2052-Donnovan Episode One.


Donnovan Episode One.

Donnovan sat in his desk as the teacher continued talking, the bell finally rang and he got up out of his chair and went to the Cantina to grab some food. He got a ham sandwich from the lunch line and sat down in the back corner of the Cantina and began eating, as he was sitting there his friend Mark walked up and sat down at the table with him. Mark began to speak.

Mark:Why ya sittin alone man?

Don:Eh I don't feel like talking with people.

Mark:Cmon dude what is really going on? You haven't been yourself lately.

Don:Fine,you know how my dad was deployed in Pernik.

Mark:Yeah what about that?

Don:Well his battalion went M.I.A.

Mark:What!? Where?

Don:About a quarter mile south of the city of Pernik.

Mark:Well if ya need to talk to someone I'm always here man.

Don:Okay well I am gonna go to the library to study for the exams.

Mark:Okay cya!


Don walked down to the library and sat down at a desk and took out his textbooks to begin studying, after around an hour the bell rung and he packed his stuff and headed to his final class of the day.

He arrived in his class and went to the back of the class and put his earbuds in and started listening to his music. Someone tapped on his shoulder and he looked up to see who it was.It was a girl who also sat at the back of the class, he took out one of his earbuds and asked her what she wanted.

?:Hey your Donnovan right?

Don:Yeah but you can call me Don.

?:Oh okay well I'm Calie.

Don:Nice to meet you I guess but why did you tap my shoulder?

Calie:Well I wanted to see if you could help tutor me,I heard you have a perfect grade in this class.

Don:Eh sure I have some free time tomorrow during the 5th class, just meet me at the library,

Calie:Okay I'll see you there!


Calie walked to her seat and sat back down while Don put his earbuds back in and continued listening to music. Soon class had school had ended and he started walking home, as he was walking he saw Calie and decided to talk to her. He tapped her on the shoulder but she didn't respond, she kept heading towards the woods and he decided to follow her. She walked into the woods and soon she walked into a giant mushroom. Don watched her walk in and begin eating mushrooms and acting strange.He walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder and said her name.

Don:Hey Calie you good?

Calie turned around and stared at him.

Calie:Hello Donnovan.

Don:Hey why are you out here in the woods?
Calie:I am at home Donnovan.

Don:Okay I am gonna call the paramedics because you are clearly delusional.

Calie:I am not delusional I am simply trying to enjoy my dinner Donnovan.
Don:Thats it I am getting you out of here.


Don grabbed her backpack and started to drag her towards a hospital.She simply continued to eat mushrooms and soon they were at the hospital. Don walked up to the receptionist and begin to speak with her.
Receptionist:Hello young man why are you here?

Don:I am here to drop someone off because I think they are ill.

Receptionist:Okay and what is your name?

Don:Donnovan Aliveria

Receptionist:And who are you dropping off?
Don:Calie Zacota

Receptionist:Okay thanks come back around 3pm tomorrow and we will have gotten test results and thanks for making sure your friend here is okay.



Don finally walked home and went up to his room,he stopped and looked towards his moms room .He walked in and saw her laying on the floor with a bottle of Korum next to her.He sighed and lifted her up onto the bed and tucked her in and went to his room. He layed down in bed while listening to music.

End of Episode 1.

Quick Note

Korum is a drink in the 2052 universe that is not alcoholic but has the effect of alcohol.Thank you for reading!

Written by KilwaAfar
Formatted by Qy
Level 69
Mar 5, 2023
Note: I hardly formatted. The blog was released before I could really get to work.
Level 66
Mar 5, 2023
I can tell.
Level 59
Mar 5, 2023
Bro tried to help, but he wasn't even given time.
Level 66
Mar 5, 2023
I'd implore you to format better. Put a space after any colon. Learn how to use commas. And if you're trying to make a professional-looking story, don't use slang words like "cya".

Put a space after any comma that you use in any sentence.

If you collaborate this blog with me, I can fix up the grammar for you.

Level 69
Mar 5, 2023
What r u talking about,it looks fine to me:stop being a hater
Level 66
Mar 5, 2023
this was sarcastic, right...?
Level 68
Mar 5, 2023
You know how much of a jump in quality this is compared to my last episode of 2052 also this took me around 14 hours to make(including writing it on paper and doing revisions and typing).
Level 59
Mar 5, 2023
A jump from bad to less bad but still bad is still bad.

Also: Nice to meet you I guess, but why did you tap my shoulder?

Include comma. That's to show that I'm not just criticizing.

Level 69
Mar 6, 2023
The blog is ready for submission.