough area of a reunited Mughal Empire


Like the Mughal Empire's religious and ethnic groups, its Linguistic Groups would be as equally diverse as its religious and ethnic groups, or possibly even more diverse. Hindi would be the most spoken language within the empire accounting for 34% of the population speaking it. Urdu would be next most spoken language, being represented at 25%. This would be followed by Bengali at 13%, Punjabi at 7%, Pashto at 6.6%. Telugu at 6.4%, Gujarati at 4%, and Tamil at 1.9%. The final 1.1% the empire's population would be a mix of various other small and indigenous languages spoken within its borders.

Military Size

Finally, we come to the last topic we need to think about a reunited Mughal Empire, its military size, which would of course be huge. Beginning with its manpower, the empire would possess a formidable force of around 1,920,000 active-duty personnel, enough to put it in a strong 2nd place, only just slightly behind the first-place contender, China (2,035,000 troops), and well ahead of other powerful militaries like North Korea (1,280,000 troops) and even the United States (1,359,400 troops). In addition to this, the empire would also possess an extra 5,900,000 troops placed in reserves, bringing its military to a total of 7,820,000 troops.

The budget to fund the empire's military would be a significant amount, standing at a whopping $82.2 Billion, or 2.4% of its entire Nominal GDP, giving it the 3rd highest budget in the world, ahead of Russia ($65.5 Billion) and Saudi Arabia's ($61.9 Billion), but still quite behind the military juggernauts of China ($261 Billion) and the United States ($732 Billion).

A reunited Mughal Empire would also be a strong Nuclear Power, inheriting both modern-day India and Pakistan's nukes. A specific amount of bombs would be unclear to state but an estimation would be around 326-365 Nuclear weapons at the empire's disposal.

Overall, if the Mughal Empire were to reunite today, it would definitely become a superpower, both economy-wise and military-wise. What the empire was to do with this amount of power in the real world would be completely impossible to accurately predict, but as always, any theory can be possible. The empire would probably face a very big problem of who to rule the powerhouse, which in my opinion, would be no other than TheNatureThread, who would definitely lead the Mughal Empire as a united country. Along with neighbouring MG17, Governor of the World, ruling the nearby Persian Empire and China, and Aficionado, ruling nearby Stanistan (except from Kazakhstan), they could all create a superpower alliance which would boost the Mughal Empire's dominance in the world. Anyway, here are the voting options for this vote:

Nazi Germany | Yugoslavia | Austria-Hungary | German Empire

And finally, that brings us to the end of this part of the series. If you have any other new suggestions for any significant empires you want me to cover then please let me know in the comments. But for now, I would like to thank you all so much for reading and goodbye! :)
Level 62
Sep 2, 2021
Voting has ended! The request to reunite the German Empire has won with 3 votes. Here are the final standings:

German Empire | 3 votes | 1st Place

Nazi Germany | 2 votes | Joint 2nd Place

Yugoslavia | 2 votes | Joint 2nd Place

Austria-Hungary | 1 vote | 4th Place

Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
Nazi Germany. Also, this reminds me of a video of Felipe Castanhari (Canal Nostalgia), called “If Hitler would win the WWII”. If this happen, you can try to find something interesting for the final. Just use the captions. I think I’ll even use a video from there to do my next blog (I’m no ideas for it).
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
I will check the video out and see what I can do. If Hitler did win the war, we would probably have not existed in the first place. There is also this Netflix Series called "The Man in the High Castle", which is basically about the same thing but is focussed on the world if the US was a Nazi power.

I will also add your vote to the polls soon, MG :)

Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
Nice! I don’t have Netflix (I have another streaming service) but it looks a good series (not a good subject, but...)

I know, I’m asking from nowhere, from nothing, but do you know @alwhites (YouTube)?

Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Oh yes, I've heard of him. Is he the British Youtuber who reacts to Brazilian things?
Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
For sure. His videos are very cool for learn Brazilian things and laugh a lot lol. The only things I wouldn't/don't watch are reacts to music (funk, I mean...), or Brazilian TikTok (maybe +18? I think no, but too much... errr... I can't say, but... parts of "behind");
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Ah yes. I've only watched the ones which are geography-related like "The Largest Cities in Brazil", but one exception is the video in which he tries Brazilian Food. That is my favourite one so far :)
Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
Legal! Hope you like the Brazilian Food if you try it someday :)
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Yes, I definitely will! Maybe when I go to Brazil I will, or maybe tomorrow haha!
Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
You can try:


Pão de Queijo





Feijão tropeiro





Bolinho de Chuva






Mousse de Maracujá







AND MANY OTHERS! Try some of them if you try Brazilian Food. Yeah, Italian, French, Japanese, Mexican, Arab, and now Brazilian Food. Proud of be Brazilian

And don't forget: COME TO BRAZIL! Lol

Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
Oh, @alwhites and @FaleComJake tried together some of them in a restaurante at Bristol. Hope be next to you lolololol
Level 62
Aug 28, 2021
Yes lol! I will definitely be coming to Brazil very soon. I have finally persuaded my parents to by a ticket straight to Belo Horizonte so I will be coming around maybe October, this year. In the UK, we have a week's break from school then so I can come then :)
Level 43
Aug 28, 2021
But you are going just to BH...? No no no no. Ok, yeah BH is gorgeous and really receptive, but... and Brazil? You can go anywhere here and you will 94% of chance of liking. But, ok. Just a problem with Belo Horizonte, is that we don’t have sea. (Oh, Guarapari. Minas Gerais’s people love going to Guarapari. We basically dominate that Espírito Santo part lol). The whole state don’t have sea. I would be very disappointed if you just visit BH, neither the rest of Minas, or many good Brazilian Parts. Just don’t mention me please. I don’t wanna spread me to random people.
Level 62
Aug 28, 2021
Yep lol. I definitely won't mention you haha. I might stay in a hotel in BH and then go to other places like Sao Paulo and Rio as well as exploring around BH. You see, I just want to find out more about Brazilian culture lol.
Level 43
Aug 28, 2021
Don’t forget of the nature parts. THE WHOLE BRAZIL IS SURPRISING. I can do a blog of what to do in Brazil!!!
Level 43
Aug 28, 2021
But... how did you convince your parents without mention me? Glad you didn’t, but you’re parents must be very nice (or rich lol) lol
Level 62
Aug 28, 2021
Oh no, my parents just asked me where I wanted to go in October, and then I just said Brazil. Of course, I would never do such a thing lol. My parents aren't particularly that rich anyway lol.
Level 43
Aug 28, 2021
Coincidence lol. We Brazilians are poor, but not idiot lol. Where exactly wanna you go on BR?

(I just created this sentence while writing the comment: In a single life, you can visit Bra, but can’t visit the Zil. Hope you understood that lol)

Level 43
Aug 29, 2021
Level 62
Aug 29, 2021
Oh sorry. I just saw your comments. But lol no, I have no idea what you are saying haha! Do you mean that Brazil has very nice people but are poor lol?

Also, I just was inactive on JetPunk for a day. I have some busy things going on in my life so I might not be that active a lot maybe until September. I will still be their to launch a French invasion though :)

Level 43
Aug 29, 2021
I meant that:

Brazil is so diverse, big, and amazing, that is impossible visit every corner of it.

When you said that you convinced your parents to go to Brazil, I thought you were rich, and I said that we Brazilians are poor, but we aren’t idiot lol

And ok lol. Where you wanna go to Brazil? And do you have plans to know how many days you will stay? Sorry if he invasive. I wanna know this for I advice you in some parts.

Level 62
Aug 30, 2021
Oh lol, I would never judge people by how wealthy they are lol. Brazilians are very nice people, as I know, especially you :)

I won't go to every place in Brazil but I might go to some places on my first trip and then come back for the rest on another. This time, I will probably go to one Brazilian National Park (Depending on which one is the closest to BH), Rio, Sao Paulo and of course, I will be spending nights in a hotel in Belo Horizonte.

Level 43
Aug 30, 2021
TYSM!! And ok, you didn’t visit neither the half of letter B. Where is the Northeast, the South...? And if you go to BH, don’t forget of Ouro Preto. Well, the National Park which is nearest of Belo Horizonte is Serra do Gandarela, but I’m almost sure there is nothing to do there. Try Serra do Cipó, which is the second, AND Serra da Canastra, which is also not so far, and you can possibly visit more.

About São Paulo, is ok. Maybe a beach at Santos, or Campos do Jordão, which is a city, “kinda” European. We have these European Cities in the South, but Campos do Jordão is one of the exceptions. But is the least of the problems. And Rio, ok. I just would recommend visit Serra dos Órgãos National Park as well, and Petrópolis.

But I sincerely wouldn’t do a travel like that on Brazil, despite I do another one. Go to the Northeast, visit the coast of Bahia, and Salvador city. We have so many points... and the South. The mountains of (continue)

Level 43
Aug 30, 2021
...there are marvelous, and you can catch snow if you go there on our Winter, which is overing. And is getting hotter actually. So... but in the South is good on our summer, just avoid the many rains, as you probably know, Brazilian summers are RAINY! And everything starts there. I said about Summer, because of Gramado’s Natal Luz. Will be a deception if you don’t go to Gramado and Canela lol. Is one of that European cities. And in Gramado, you have Snowland, then, you can play with snow. Porto Alegre, good as well, and visit the rest of Serra Gaúcha and Aparados da Serra NP. I recommend go visiting the capitals. Florianópolis, and the north coast of Santa Catarina, with beautiful beaches and the giant skyscrapers of Balneário Camboriú (idk if is a good thing or no, but the highest residencial building of the world, is being build there: Triumph Tower). And Curitiba. And yeah, don’t forget of Foz do Iguaçu, triple border of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, and home to the... (continue)
Level 43
Aug 30, 2021
fantastic Iguaçu Falls.

I’m trying to hold on, is your first travel to Brazil, but I just cannot decide. I even did a break. Didn’t say about the other parts of the amazing Northeast (I always go there every year lol), the Midwest of Brasília, symbol of architecture (and corruption, that as I said: Brazil without corruption, is like rice without beans), the Amazon (but so wild, that I think you can be more... calm. And I’m still strangely thinking you’re rich, that you can pay everything I said before this paragraph I’m writing lol!

But I hope you enjoy! DON’T FORGET TO TRY THE LOCAL FOODS! As like the good cheese breads and tropeiro beans at Minas Gerais, as well the coffee we produce... The amazing steaks/barbecues at Rio Grande do Sul (damn, good meats and beefs? There. There. There. Just Argentinian ones, Uruguayan...), some feijoada, our dish of Brazil, at Rio de Janeiro, etc.

If you don’t mind, can you tell me how many days you’ll be here?

Level 62
Aug 30, 2021
I replied on our group :)
Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
Since this is about India, one thing people often overlook in WWII is Subhas Chandra Bose's Indian National Army. Bose's army was part of the Axis and he hoped that if the Axis won, and Britain had to give up its colonies, India would gain independence under the INA's rule. Nowadays he's seen as a controversial figure as some see him as a Nazi ally but others see him as a patriot doing what he had to to fight the British. Anyway, if we look at an alternate history of WWII then an interesting thing would be to look at what would happen to India, which I think might often be ignored.
Level 73
Aug 27, 2021
He's not at all seen as a controversial figure in India. Indians, along with other Asians, hardly have any knowledge about the Nazis, the atrocities they committed, the Holocaust etc. In some places, Southeast Asia to be particular, Hitler is seen as a "great hero" who fought for his country.

There's this historian-cum-professor called Audrey Truschke, an American Jewish who happens to be very controversial in India. A certain man once called her a great leader like Hitler. Imagine what she would have felt at that time!

Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
Just yesterday I saw a video talking about how in Thailand, it is very normal to use Nazi symbols as it is not seen as offensive, since they did not experience the Nazis. But they hate the Japanese since they also committed atrocities which is not well known in the west, where it is cool to use the Japanese Rising Sun flag, but that is considered taboo like the Nazi flag in Southeast Asia.
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
In my opinion, I think he was a mixed person. He wanted to get independence from the UK, which is a good thing because India had to be free. But he was kind of doing it the wrong way. I mean he aligned himself with arguably the most evil person in history do get what he wanted. He shouldn't have done it that way, he should have did it the way Gandhi did, in a peaceful manner.

@TheNatureThread, I think they use the Swastika in Thailand because it was originally a Buddhist symbol, which is the main religion in the country.

Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
True, the Swastika is a Hindu-Buddhist symbol, which is what I was expecting in the video but actually they also use the Nazi eagle, the Red-White-Black color scheme, and even say Hitler on clothes and stuff (at least according to the video).
Level 62
Aug 28, 2021
Wow, that's very weird.
Level 52
Aug 27, 2021
Ah, another imperial reunion blog. This one was nothing short of the usual captivating and exceptionally well-written standard I've come to expect from these awesome blogs. I'm also glad that you're taking my suggestions for empires to cover, so I will vote the German Empire (another one of my suggestions).
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks so much, as always! I will add your vote to the polls soon and don't you worry, I will definitely try and implement all of your suggestions :)
Level 65
Aug 28, 2021
Totally amazing as always BigGeographyGuy!
Level 62
Aug 28, 2021
Level 73
Aug 27, 2021
Fantastic! As the real Emperor of India, the King of Stanistan including Kazakhstan and the Leader of the South and Central Asian Alliance, I grant you an honorary citizenship of the empire! You can be our royal historian! I vote for Austria-Hungary.

PS Make me the emperor of the empire that wins.

Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
Excuse me, Russia got Mongolia and Kazakhstan. And I wanna get them also lol
Level 73
Aug 27, 2021
We invaded them together just yesterday. Have you forgotten? You got Mongolia and I got Kazakhstan.
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Phew, I'm glad this very small dispute has ended. But wait, you know that Russia is still up for grabs until the Russian Empire reunites today and takes back the land from you so you can go all in for it!

@Aficionado, Thank you for giving me citizenship! I will definitely cause chaos lecture your citizens and teach them about how patriotic they must be to Stanistan (Including Kazakhstan) and the legendary South and Central Asian alliance! I will also teach them to worship you, TheNatureThread, and MG17 The Governor of the World haha :)

Level 52
Aug 27, 2021
Don’t forget the ZooTuber Empire, which has land in Idaho, Macao, Yekaterinburg, northwest Hokkaido, West Timor, New Caledonia, Albuquerque, Cuzco, Sardinia, Iceland, Svalbard, Kaliningrad, and Gujarat!
Level 73
Aug 27, 2021
Never heard of this empire. When did it come into being?
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
The great ZooTuber Empire was the largest empire in the world! It came into being when the world was created ;)
Level 52
Aug 27, 2021
Obviously. Did you take history lessons?
Level 52
Aug 27, 2021
Also, recently we recaptured New Brunswick and Irkutsk. Soon, the Russian Empire will fall as my campaign to capture Siberia and my conquest eastwards towards the Ural Mountains, and the South/Central Asian Alliance will be safe from any threats.
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Do you think I should create a group about the reunited empire world lol? I think it would be very interesting to talk about what we you are all planning to do :)
Level 73
Aug 27, 2021
Yes, sure!
Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
Yes please, I want more groups :D
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Okay! I will create it now :)
Level 52
Aug 27, 2021
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
What should the group name be?
Level 52
Aug 27, 2021
Doesn’t matter, we’ll figure it out there. Tbh I’m really bored and have nothing to do
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Okay. I will just put the name as "The Quadruple Alliance" for now.
Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
Regarding the votes in the time I'm writting...

Yugoslavia: Am I a joke to you?

Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
The comment don't have sense anymore.
Level 37
Aug 27, 2021
Man, I love these blogs. Yugoslavia, please!
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks! I will add your vote to the polls soon :)
Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
The comment above don't have sense anymore.
Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
Great blog, but my empire would be able to defeat this empire because the Marathas defeated them! Also, I think the Pashtuns are an Indo-Iranic group so they don't need to be counted separately.

I vote for German Empire.


Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks! I counted the Pashtuns separately because that is an Indo-Iranic ethnicity, like you said, not an Indo-Aryan ethnicity. And yes lol, but the Mughal Empire is technically a dominion of your empire :)
Level 73
Aug 27, 2021
All under the political alliance ruled by me! ;)
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Level 34
Aug 27, 2021
Fantastic blog!
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Thanks :)
Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
If Aficionado and TheNatureThread are reading this, let's do the Treaty of the Triple Alliance? LOL!
Level 73
Aug 27, 2021
Yes, let's sign this treaty against the Russian Empire so that they don't invade us!
Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Lol I think that ZooTuber has already started to invade the Russian Empire from the European side of the country. You should all join forces with his empire and defeat the empire haha!
Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
ZooTuber, you are grounded! OK, so I'm Brazil (duhhhhhh), and you two decide between Argentina and Uruguay. ZooTuber is Paraguay then (if you don't know, I'm talking about Paraguayan War) lol
Level 62
Aug 27, 2021
Haha lol!
Level 65
Aug 27, 2021
In an alternate universe I am in the Argentine colony of California so I guess I will be Argentina.
Level 43
Aug 27, 2021
Aficionado is Uruguay then lol
Level 52
Aug 27, 2021
Ah, yes. Add Paraguay to the list of countries I have annexed.
Level 31
Aug 28, 2021
Good Blog! German Empire please :)
Level 62
Aug 28, 2021
Thanks! I will add your vote to the polls :)
Level 69
Sep 1, 2021
Yugoslavia! I hope I'm not to late
Level 62
Sep 2, 2021
Sorry, but you just passed the deadline lol.
Level 43
Dec 28, 2021
Back here for see the first days of Quadruple Alliance... nostalgia... 🙃
Level 62
Dec 29, 2021
Lol, yes it is :)
Level 73
Jan 5, 2022
Me too 😁
Level 65
May 18, 2022
Me three... I keep reading old comments. Nostalgia. Quad is the best.